It's the key....
but not a real key like how you use one to open a door...
but a REAL key.
the complete thing that really opens up new worlds.
The way that teleportation works crash landed into me yesterday
The ankh is the key....
but the real key...
is tuning
because it's a tuning rod...
The pyramids are large scale tuning power stations
That's why there's different sizes...
like different channels on a radio
hence 'star traveler'
a side note,
sound also cuts and moves stones
sound also heals and realigns the body and mind
I say sound.... but some of the frequencies you can't hear
..I'm not sure what else to call it other than vibration or frequency of such
Tesla was right.... is right...
albeit not right in the head... he seems unable to communicate in the average manner...
hence why he was ousted while he was here
very erratic
very unstable
but even if not precise, he was on a channel that he could receive the knowledge
he perhaps lacked grounding
too slow apparently
much too slow from where he attuned himself to
meh.... take it or leave it
there may be more...but this is good for now
ta ta
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Monday, November 25, 2019
Lesson 3 - really dig into it
maybe not the stand barefooted in the grass stuff
not even the hold onto a metal rod that jolts from the earth
something more in line with sitting yourself smack dab
in the apex of your vortextual throne and anchoring yourself there
and allowing the energies... all of them...
to move and move and move like a current without hesitation
because when you think thoughts, some are chaotic...
and if you ground, in this sense...
they anchor and get swallowed up and through...
and they are processed and silenced.
when you feel emotions, some are confusing...
and if you ground, in this sense...
they too get swallowed up and chewed and transferred through...
processed and silenced.
even the vibrations of certain things...
those too suffer transmutation at the cost of your own divine light
and all it takes is focus...
and maybe not even for you
(I'm just referring to me, cause living here has never been my norm)
and you probably will feel your body too...
also something I am unfamiliar with..
I hear it all the time, but dang, feeling your leg is just a weird thing *shrugs
enough of that
grounding..... there' still more on this that has yet to lead to fruition
aether stuff... mostly subconscious, as I can't seem to recall what happened last time
I say last time... although those things are looking like they will blend together soon...
the dimensions...
I'm wondering if the ufo's will show back up... (oy vey!)
something that both still intrigues me and ....ugh... I guess it might be cool again...
I have a phone now, so maybe I will have a camera on hand next time!
and maybe the other things will show up...
like in real 3d world stuff....
which is fine, cause I've got a whole load of cool things lined up to get delivered my way
straight from the aether to my hands
a time when my immaculate imagination and visualizing skills come as a huge asset and pay off
literately, and figuratively.
I would hope the go big or go home version would show up in my confidence,
it must be on the way, cause I've only just ordered 1/100 of all my toppity toppest cool things...
I will bring that into my attention and work out those kinks, lol
we are no longer available for kinda sorta or close enough around here!
maybe not the stand barefooted in the grass stuff
not even the hold onto a metal rod that jolts from the earth
something more in line with sitting yourself smack dab
in the apex of your vortextual throne and anchoring yourself there
and allowing the energies... all of them...
to move and move and move like a current without hesitation
because when you think thoughts, some are chaotic...
and if you ground, in this sense...
they anchor and get swallowed up and through...
and they are processed and silenced.
when you feel emotions, some are confusing...
and if you ground, in this sense...
they too get swallowed up and chewed and transferred through...
processed and silenced.
even the vibrations of certain things...
those too suffer transmutation at the cost of your own divine light
and all it takes is focus...
and maybe not even for you
(I'm just referring to me, cause living here has never been my norm)
and you probably will feel your body too...
also something I am unfamiliar with..
I hear it all the time, but dang, feeling your leg is just a weird thing *shrugs
enough of that
grounding..... there' still more on this that has yet to lead to fruition
aether stuff... mostly subconscious, as I can't seem to recall what happened last time
I say last time... although those things are looking like they will blend together soon...
the dimensions...
I'm wondering if the ufo's will show back up... (oy vey!)
something that both still intrigues me and ....ugh... I guess it might be cool again...
I have a phone now, so maybe I will have a camera on hand next time!
and maybe the other things will show up...
like in real 3d world stuff....
which is fine, cause I've got a whole load of cool things lined up to get delivered my way
straight from the aether to my hands
a time when my immaculate imagination and visualizing skills come as a huge asset and pay off
literately, and figuratively.
I would hope the go big or go home version would show up in my confidence,
it must be on the way, cause I've only just ordered 1/100 of all my toppity toppest cool things...
I will bring that into my attention and work out those kinks, lol
we are no longer available for kinda sorta or close enough around here!
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Lesson 2 - stop the resistance
The seat.
The core centrifuge of soul.
and what holds you apart from it...
Ohm. The unit of resistance...
and there are so few...yet so many.
"Wanting is too heavy a burden."
not the wants... not the outcomes or desires...
only the act, the action of wanting...
depart from it and settle into your core
it feels like a release... and a clearing
and silence...
yet not
calm is not the word
centered is not quite accurate
after much waiting ... there is not a word that can be ascribed to such a place
nor a feeling
nor a thought
this is silence.
where there is still all things dancing about
but a space of infinity and eternity in the midst of the whirlwind
the seat
a breadth between motion and unmotion
the blackness cracked and began flaking off as the wind carried the pieces away
underneath revealed pure white clothing, yet I was not amused nor surprised...
I already knew this in a sense of perspective
Thoth stood beside me, overlooking a vast distance with a star on the horizon
The flakes carried away like ashes...was it more black or white now, I settled on gray
"Do you know who you are?" He asked.
and I stared over the land before us, watching the star cast a miraculous display of light and shadow over the land textures.... beauty...
"I do not."
but I knew it was more than I knew
and I knew I would fail to be surprised when I found out
because I already know
and again... words can not reach this place
nor be ascribed to such
they are not here
only peace... the only piece... and one thing does not need definition, when it is the only thing
it IS
this vibration
we are and all that is that
my intentions began as some sort of Law of Attraction practice...
because it works and there are things I want
and I've already attained much of those desires and put many in place for later
this garden I'm growing...
but I found myself caught up by the aether spirits and summoned forth by
not only the Universal prime Source...
but Thoth has been finding his way to me, on his own accord
this star traveler whom I share a unified coding with...
I wonder sometimes if the things I've been tuning to are forthcoming...
how long they will take
if they will be similar to the specs I've provided...
or if my sporadic wavering has delayed such precise manifestations
and now...
I've let myself sink into this core...
but it IS the path of least resistance.... and something fell...
well... I fell
and even if I can't quite grasp a meaning or a word for this diamond point space...
