There are shadows behind every great ornament of light.
The light stretches and shines out radiantly into the expanse.
Sometimes though, our own selves stand in the way of where the light can go.
Behind us lies the shadow.
If we delve into it we wonder why we see such suffering, when it's truly not there.
It is only the lack of illumination that forces us to see the unknown.
Inside these shadows lie pain, suffering, mystery.
Inside these shadows lie dragons.
Dragons lurking to attack.
Sometimes I forget that these are my shadows.
But sometimes....the dragons and I....we walk together in the dark.
These dragons....they teach me. They lead me around in the shadows ready to devour the dark.
One day they will have eaten it all up.
And as I walk beside them, the light begins to pour in.....
Facing the dragons, with their teeth and claws, scales and horns....
I realize they weren't really dragons at all....
Only my mind thought of them that way while I lingered in the darkness.
But in the light....they looked more like angels.
With their wings and halos, spears and piercing eyes.
I look back at the light, noticing that it is no longer just shining out....
It is becoming...growing everywhere with no beginning, no end.
These creatures, these creations, the dragons, the angels, and myself....
What will we look like next? How will we perceive ourselves?
What will become of us.
Getting swallowed up by the light.
They were casting jokes about my head for awhile.
Laughing at each one and trying to top the other.
"What do you say to a whale who ran away to the back door?"
"Whale Come Home!" (Welcome home)
they would laugh....
"What do you say to a whale who just finished cooking?"
"Whale done!" (Well done)
then they would repeat this phrase as if I needed to take it back with me...
"The whale puns are locked and loaded."
(The weapons are locked and loaded?) What did that mean?
"The whale puns are locked and loaded."
I don't know who they were or why they were harassing me with whale jokes.
Then, synchronicity kicked in. I see this link with the title saying the San Andreas fault is locked and loaded and ready to blow.
No biggie....of course scrolling down on the link brought me to a map diagram of the fault line....which looked like a fucking whale head. WTF.
"Thar she blows!" One of them would cackle.
Somewhere on the page said it was bound to happen, taking it's time....well yeah, it's supposed to go one day, we've all been aware of it forever. Who cares? Why is it taking its time?
"Becaaaause whaaaales arrrre sloooooooow!" The other called out in his best Dory whale speak.
So, yeah....the next day it was fruit jokes....
and I can't remember any of them except for the one pun...
"It is fruitile." (It is futile)
"It is fruitile." They would repeat.
I'm not sure if they are drunk and having a good time in my head or what. they just showed up...I didn't invite them.
Last night....I had a dream, on a huge shuttle bus....
and there was a joke I was hearing....but instead of really listening, I wrote it down on a little piece of yellow paper (kind like the torn off corner of a phonebook) I wrote it down and stuck it in my pocket.
Now I'm awake.....I have no pockets on me. Great.
I think it might have been another whale pun.
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So yeah. My life.