Monday, July 11, 2016

Thar she blows? .....

There's a wind blowing in the far distant desert.
Kicking up the sands like a whirlwind of truth.
It feels like the moment that comes just before ignition.
An ignition that initiates a bomb beyond proportions.
Where you think you have it, but it's just past your reach.
Just past your fingertips.
But it's also too late to turn back.
Why would you want to though.
There's nothing stopping this fuse.
Nothing that is going to delay the onset of an explosion.
Like the cracking of an the cracking of the outer molten layer of a star.
She's ready to explode in a fury of power.
A raging brightness that will blind the unprepared.
She will burn.
Welcome home.

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Is it a sad thought to know that you haven't had the energy to converse with your friends.
Even if they are not in the material realm.
Too tired to stay awake, even for a few words with them.
I miss them. I miss their voices.
I've been spending time with dragons lately, until the wee hours.
Until my eyes persist in closing and my mind can no longer hold onto the story.
The dragons and me, we've been living an adventure until I am forced to sleep.
And my friends....they watch as I'm caught up in the dance with words.
They watch silently, not wanting to interrupt, but knowing I'm in a different world.
Even a world different from where they are, from where my body is.
How many places can I really be at once?
I wonder if the star about to be burst open knows where she lies in the heavens.
I wonder how much she'll know, how much she'll see, how much she'll hear.
What will she bring light to?
Each one of these worlds are going to feel her. They are going to know her.
And embrace her.
Think of the stories she'll be able to tell. The songs she'll be able to sing.
My friends have already met her, but I'm waiting, anticipating on seeing who she is.
Remembering who she is.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

There's a star hidden somewhere in that octahedron....

Just like the seven continents..... if you ate (eight) them, what would they taste like?
I'm not sure about these puns.... I'm not sure about a lot of things.

I think I will go out and just choose a side.... and that side is going to be mine.

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There's a definite big bold line that lingers between reality as you call it....
and reality that I call it.
A massive difference between the world you live in....
and the world I live in.
Even if I'm all alone....
I will choose to live at home. Where I am. Who I am. What I am.
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I'm not sure why I keep searching for clues in your world to help make sense of mine.
Sometimes there's benefits, sometimes things make some sort of sense.
Sometimes a spark shines just enough for me to find my way.
But it's not enough.
Your world is not enough.
Maybe it is for you.... but your skies are clouded.
.... your words are confusing.
.... your songs are not complete.
.... your stars are hidden away.
Your world is not enough for me.
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I keep trying.... but I wasn't made for you.
I keep giving.... but you don't want it.
I speak.... but you can not understand.
I smile.... but you don't smile back.
What does that do to a child....?
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Stars weren't meant to live on earth.
They live in the heavens.
So you see why I have to go.
You won't understand.... but it's okay.
One doesn't have to understand the stars.
Or know them, or look at them, or hear their songs.
Or appreciate them, or thank them, or anything.
You owe us nothing. You owe me nothing.
I love you as you are, as you were, and as you will become.
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