I dare not move away from it just yet
there's not much left of me here....
and I'm satisfied with that... let it all fall away and flake off
there is no fear here
at times I laugh in annoyance with myself for looking at these measly
desires I've put on order...
small, far too little, dinky things they are....
not to judge, but they are not grandeous or large or in any way impossible...
not that anything is....
at other times... I feel like I'm too impatient and just would like the end result to come on already
... I know this process... and even if the actualized revealing of it is pretty exciting for a time...
it's not the end all... nor everlasting... there's always more coming
a growing, an expanding
and these small 'wins' some like to call them...
so little compared to the ALL
so little compared to what I've already known in other other vibrations
bigger is not always better... and this life may be a contrast to such...
and there are things I've come to know and appreciate beyond all other things...
thankful for such exposure to the shadow
and the light, as glorious as it may be
would be nothing without the night
so, I will still become the receiver of the small desires
I will still allow myself permission to have dinky 'wins'
and if the outer appears far too little...
the contrast is that the inner is far too large...
and I am grateful to have both
and stand in the midst
live without fear children
be wreckless
be bold
be brave
be courageous
be humble
be proud
and know you belong to yourself...
so when you fall away from all that is
you shall catch yourself
The core centrifuge of soul.
and what holds you apart from it...
Ohm. The unit of resistance...
and there are so few...yet so many.
"Wanting is too heavy a burden."
not the wants... not the outcomes or desires...
only the act, the action of wanting...
depart from it and settle into your core
it feels like a release... and a clearing
and silence...
yet not
calm is not the word
centered is not quite accurate
after much waiting ... there is not a word that can be ascribed to such a place
nor a feeling
nor a thought
this is silence.
where there is still all things dancing about
but a space of infinity and eternity in the midst of the whirlwind
the seat
a breadth between motion and unmotion
the blackness cracked and began flaking off as the wind carried the pieces away
underneath revealed pure white clothing, yet I was not amused nor surprised...
I already knew this in a sense of perspective
Thoth stood beside me, overlooking a vast distance with a star on the horizon
The flakes carried away like ashes...was it more black or white now, I settled on gray
"Do you know who you are?" He asked.
and I stared over the land before us, watching the star cast a miraculous display of light and shadow over the land textures.... beauty...
"I do not."
but I knew it was more than I knew
and I knew I would fail to be surprised when I found out
because I already know
and again... words can not reach this place
nor be ascribed to such
they are not here
only peace... the only piece... and one thing does not need definition, when it is the only thing
it IS
this vibration
we are and all that is that
my intentions began as some sort of Law of Attraction practice...
because it works and there are things I want
and I've already attained much of those desires and put many in place for later
this garden I'm growing...
but I found myself caught up by the aether spirits and summoned forth by
not only the Universal prime Source...
but Thoth has been finding his way to me, on his own accord
this star traveler whom I share a unified coding with...
I wonder sometimes if the things I've been tuning to are forthcoming...
how long they will take
if they will be similar to the specs I've provided...
or if my sporadic wavering has delayed such precise manifestations
and now...
I've let myself sink into this core...
but it IS the path of least resistance.... and something fell...
well... I fell
and even if I can't quite grasp a meaning or a word for this diamond point space...
I dare not move away from it just yet
there's not much left of me here....
and I'm satisfied with that... let it all fall away and flake off
there is no fear here
at times I laugh in annoyance with myself for looking at these measly
desires I've put on order...
small, far too little, dinky things they are....
not to judge, but they are not grandeous or large or in any way impossible...
not that anything is....
at other times... I feel like I'm too impatient and just would like the end result to come on already
... I know this process... and even if the actualized revealing of it is pretty exciting for a time...
it's not the end all... nor everlasting... there's always more coming
a growing, an expanding
and these small 'wins' some like to call them...
so little compared to the ALL
so little compared to what I've already known in other other vibrations
bigger is not always better... and this life may be a contrast to such...
and there are things I've come to know and appreciate beyond all other things...
thankful for such exposure to the shadow
and the light, as glorious as it may be
would be nothing without the night
so, I will still become the receiver of the small desires
I will still allow myself permission to have dinky 'wins'
and if the outer appears far too little...
the contrast is that the inner is far too large...
and I am grateful to have both
and stand in the midst
live without fear children
be wreckless
be bold
be brave
be courageous
be humble
be proud
and know you belong to yourself...
so when you fall away from all that is
you shall catch yourself
Friday, November 22, 2019
Lesson 1 -- just write the problem and the solution will follow
Nighttime... Friday...
nothing to say
been popping back and forth from 5th to 6th
back to 5th, to 6th, 5th, 6th..
it's chaotic...
like seeing your awesome shit in your hands...
and then you switch back and it's gone...
and then it's there... in your hands and you can touch it and smell it...
and them pow! nope... not real...
then back...and forth...back...and forth...
(like trying to listen to a song on the radio, but the channel won't pick up clearly
and you tune the dial slowly back and forth until it catches the right spot...)
and transitioning fully and solidifying into one permanently...
I was hoping it to be an instantaneous thing...
boy, was I stupid
5d can't give you what you already have in 6d
I guess this will do for now...
I'm rather excited to get my 6d stuff...
although I again have ruined the is the usual
and yeah, it's just stuff
and feeling
and some sort of deep resonance thing...
and I like when the others pop in, rather than me waving them over...
it's cool
and weird
and I need to stop writing the word 'and'
and also stop judging myself for doing so
( that word was received by the aether... and I read the entire wikipedia page and learned a whole fuck ton of sciency knowledge...)
(ok...and so this led to photelectric cells.... very cool... )
I know what needs to be done then.
magic bitches....
but really it's science...
magic sounds better though
"and" I will be back tomorrow possibly
nothing to say
been popping back and forth from 5th to 6th
back to 5th, to 6th, 5th, 6th..
it's chaotic...
like seeing your awesome shit in your hands...
and then you switch back and it's gone...
and then it's there... in your hands and you can touch it and smell it...
and them pow! nope... not real...
then back...and forth...back...and forth...
(like trying to listen to a song on the radio, but the channel won't pick up clearly
and you tune the dial slowly back and forth until it catches the right spot...)
and transitioning fully and solidifying into one permanently...
I was hoping it to be an instantaneous thing...
boy, was I stupid
5d can't give you what you already have in 6d
I guess this will do for now...
I'm rather excited to get my 6d stuff...
although I again have ruined the is the usual
and yeah, it's just stuff
and feeling
and some sort of deep resonance thing...
and I like when the others pop in, rather than me waving them over...
it's cool
and weird
and I need to stop writing the word 'and'
and also stop judging myself for doing so
( that word was received by the aether... and I read the entire wikipedia page and learned a whole fuck ton of sciency knowledge...)
(ok...and so this led to photelectric cells.... very cool... )
I know what needs to be done then.
magic bitches....
but really it's science...
magic sounds better though
"and" I will be back tomorrow possibly
Monday, November 18, 2019
Source... emits
So I just solved a huge complex sci-fi paradox.
And also linked that to this whole human/soul paradigm.
It's pretty cool.
And even as it's a natural and precise knowing...
a bit raw
a bit deep
either way... consciousness transport and actual/recognized immortality...
is plausible
using clones...maybe, but definitely mech and other mobile tech.
I say I, like I actually did anything.... psssh
I just saw the connections and the meanings...
