It's 9:30pm-ish ...I've been awake for 33 hours. Minus this half spent 30 minute time frame between 11 and 11:30 this morning....
Not really tired, just zoned out.
Should be working right now as well.....but I thought I needed to come here first.
Don't know why just yet...maybe it will come in a few.
So I have sewing work to do...but its more like tracing and cutting applique work....then sewing appliques.....I rarely get to sew at all anymore....which is way way funner....and dare I say faster/easier/better.But appliques are what needs earlier today they should have been done, but alas....they are not.
I did get to edit photos for a bit this morning while on my anti-sleep mode. Still have a just a tiny wee bit more, like really a little bit but need to get priorities straight sometime or another and that is thirst on the 'list'.
I'm missing the boss man, and my very good friend, both whom I haven't had a decent chat with in a while. But I think I'll take this next coming morning and visit....and hoping the sun will be shining the rain seems to make things sluggish.
Updates.....since I can't remember when my last update was and I'm too lazy (or more like anti-distractable) to go check.
Kids still are liking taekwondo, The boy very much so that he is already very interested in being a junior trainer when he makes it to a blue belt. The girl is her ever 'you won't see me get excited, but yeah I like it' mood, but she still is enjoying it from what I can tell.
Sewing life at the least until the 23rd of the month....Is booked solid for the rest of May and probably the first week and a half of June. I do like this though. As since the house on the mountain is sitting without renters, money is a gift that I am very thankful pay those taekwondo fees, and buy food/gas/and stow away spending money for vacation.
Photography work, going good, though it would be much nicer if my to-do list wasn't so full so I could focus on the more....its like having adhd, but the h part only shows up in regards to taking pictures. And only if the 5 or so very important orders are finished....*sigh
Homeschooling....we no longer do 'school' at all, but more of a life learning process. It seems to be working rather fantastically, and even though I quiz the kids with random trivia, they seem to either get it right or listen when I explain the right answer....that or look it up on google. We made puppets last week (mine is sadly sitting unfinished) and i'm still wanting to do a math week, whenever I actually have time to focus again on things other than those 5 immediate orders that need done this morning.
Running a business is just that....a busy-ness.. And its great and ARGHHH!!! and UGH and HAHAHAHAHAHA! and GRRR and WHEEEeeeeEEEEeEeEeE! all the time and mixed up and jumble and random forms of those to where you'll never know what the day will end up like. I can say my day will end up in ZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZ's for sure. I have something to attend in the morning with my coffee. My coffee and a few of my besties.
must go now...lost interest writing ...
so....just a thought whilst reading the news...........10 women in a limo that catches fire, 5 escape, 5 die....while on a toll bridge (San Mateo)....Ummm....coincidence....San Mateo means St. Matthew....Matthew 25 in bible refers to the 10 virgins (women) who went out to meet the bridegroom....(which happens to be where these women in the limo were going, as 1 was the newlywed bride)...5 were foolish and didn't make it, the other wise 5 were prepared and ready for the bridegroom and left with him.........Coincidence?
Not saying we are going anywhere....but things are vibrating at a very rapid frequency....keep watch.