If the sky should fall...we'd all become the stars....
This isn't a game.
This is a sense of remembering.
Remembering not just who we are, but what, but why.
Feel that? That pressure, that persistent force trying to press you down...
The heaviness that has been proven to weigh you down and smother you with
all it's talk of unworthiness and your ability to believe it's filth. Why do you suffer so?
This isn't a game and you don't have to believe. You don't have to.
Unless you want to play, unless you want it to swing you around like a toy and squash you dead.
That unnerving vibration that tells you to fix things. To correct things. To make things
align with your perception.
We have been watching you, and we've seen behind the glass far too often to forget.
The game is over. You've lost another participant.
We will not resist.
Come......come into us and we will alchemize your ass to dust.
You can't make waves on the ocean when you're going this deep.
You can't blow out a star.
Every time it comes...we watch it...and it becomes one with us.
The fear comes and we watch it....and because we see it, it must flow into us and be transmuted to peace.
The worry pokes it head, then we look upon it, and it melts into our fire.
The storms rage upon us and we cast our light over them....and they look so small below us.
Do not resist.....take them in, take them in.
Make them a peace of you.....
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So we are working on that ^^^
and carrying around a bag of magical beans that are waiting for a place to grow.
Speed is the word of the day.
Which would be better if this keyboard could keep up with my fingers...
We are working on that too...the speed thing.
"Make decisions fast.....the universe likes speed."
Did that...now universe is taking it's turn.
Planned stuff yesterday, made decisions, and working on that.
This human body is doing okay. She's letting me handle things.
She said that this blog is pointless, even if it's fun to come back and read later.
By fun...she means entertainingly awesome..cause she hardly remembers writing any of it....
and it freaks her out a bit...but it was probably me writing it...so take what you will of that.
Perhaps I'm a good writer, even if there isn't many who are ready to receive my wisdom.
It's hard living in a human body. Being a star and all.
Kinda feels claustrophobic and cramped at times, but I'm feeling rather good lately, I get to make all the decisions now, without all that mind mumbo-jumbo trying to snuff out these great ideas. She basically tells me to just do it and fuck everything else.
She laughs at me when I do the yay! thing.... I send her a pic of me and that dorky clap of mine and she thinks I'm a nut. Well....we can't all have the opportunity to grow into a majestic tree, now can we? (er...we can, but you people aren't ready for that yet. In time)
So.....blah blah blah....stuff happening...blah blah...
We are still unschooling. (Unschooling for the win!) and it is working.....albeit backwards...but working. The girl is planning her college education and staying up late talking to someone in Alaska. Bird stuff, snake stuff....zoo stuff... the boy is doing much of nothing but reading Homestuck and playing on the tablet, or with his friend. It's hard to find things to do that are free and don't involve walking at the park (boring to him). So maybe he'll find something cool to do sometime soon...preferably free.
Sewing work is working. Fabric work is working enough. Dog sitting, is okay, but get that bout of resistance when someone needs me, lol. Hence I raised my prices. I like cats better...what can I say.
BadAss Baby...is in the works....whether it works or not...we'll find out in the next 60-90 days.
Sugar Pirates....not working, placed on hold until I can find a solution to get people to buy $20 cookies.
Everything else is scratched....ain't nobody got time fo dat.
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Blanket fort sleepover party - we'll play video games and watch movies, do tarot card readings, play music, eat pizza, bake cookies, and a photoshoot included too. More stuff included but not listed.
Who wants to come?
Sometime in summer. July?
** Disclaimer ** FYI - we don't live in society here, time/date/day of the week are not given priority at our house, if you want to come, fucking come, if you don't, then DON'T! No flip-floppers, indecisive fucks, the uncommited, or pansy-ass "I don't know if I can make it", or "I have to work', or "I'll see what I can do", or "That sounds fun...but", or "I'll try" bullshitters allowed! Stay away! Make it a "HELL YES" or don't bother me with your inhibitions. Thank you. ** ** **
Send RSVP to landofjas@yahoo.com or facebook message me.
(title emails with - Blanket Fort party RSVP) or I'll probably accidentally delete it.