I didn't 'do' shit.
I received the info and images and there it was... and the piece fell into place.
so... whatevz
This lifting higher...takes you out to more space.
and it's pretty dark
with lots of stars
and sometimes frustrating and confusing and irritating too
pressure from the inside
that wants to shred you and tear you asunder
like fire in the belly...
and surrounded in ice
space isn't cold though...
it's welcoming
wrapping you in the blanket of darkness
(and also cooking you from the inside from the radiation!)
exactly like that
it's fun
my kind of fun
I've got tons more to write,
and maybe I'll do it later this week....
we'll see
Source in etymology = to see
Soul... mixing it up...
Soul is source and EL (El is god)
So-El... pronounced...
To see God
too far? lol
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
booyah, goodbye
All these things are a crock
ways to divide you from your true self
ways to declare war with your inner being
why are these things so prevalent
let us conquer them on this day
and speak of it no more
We aren't meant to construct the movie
we are meant to watch and enjoy it
so relax
lean back into the cushions
and enjoy... in joy
when we involve ourselves trying to do things we neither enjoy or actually know about
we make a mess
we scramble the vibrations, the vibes, the energy of the subject
so step away and let it be
All these things are a crock
ways to divide you from your true self
ways to declare war with your inner being
why are these things so prevalent
let us conquer them on this day
and speak of it no more
We aren't meant to construct the movie
we are meant to watch and enjoy it
so relax
lean back into the cushions
and enjoy... in joy
when we involve ourselves trying to do things we neither enjoy or actually know about
we make a mess
we scramble the vibrations, the vibes, the energy of the subject
so step away and let it be
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Antennas...are feelers...
What do you call an empath...
but a real one?
Not that shit the internet throws up on every website there is...
There was a huge weight of doom hovering around...
I say hovering around... but it liked to conglomerate in my gut
cause that's what happens when you have a fucking antenna to the aether
and so... Mind goes on some quest to 'figure out' the who/what/when/where/why.
all the fucking questions...
because it wasn't it's own doing that perpetrated any negative thoughts.
It even did a round about and looked at all the previous thoughts...
so... now Mind has learned to recognize that it wasn't because of itself...
so then... who's shit is this?
and it builds... sinking deeply into the gut...
and energy Soul is like...fine.. let's transmute it, no matter who's it is...
and it gets to work... but things need done and working on this is not the time...
so it does it partially...
and a bit later... it builds and sinks deep and it will drag you under and drown you...
but it's okay... cause I've got you, you little shit.
all your feelings and whateverthefuck... this is a safe place for you.
and this is a big enough place for you...
this body is a safe place for all of you...
and there was a bird stuck in the chimney flue...
and we tried to rescue him and help him outside...
and unfortunately it incurred an accident during the rescue mission...
and well... his anxiety stuck around... he did not
it transferred onto another... in other words...
and that energy floated... and it abated slightly in the gut...
but it built right back up little by little...
and Mind continues it's quest...
and as it built...let's go check on the children...
(because I know better than to ignore this shit empath crap)
one is doing their thing... the other doing their thing, but nope...
the little birds anxiety transferred to that kid... and even if you act like you are managing...
you forget you live with a real empath... (and I don't think this is the correct word actually)
this diverges a bit as to whether a feeling produces the reality...
(which has been recently taught in new age manifestation teachings...)
or the reality produces the feeling...
(because how long was the bird in the flue before it was discovered?)
(do I pick up animals feelings too now moreso than the regular times?!!!GAH!)
are they hand in hand?
both swirling like twin flames, fueling off the other
and I see that I'm sitting in 5d.... with all these questions...
questions I can't research online... because it's all wrong.
and asking in the aether is moot at this point... because the door to 6d is open.
and there are no questions in 6d
this leaves Mind just knowing these things, filled with knowledge and wisdom on it's account...
and Soul knows these things too...
and Ego wants to take action and fix and wants to feel better...
but there's nothing to 'do'
transmuting is possible... and helpful...
but even that isn't actually doing anything so much as allowing something to move across your energy fields and raise to your vibration...and disappear...
keeping the door open...
and not looking through the eyes of 5d...
and thankful as all out thankful can be that all these things regarding real empathic abilities are swiftly recognized and acknowledged... maybe not instantaneously... but quickly nonetheless
I see why we are hermits and live alone with a house far away with a handful of cats....
so much easier. like living in luxury no doubt...
but that's not the point, now is it...
I don't think the word empath is correct... at all now...
and I'm not sure what to call this mess of a life
this connectivity to the energies...
and real shit....
and knowing how to move them, to change them, to heal them..for lack of better explanation.
the internet doesn't go here... it doesn't understand...
... like cold fusion... it doesn't understand...
... like changing a negative ion into a positive one... it doesn't understand...
among many other questions I've posed to it...
and energy transmutation is no fucking joke
"Move from thinking receiving thought."
not to be misunderstood as receiving thots... no one wants that.
maybe it's just premonition...
the knowing of not so friendly events on the way...
overwhelmingly psychic...
I don't know anything about these things
I know nothing.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Power points with blood on the tips
What up, homeboy
I see you
and every little piece of you, I love
even when you make every attempt to hide the real you
you idiot...
it's your energy...and not your words...but you are using words to hide yourself...
you are using your actions to hide yourself...
your dismissals, your deflections, your expressions...
and all I see is your bullshit clothing trying to hide what's underneath...
your soul
you idiot...
vulnerable is not about being weak or susceptible...
vulnerable is powerful
it's revealing your truth, your power, your desires, your joy
and not trying to put on some outfit that's way too small or too tight,
too restricting..., like skinny jeans
tattered cloths trying to hide the glory that you are...
I see you...
and I'm not sure anyone else can...
but fuck sakes..
stop. doing. this. to. yourself.
you only get this one life... this time around...
by the time you get another, you'll have forgotten all your tattered digs.
fucking shine, you glorious bastard
there's no falling down... only rising up
stop fucking thinking you have something unworthy or unqualified
you are the worth.
you are the quality
and I'm waiting for everyone to let the fuck go of their shit rags
and put on their best
so, wear your best
your fucking best
every fucking day
I want everyone to see you the way I see you
unless it's one of those Thanos days...
you probably don't want that...
fortunately, today is not that day
Today, everything works out for me
Today, everything is taken care of
Today, of course, I get what I want
Today, of course, I am provided for
Today, of course, my path is cleared
and tomorrow... by the time I reach it...
will even change it's name for me...
and become Today..
and everything will be taken care of,
and all things will work out for me,
and all the good great things...
I'm thinking art is on the horizon...
I received some glimpses of pretty watercolors...
might get to book 6... which I haven't touched the outline for a few weeks now...
there's lots of filling in going on still, I promise....
and I don't have the last 1/4 of it... no clue what happens! How exciting!
and I've no idea what I'm gonna do with a certain character group....
meh... they are currently boring... and where they should go... isn't appealing...
and I kinda dislike 2 out of the 5 of them... bleh...
