I stand firm upon the rock and unwavering against the waves. The water isn't even cold anymore. Almost...almost like a massage....a message. Pulsating...throbbing with this beaming light. A lighthouse with walls painted of dreams, joy plastered to the walls. Stones of strength....
....and why can't that be enough?
I see him trembling. His foundations rocking to and fro with every wave. I see him fight against the sea. Cursing the waves and gasping for breath from the chilled waters. Does he not know he too stands upon the rock...can he not remember? I watch and I lift him up....
....and why can't love be enough to bring him up from the depths?
What good is our love if it doesn't reach out far enough? What good is the presence of a lighthouse if our light fades into the fog and our dreams can't give hope to those who need it and our joy can't give joy to those who need it, and our strength can't give strength to those who need it....and why....why can't our love be enough.
Love conquers all....no.... only His love conquers all....and ask me how I know....
Ours can't lift them up from the sea. Can't lead them to shore. Can't carry them to safety, and doesn't bring them home. All it does is endures. It carries us, it holds onto and keeps shining out, without favor, without end.....and maybe....maybe if they see..... maybe if they would have it, if they could recognize it.....then maybe it could lead them to Him too...and they can carry that love....cause that's all that is sustainable.
Has he forgotten you? And the lighthouse isn't bright enough to lead him to you, no matter that there's a neon sign on the door that says "Enter within" and there's no easy way to say that he has forgotten you and has forgotten himself and has forgotten me too. And when you tell me you are working on it, working on him.....I believe you...and omg you didn't ever tell me it would take this long, and is bound to take much longer, and I probably would have argued with you about had you told me that in the beginning.
But I know....he is stubborn. And the lighthouse knows he thinks the light is just a pretty star only there to laugh at him....but the lighthouse doesn't laugh. The lighthouse stands strong waiting for him to enter within. The lighthouse....even the lighthouse knows it would be useless without the light.
And deep inside at the base of the shore....I pound my fists and I crawl into the dark shadows and I make myself feel the cold so I can understand why he looks away. This lighthouse will never stop shining dammit. Because this lighthouse knows the love that lasts forever and everyone deserves a taste of it. Pound on waves...thundering crashing deafening waves....I will stand. And the light will light up your ocean and those who seek refuge may enter within and this light will endure....come. He is within.
And I can't show you the light. You can only find it for yourself.....and those of you who write your words not intended for anyone else to read.....know that that too is light....light in dark places....and I thank you for leaving personal journals in random places, lost and forgotten, and I thank God for making me not even read them until the perfect time, and know that you've brought me to shore.

Don't listen to a word I say.....The screams all sound the same..... Though the truth may vary, this....ship will carry our....bodies safe to shore.
found something....in this twilight... 'if He sent it...He would have signed it' theory.
well...His signature is on everything.... and now we are on to the next lesson.
thought you might like to know what I found the other day.