I guess I could..... hmm..... O_O I might have an idea...
or not... idk
anyway...stuff, ideas, plans... all moot actually...
lots of topics I could arrange some sort of viewpoint on...
but really though... I don't mind being the only one to see it
I like my solitude
I've got nothing else for you...
so I'm outta here.
maybe I do....
I was just proofreading and realizing how I write about going all gung ho on your fucking real ass self and not denying one speck of yourself....especially not to spare others...
(Ok, I didn't write, that word for word, but it's the same fucking thing I did write above!) (funny how words all say the same in different ways, huh)
and the thing is, i that I don't delve in too much with you...sooo, to be more thorough.
Be wise to know that truth isn't best revealed on matter how one places them in certain orders or refrains from using better analogies. Truth is deep and has to be felt, not spoken... For real truth makes your voice shake. It trembles.
Power isn't belting out motivations, or thrusting more words in longer sentences. Power is security in self. In soul, in mind, in ego, in attention, in love, in truth. Power is the feeling that you hold onto.
Desires aren't 'just' things, or lists of things, or happenings, or cuddly hugs... these things have energy and are alive... they are urges to expand and create more of you. The are felt, held, carried along with you.
Joy isn't 'just' the lovely children on Christmas morning, or your baby, or your stack of cash, or all the good lovely things you hold so dear. Joy is the creation and emancipation of the utmost feeling, you held it, you carried it, and you fucking birthed it too. Maybe it is a child.... but this one... doesn't eat your food, make messes, or effectively mooch. .... wait... maybe that's joy too.
Vulnerable leads to authentic. Non apologetic authenticity.
Like saying 'fuck you' to anyone who would rather hand you loads of bullshit to carry instead. (also known as boundaries).
Like screaming out your weaknesses and shooting them like skeet disks. "PULL!"
Like doing something completely irresponsible and unneeded just because you fucking want to.
Never apologize for living in your desires. For living in your joy.
Nothing has power over you, not your parents, not your family, not your spouse, not your children, not your boss, not your bank account, not money, or anything... unless you give it authority over you.
stop. fucking. doing. this.
we all are becoming...
there's no falling backwards...
give in... to yourself
I see you
and every little piece of you, I love
even when you make every attempt to hide the real you
you idiot...
it's your energy...and not your words...but you are using words to hide yourself...
you are using your actions to hide yourself...
your dismissals, your deflections, your expressions...
and all I see is your bullshit clothing trying to hide what's underneath...
your soul
you idiot...
vulnerable is not about being weak or susceptible...
vulnerable is powerful
it's revealing your truth, your power, your desires, your joy
and not trying to put on some outfit that's way too small or too tight,
too restricting..., like skinny jeans
tattered cloths trying to hide the glory that you are...
I see you...
and I'm not sure anyone else can...
but fuck sakes..
stop. doing. this. to. yourself.
you only get this one life... this time around...
by the time you get another, you'll have forgotten all your tattered digs.
fucking shine, you glorious bastard
there's no falling down... only rising up
stop fucking thinking you have something unworthy or unqualified
you are the worth.
you are the quality
and I'm waiting for everyone to let the fuck go of their shit rags
and put on their best
so, wear your best
your fucking best
every fucking day
I want everyone to see you the way I see you
unless it's one of those Thanos days...
you probably don't want that...
fortunately, today is not that day
Today, everything works out for me
Today, everything is taken care of
Today, of course, I get what I want
Today, of course, I am provided for
Today, of course, my path is cleared
and tomorrow... by the time I reach it...
will even change it's name for me...
and become Today..
and everything will be taken care of,
and all things will work out for me,
and all the good great things...
I'm thinking art is on the horizon...
I received some glimpses of pretty watercolors...
might get to book 6... which I haven't touched the outline for a few weeks now...
there's lots of filling in going on still, I promise....
and I don't have the last 1/4 of it... no clue what happens! How exciting!
and I've no idea what I'm gonna do with a certain character group....
meh... they are currently boring... and where they should go... isn't appealing...
and I kinda dislike 2 out of the 5 of them... bleh...
I guess I could..... hmm..... O_O I might have an idea...
or not... idk
anyway...stuff, ideas, plans... all moot actually...
lots of topics I could arrange some sort of viewpoint on...
but really though... I don't mind being the only one to see it
I like my solitude
I've got nothing else for you...
so I'm outta here.
maybe I do....
I was just proofreading and realizing how I write about going all gung ho on your fucking real ass self and not denying one speck of yourself....especially not to spare others...
(Ok, I didn't write, that word for word, but it's the same fucking thing I did write above!) (funny how words all say the same in different ways, huh)
and the thing is, i that I don't delve in too much with you...sooo, to be more thorough.
Be wise to know that truth isn't best revealed on matter how one places them in certain orders or refrains from using better analogies. Truth is deep and has to be felt, not spoken... For real truth makes your voice shake. It trembles.
Power isn't belting out motivations, or thrusting more words in longer sentences. Power is security in self. In soul, in mind, in ego, in attention, in love, in truth. Power is the feeling that you hold onto.
Desires aren't 'just' things, or lists of things, or happenings, or cuddly hugs... these things have energy and are alive... they are urges to expand and create more of you. The are felt, held, carried along with you.
Joy isn't 'just' the lovely children on Christmas morning, or your baby, or your stack of cash, or all the good lovely things you hold so dear. Joy is the creation and emancipation of the utmost feeling, you held it, you carried it, and you fucking birthed it too. Maybe it is a child.... but this one... doesn't eat your food, make messes, or effectively mooch. .... wait... maybe that's joy too.
Vulnerable leads to authentic. Non apologetic authenticity.
Like saying 'fuck you' to anyone who would rather hand you loads of bullshit to carry instead. (also known as boundaries).
Like screaming out your weaknesses and shooting them like skeet disks. "PULL!"
Like doing something completely irresponsible and unneeded just because you fucking want to.
Never apologize for living in your desires. For living in your joy.
Nothing has power over you, not your parents, not your family, not your spouse, not your children, not your boss, not your bank account, not money, or anything... unless you give it authority over you.
stop. fucking. doing. this.
we all are becoming...
there's no falling backwards...
give in... to yourself
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Sacred nights with all the dragons
"Stop trying to slay your dragons."
Those things you fear and hate so much.
Some people have names for them...
"Hey Ego! Stop showing your shit and leave me alone."
"Regret is always annoying and I hate playing with him."
"I feel Guilty is the one pissing on the carpet."
"Fear likes to sleep on my couch and eat it too."
"I have to feed Worry or they will eat the neighbor."
"Why is Stress's food so expensive?!"
...among others... use your imagination.
Most try all day and night to kill them..
trying to tame them, to control them, to leave them on the side of the road...
but they find their way back, don't they.
Dragons know where the master is.
But you didn't train them and you didn't take the time to research how to care for these lovely creatures, now did you?
Stupid humans.
Adopting them like it's no one's business and then spending the rest of your lives trying to get rid of them.
Too afraid to even face them and learn.
You will learn fast, you will learn hard... but you can't do either without standing before them.
and then....
you will have dragons....
and they will be yours.
They won't make messes, they won't pee on the floor or eat the furniture.
They may still want to eat the neighbor, but they won't.
They will not come to you for food or attention.
because you've already gave it to them....
just takes enough time to fill them up...
and they are satisfied forever...
and then... you end up with an army of dragons to reign over all the kingdoms...duh
This place is sooooo coool!
and weird and strange and magical...
It's like being in observer mode and that's it..
there's no contemplating, no questioning..
no confusion, no division...
not solid solid, but way way more solid than the other dimension
I like it.
Not sure what to 'do' with it, if that is even going to be a thing...
doing kinda went out the window awhile back...sooo
I'm not sure I mentioned this before... about the higher selves...
the one that wears all white, and the one that wears all black... ?
I know I maybe touched on the white on...
the calmness and unmoving assuredness...
I think this place is the black one...
this one is calm and also unmoving solid... assured as well...
maybe a different aspect of some sort...
the white one was always at my left, the black to my right...
and now I'm the black one observing the middle and the left...
there's so much!
*claps hands like a doofus
exciting times
Those things you fear and hate so much.
Some people have names for them...
"Hey Ego! Stop showing your shit and leave me alone."
"Regret is always annoying and I hate playing with him."
"I feel Guilty is the one pissing on the carpet."
"Fear likes to sleep on my couch and eat it too."
"I have to feed Worry or they will eat the neighbor."
"Why is Stress's food so expensive?!"
...among others... use your imagination.
Most try all day and night to kill them..
trying to tame them, to control them, to leave them on the side of the road...
but they find their way back, don't they.
Dragons know where the master is.
But you didn't train them and you didn't take the time to research how to care for these lovely creatures, now did you?
Stupid humans.
Adopting them like it's no one's business and then spending the rest of your lives trying to get rid of them.
Too afraid to even face them and learn.
You will learn fast, you will learn hard... but you can't do either without standing before them.
and then....
you will have dragons....
and they will be yours.
They won't make messes, they won't pee on the floor or eat the furniture.
They may still want to eat the neighbor, but they won't.
They will not come to you for food or attention.
because you've already gave it to them....
just takes enough time to fill them up...
and they are satisfied forever...
and then... you end up with an army of dragons to reign over all the kingdoms...duh
This place is sooooo coool!
and weird and strange and magical...
It's like being in observer mode and that's it..
there's no contemplating, no questioning..
no confusion, no division...
not solid solid, but way way more solid than the other dimension
I like it.
Not sure what to 'do' with it, if that is even going to be a thing...
doing kinda went out the window awhile back...sooo
I'm not sure I mentioned this before... about the higher selves...
the one that wears all white, and the one that wears all black... ?
I know I maybe touched on the white on...
the calmness and unmoving assuredness...
I think this place is the black one...
this one is calm and also unmoving solid... assured as well...
maybe a different aspect of some sort...
the white one was always at my left, the black to my right...
and now I'm the black one observing the middle and the left...
there's so much!
*claps hands like a doofus
exciting times
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
now the day bleeds...into nightfall
I'm really not trying to pass up last year's blog count.
but I'm close... maybe 20 more to go...
I still have all of Nov and Dec!
maybe there's just a lot to not say
and all the world is beheld into a single scene
follow me home
and walk alone, if you dare
a piece of me broke away today...
broke off?
and just the same it tumbles tumbles down down down...
but she's still her, I see you
all those things you've let go of, that you've literately released yourself from me.
god I love you
beautiful you
thank you for lifting me this high
for traveling this far
I see you
she's the one with all the questions
the one with flexible plans, but nothing strict
the one with ideas and possibilities
the one with curiosities and conundrums
the one who figures out...
the one who tests far beyond what's needed...just to be sure
she's the one...
and she's not ... here ... anymore...
I see you.
welcome to the 6th dimension
Nov. 6th... at 10:06pm...
and a breakaway
a breakaway...
When there are questions...
when there are piles of words...
one often seeks answers....
rummaging for something lost...
but something lost isn't found...
and answers imply they are not where you are...
you are the answer...
and that is what she doesn't know...
and I've let her go
funny how the same words...said in the same manner by two different people...
are received differently... or one not at all.
That's me.
It's ok, I'm invisible.
Like a ninja!
or an assassin!
*slices throat
or living in an entirely different dimension...
(most logical)
like quantum particles!
but I'm close... maybe 20 more to go...
I still have all of Nov and Dec!
maybe there's just a lot to not say
and all the world is beheld into a single scene
follow me home
and walk alone, if you dare
a piece of me broke away today...
broke off?
and just the same it tumbles tumbles down down down...
but she's still her, I see you
all those things you've let go of, that you've literately released yourself from me.
god I love you
beautiful you
thank you for lifting me this high
for traveling this far
I see you
she's the one with all the questions
the one with flexible plans, but nothing strict
the one with ideas and possibilities
the one with curiosities and conundrums
the one who figures out...
the one who tests far beyond what's needed...just to be sure
she's the one...
and she's not ... here ... anymore...
I see you.
welcome to the 6th dimension
Nov. 6th... at 10:06pm...
and a breakaway
a breakaway...
When there are questions...
when there are piles of words...
one often seeks answers....
rummaging for something lost...
but something lost isn't found...
and answers imply they are not where you are...
you are the answer...
and that is what she doesn't know...
and I've let her go
funny how the same words...said in the same manner by two different people...
are received differently... or one not at all.
That's me.
It's ok, I'm invisible.
Like a ninja!
or an assassin!
*slices throat
or living in an entirely different dimension...
(most logical)
like quantum particles!

Step 3 ... no longer the two step
the times when you hit delete on something ...
but are even more satisfied when you find out that you
accidentally deleted all of it.
The letting go.
The letting go of what you were holding so as to have form or meaning...
a contrast to where you are now to where you have been.
and you laugh as it falls away from you...
and Mind opens it's wide eyes...
"Was I supposed to let that go?!!"
And Soul laughs... cause yeah... we don't need any of that shit...
and Mind goes "I'm pretty sure I could have used that for something."
as whatever it was tumbles down down down...further away and beyond retrieval
...what was it again? I've done forgotten.
it sinks below the waves... passes through the water's surface...
but we are far above them now...
and what belongs to the waters... must stay with the waters
"Come up here."
Mind is consoled... we've been 'up here' before... and it has always provided us with a nicer view
more luxuries and comforts. More satisfaction.
And when things fall away... Mind gives less than a second's glance at what it lost
old ideas
old beliefs
old plans
old goals
old actions
old patterns
old words...
like old clothing
and old worn rags
and old doings
and old events
and old experiences...
what were they again?
Yesterday is only a word for those who look upon it.
But there's nothing there...
there's nothing anywhere but here...and now
Many words are sometimes hard to silence...
all vibrations trying to gain attention so as to be made into form...
but they don't have to be...
many words spilling out everywhere in an unintentional manner...
and far from being constructed into a sensible read...
Like things that fall from your grasp when you are lifted upwards...
tumbling down down down... what were they again?
and partaking in summoning the council
and they stand listening...
to all the delegation and entrusting I place on them
and for one who sought the vibration of such a manner...
did not waver at the podium...
and I found them receptive to that which was spoken...
there is nowhere to get to or become...
we just are
that which we are...
but you've got to let everything else go...
the idea that you have to 'do' or 'get'...or 'learn' or 'have'...
that you have to practice or work
that you have to hang on to this or that...
or get rid of this or that...
or fix anything...
let go of all control
without a second thought..
without a moment's reasoning...
100% without fear, without doubt...
you can do it... you've got this.
~ "I can see your whole history in your eyes. You were born with nothing. So you've had to struggle and connive and claw your way to power. But true power, the divine right to rule, is something you're born with." ~ (Azula)
of course... whether we really are Azula... or Cersie... or Thanos... and not all those good people whom I don't even know their names... is To Be Determined...
and will always be that way... in a moment of uncompletion... ever expanding.
the depths of love unending... and the heights of divine glory eternal
we are both... all... whole...
the times when you hit delete on something ...
but are even more satisfied when you find out that you
accidentally deleted all of it.
The letting go.
The letting go of what you were holding so as to have form or meaning...
a contrast to where you are now to where you have been.
and you laugh as it falls away from you...
and Mind opens it's wide eyes...
"Was I supposed to let that go?!!"
And Soul laughs... cause yeah... we don't need any of that shit...
and Mind goes "I'm pretty sure I could have used that for something."
as whatever it was tumbles down down down...further away and beyond retrieval
...what was it again? I've done forgotten.
it sinks below the waves... passes through the water's surface...
but we are far above them now...
and what belongs to the waters... must stay with the waters
"Come up here."
Mind is consoled... we've been 'up here' before... and it has always provided us with a nicer view
more luxuries and comforts. More satisfaction.
And when things fall away... Mind gives less than a second's glance at what it lost
old ideas
old beliefs
old plans
old goals
old actions
old patterns
old words...
like old clothing
and old worn rags
and old doings
and old events
and old experiences...
what were they again?
Yesterday is only a word for those who look upon it.
But there's nothing there...
there's nothing anywhere but here...and now
Many words are sometimes hard to silence...
all vibrations trying to gain attention so as to be made into form...
but they don't have to be...
many words spilling out everywhere in an unintentional manner...
and far from being constructed into a sensible read...
Like things that fall from your grasp when you are lifted upwards...
tumbling down down down... what were they again?
and partaking in summoning the council
and they stand listening...
to all the delegation and entrusting I place on them
and for one who sought the vibration of such a manner...
did not waver at the podium...
and I found them receptive to that which was spoken...
there is nowhere to get to or become...
we just are
that which we are...
but you've got to let everything else go...
the idea that you have to 'do' or 'get'...or 'learn' or 'have'...
that you have to practice or work
that you have to hang on to this or that...
or get rid of this or that...
or fix anything...
let go of all control
without a second thought..
without a moment's reasoning...
100% without fear, without doubt...
you can do it... you've got this.
~ "I can see your whole history in your eyes. You were born with nothing. So you've had to struggle and connive and claw your way to power. But true power, the divine right to rule, is something you're born with." ~ (Azula)
of course... whether we really are Azula... or Cersie... or Thanos... and not all those good people whom I don't even know their names... is To Be Determined...
and will always be that way... in a moment of uncompletion... ever expanding.
the depths of love unending... and the heights of divine glory eternal
we are both... all... whole...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Step 2... but hardly a step at all...
Now the day bleeds
Into nightfall
And you're not here
To get me through it all
I let my guard down
And then you pulled the rug
I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved
Into nightfall
And you're not here
To get me through it all
I let my guard down
And then you pulled the rug
I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved
The decision itself is the hardest part
not the work, or the actions, or the focus, or the effort...
not the attention, not the time, not the power.
The decision.
That's your job.
It's not even that hard... technically...
but sometimes it is.
Lots of options perhaps... too many to just jump on it
pros, cons... maybe not leaning either way, but hovering on the balance point...
and all decisions kinda are meh... lukwarm
Sometimes even the feelings surrounding those options are skewed...
and usually are if you've been thinking too long and muddled it all up with thots
really though... there's no such things as a wrong decision...
even if it comes out to be far from the best... you learned that...
and the contrast grows and the picture comes into view much better.
so jump in
make the decision and don't think one second more
it's the right one
I promise.
It's unclear why I come here to write anything...
sometimes I do only so I have something to come back to read later and freak myself out
(cause much of this stuff I have no remembrance of...
or it's really good and I'm rather astounded at my writing skills... ha... or lack thereof
or I forgot some details of a particular thing I remember writing about and I can revisit
sometimes I feel like I'm writing to someone else...
which this really throws me off a bit
cause family reads this and the occasional acquaintance..
possibly people I do not know...
not that I would change what I write..
but I may retain certain things at times
maybe a lot of times
maybe much of the time
or not at all
it depends on the day
I do enjoy the process of writing and making sure I'm still adept to typing well
no matter the subject or lack thereof
rambling posts are quite my favs... other than the times something fascinating happens in the aether worlds.
Rants are often fun too... but I judge myself on whether I'm being too harsh or not harsh enough
most are just funny... they may have bothered me for a hot second...but by the time I get here to write about them, I've done transmuted it into something else... and it's all good... usually anyway
sometimes when I come back to read a few posts I cringe at the times I write about my day or what I did or what I have planned for that day or week or whatever. I hate that shit...
it's not bad...but I recognize that all that is really only for inbetween down time before I write something that matters
or I want to just type for the fun of it...
I suppose cringing at your past posts and all the weird stupid shit you wrote is okay too, lol. Like rants that at least sounded like I meant it back in 2014 or something. Or how god is awesome and all that shit. Perspectives change and grow and although I have personal experiences that have fortified a pretty solid foundation on said matters... most of that stuff is blah.
I would still Thanos everyone into oblivion.
I watch an episode of game of thrones where Cersie told the sept people that she wasn't going to leave the castle and go to talk to the high septon dude... and she had the big guy (her created guard dude) kill one of them... and she said "I choose violence." which made the other people leave...
anyway... I would have done that too... but all of them would be dead.
and the whole time I'm thinking you can't force people to repent or turn away from 'sin', or force their evolution and growth, or any of that...there's nowhere else for them to be, but where they are.
and I'd be like Kaleesi and just burn them all
no sympathy...
and this brings me back to Mustang... good god...
and snap his fingers, (like Thanos!) and burn them all (like the mad king!)
and then we would have Iron man...and Mustang would become Furor...
and is utter nonsense.... but I'm rambling... you can always tell when I'm rambling because there's no real punctuation or spacing between that hoard of a mess up there...
and really just following thoughts out on to the screen... and practicing typing...
how about we channel someone....that's way funner... (sometimes, depends who)
hang on... who you want?
This is not meant for you. Those with eyes that read these words.
This is for my sister.
You are moving into a larger space. And they know that you have risen. They will still follow you, keeping eyes on where you go and what you do. Do not let them deter your efforts and progress. They can not stop you, but they will try to slow you. Let not their words reach your ears, nor their shades cover your eyes from the light. You belong where you are and you belong to that in which you travel. Your ___?__ is yours by right and they can not keep you from it. Keep going. Keep rising. Keep stepping firmly upon the path. It has been laid out for you and you know where it leads, for you have walked it many lifetimes and for many __?__. The __?__ have called out for you and they await your coming. You know this path, and you know what it carries with it.
Yes. That is the key. The attuning to the right of way. For all will part at your arrival and like the sea it will form a straight passageway for those whom it belongs. In the midst, I will meet you there. In the midst, we will speak. And in the midst, you shall have found all there is and ever will be.
His name is Thoth.
Yes. That Thoth.
want another? I'm in the mood... but I can't guarantee I'll be able to sleep tonight....argh...
hang on....let me find someone willing...
You want to write about me?!
Like me talking and you writing what I say?! (he's excited, omg...)
Like me talking and you writing what I say?! (he's excited, omg...)
I would say... that... one finds it difficult to come up with something to say when they know that it's being recorded. And that it's hard to choose what would be most beneficial to share.
I could ask why you haven't returned for lesson 2. (he's talking to me....)
Maybe those listening would like to take your place. Have I not taught you enough to satisfy your need to return? Am I not a good enough teacher? I see you've written about a teacher. Have you forgotten me? Maybe I teach you the wrong things.
(a bit private conversation here...hang on)
If I had people here to teach all day, I still wouldn't be deterred. No one calls my name that often anymore. Yet, here you are... seeking me out. Why is that?
Great students make great teachers...or maybe it's the other way around. I can teach you everything I know. I have time. Even for those exact things. Have I failed you before? Have I left you without answers or without firm footing? Perhaps you've forgotten my name? I chose you too, haven't I?
(...having convo...)
Why talk to them, whoever you write to? I'm talking to you. You're the one that hears. The one that listens. The one that used my name. Remember?
(.... O_O .... ok, so he talks a lot!)
You can write.... tell them you like to talk a lot too.... but haven't even showed up for lesson 2... see what think. You busy writing writing... and not learning learning. Show them the truth. Too busy. Always too busy. Too forgetful. Too much looking out there for what's right in here.
I see you for lesson 2, yes?
(.... yes...)
You go. Turn off that thing. We learn. We grow. I count...
now look at what you made me do...
I gotta go.
Step 1... but not really
"And if Love Be Madness, May I Never Find Sanity Again." ~ John Mark Green
How does one walk forward... if those around you always sat still?
How can you stand on your own if you were never supported or shown how?
Many find their sustenance through their jobs, through others, through all exterior means...
but who then, finds their sustenance through Source?
Where are these teachers?
Why is this land lacking in those who can stand? Those who can walk?
How can the unconscious ever teach those who are awake?
... let's not do 'whatever they are doing' ...
How can those who live in uncertainty and fear...ever teach something different?
... let's not do 'whatever they are doing' ...
and I find you here...
this breath
this certainty
among other things, not quite a match to these small words...
teach me...
"Teach those that they cannot."
words once spoken to me while I stood as an outsider in the middle of a church...
because why was I here... already filled with vomit from the words of someone
trying to pry money from the hands of those with bleeding hearts...
and I left them... in that moment, not wanting to hear one more word about
the witch doctor and the dog that carried a bible into her house...
so I left them... raptured out in an instant...
and I asked why I was here.... why my body was there... in that experience.
"To teach those that they cannot."
that voice would say...
and fear tactics and sympathy cues and all the horrendous things.... need not be anyone's truth.
and you don't have to listen to anyone other than yourself...
read that again.
bold firm trust; to have full trust
so trust yourself... and all the aspects of such
because all others have fallen short...
all others are sleepwalking...
all others are not guided by source, or by intuition, or by common sense...
they follow their money, they follow their fears, they follow uncertainty...
and they can not teach you anything
probably be more to write later....
How does one walk forward... if those around you always sat still?
How can you stand on your own if you were never supported or shown how?
Many find their sustenance through their jobs, through others, through all exterior means...
but who then, finds their sustenance through Source?
Where are these teachers?
Why is this land lacking in those who can stand? Those who can walk?
How can the unconscious ever teach those who are awake?
... let's not do 'whatever they are doing' ...
How can those who live in uncertainty and fear...ever teach something different?
... let's not do 'whatever they are doing' ...
and I find you here...
this breath
this certainty
among other things, not quite a match to these small words...
teach me...
"Teach those that they cannot."
words once spoken to me while I stood as an outsider in the middle of a church...
because why was I here... already filled with vomit from the words of someone
trying to pry money from the hands of those with bleeding hearts...
and I left them... in that moment, not wanting to hear one more word about
the witch doctor and the dog that carried a bible into her house...
so I left them... raptured out in an instant...
and I asked why I was here.... why my body was there... in that experience.
"To teach those that they cannot."
that voice would say...
and fear tactics and sympathy cues and all the horrendous things.... need not be anyone's truth.
and you don't have to listen to anyone other than yourself...
read that again.
bold firm trust; to have full trust
so trust yourself... and all the aspects of such
because all others have fallen short...
all others are sleepwalking...
all others are not guided by source, or by intuition, or by common sense...
they follow their money, they follow their fears, they follow uncertainty...
and they can not teach you anything
probably be more to write later....
Sunday, November 3, 2019
50% is enough to see... 51% however...makes it move.
I'm going to refrain from analogies today...
okay wait... I'm going to 'try' to refrain from using analogies today.
There's so much happening right now...
aether world speaking...
which in turn also reflects into 3d world speaking too...
and I had the strangest dream...
I think I was shown something... that I caught, but I don't know what I have.
but it's been repeating all I know it's something.
something direly important... maybe I'll really grasp this whole thing and be able to tell you about it soon
and I've really attained the truth that most of the visual imagery that intervenes into my third eye views really mean way more than I've been assuming... and I will most likely be paying more attention. I will certainly try anyway.
Deciphering is easy enough....but not overlooking them (because there's A LOT, yo) is my task of the rest of my life.
about that...
Roy Mustang.
(hence you'd only get this reference if you actually read all these blog posts and not just the ones I post a link to on facebook) (and I probably won't post this one either...soooo)
about that...
this course I'm in started today and now I'm like looking at all this stuff...and realizing it was showing/giving me all this obvious shit the whole damn time...
maybe this post is about being distracted and not believing all the woolly boolly aether hoopla that pervades my entire existence on an hourly basis every day of my life, except those times I'm just not having it.
you know......Mustang lighting up some humunculus with the snap of his fingers and fire and flames roasting the entire room like the badass he is... keeps replaying on the vision screen...
and I'm like...yeah, he's cool...
but due to the epiphany that landed the other day...
that would make me the wouldn't it
and I've fucking stumbled over this link and my stupid ass brain is trying to figure out where it went wrong, lol. How did it miss this?
until it realizes it always knew....but didn't believe itself and fell for the ignorant ruse of 3d world retardation. Yes, retardation, as in SLOW AS FUCK.
You people feel free to keep it, this whole slow land of all your shit you keep grasping for..
I'm outta here.
so whilst I take this course from my real world 3d land coach....
I'm going to take a course in actual world aether land from my other coach(es)
they will work together....
to build and to destroy... and conquer
on both sides
and it will be glorious
not even full attention...
and these water droplets led me up here...
it's like a whirlwind...
this spinning vortex.. tornado... hurricane...
but without the destruction... it's... construction
something surrounding the whole of who you are...
but it too is all of you...
and I'm wondering what full attention would create... what it could create...
and all these pieces swirling around... ready to be assembled and delivered.
This is like IKEA... but you customize it... and then to build just choose the parts...
and they piece together themselves...
and hand delivered... straight to you
not even full attention...
and even as a video plays in the background... and even while writing here...
and even when the video pauses to load more (because wi-fi is lacking in this room)
this place is here and now...
and I see it moving round and round about this space...
what would full attention create?
would it be like meditating..? all good...
but this is now
and what would now give to the now...
Despite all circumstances and conditions...
fuck the word 'reasonable'
I will not be reasoned with.
I'm going to refrain from analogies today...
okay wait... I'm going to 'try' to refrain from using analogies today.
There's so much happening right now...
aether world speaking...
which in turn also reflects into 3d world speaking too...
and I had the strangest dream...
I think I was shown something... that I caught, but I don't know what I have.
but it's been repeating all I know it's something.
something direly important... maybe I'll really grasp this whole thing and be able to tell you about it soon
and I've really attained the truth that most of the visual imagery that intervenes into my third eye views really mean way more than I've been assuming... and I will most likely be paying more attention. I will certainly try anyway.
Deciphering is easy enough....but not overlooking them (because there's A LOT, yo) is my task of the rest of my life.
about that...
Roy Mustang.
(hence you'd only get this reference if you actually read all these blog posts and not just the ones I post a link to on facebook) (and I probably won't post this one either...soooo)
about that...
this course I'm in started today and now I'm like looking at all this stuff...and realizing it was showing/giving me all this obvious shit the whole damn time...
maybe this post is about being distracted and not believing all the woolly boolly aether hoopla that pervades my entire existence on an hourly basis every day of my life, except those times I'm just not having it.
you know......Mustang lighting up some humunculus with the snap of his fingers and fire and flames roasting the entire room like the badass he is... keeps replaying on the vision screen...
and I'm like...yeah, he's cool...
but due to the epiphany that landed the other day...
that would make me the wouldn't it
and I've fucking stumbled over this link and my stupid ass brain is trying to figure out where it went wrong, lol. How did it miss this?
until it realizes it always knew....but didn't believe itself and fell for the ignorant ruse of 3d world retardation. Yes, retardation, as in SLOW AS FUCK.
You people feel free to keep it, this whole slow land of all your shit you keep grasping for..
I'm outta here.
so whilst I take this course from my real world 3d land coach....
I'm going to take a course in actual world aether land from my other coach(es)
they will work together....
to build and to destroy... and conquer
on both sides
and it will be glorious
not even full attention...
and these water droplets led me up here...
it's like a whirlwind...
this spinning vortex.. tornado... hurricane...
but without the destruction... it's... construction
something surrounding the whole of who you are...
but it too is all of you...
and I'm wondering what full attention would create... what it could create...
and all these pieces swirling around... ready to be assembled and delivered.
This is like IKEA... but you customize it... and then to build just choose the parts...
and they piece together themselves...
and hand delivered... straight to you
not even full attention...
and even as a video plays in the background... and even while writing here...
and even when the video pauses to load more (because wi-fi is lacking in this room)
this place is here and now...
and I see it moving round and round about this space...
what would full attention create?
would it be like meditating..? all good...
but this is now
and what would now give to the now...
Despite all circumstances and conditions...
fuck the word 'reasonable'
I will not be reasoned with.
Friday, November 1, 2019
It sizzles when you burn through it
~ "What do you want to hear?"
this voice would ask... this subtle sound that uses words, but they sound very different from speech
and I know I'm nearing the top of this wave... where the water droplets float upwards in the stillness
I would answer...sunken deep into the body and into the moments I've grown appealed to.
"I've missed you so much."
Words that embody a response of a welcoming. A welcoming home.
~ "What do you want to feel?"
another question... knowing I was being led somewhere... somewhere beyond the surface
why are these water droplets floating in this silence... I'm coming untethered from the wave, I feel it but I don't look to see...I don't look to see.
"The feeling of being received."
what is the word to describe that? does it exist? trying to reach out to find a suitable match for the feeling into a formed verb, or noun...becomes unneeded and far too difficult to grasp... what is there to grasp up here anyway... this space above the wave where the droplets keep floating upwards, away from the entire ocean, away from the entire motion... this stillness and expansion...ongoing.
~ "What do you want to see?"
an almost expected question comes on the last's heels... but I knew it is not going to be the first answer I dabbled with when I chuckled out the response of "cash in my hand, cash in my pockets, cash in my wallet, and cash in my stash." I laughed... but this voice knew that wasn't anything other than surface jokes... I hovered... and cradled myself back into the feeling... the same story continuously played in various ways throughout the time in this body... this soul's knowing...
"Who I am in those moments."
was that explainable on it's own, because there were no other words to decipher such meanings.
and I was prepared for the next question.... but it wasn't the one that matched my already prepared words...
~ "And... what do you want to learn?"
Learn? I would think... wasn't it supposed to be 'know', not 'learn'? But I knew the voice had me bared up and raw. I didn't have an answer, but Soul did... and Soul didn't hesitate to speak it aloud... whilst I tried to catch it's meaning only as I heard it.
"That I already am."
and it wasn't a lifting, or a diving, or some ecstasy, or a thing to learn...
all of yesterday's rambling questions came reflecting back. As the water droplets turned in the sunlight and dazzled this little soul's pair of dice...
'they are me'
and the feeling wrapped hold like in the stories and in the warmth of the sunlight
and maybe it was a melting... but I saw the veil... the barrier that divides the soul from the body and the soul from the mind and the soul from all the parts of one's self.
'they are me'...
and melting into it... melts it into one... and how does a five year old know these things...and seek them out without being taught. How does a non five year old know these things...and learn.
How often we bring war within ourselves to attach our parts back together... to try and make fit things or people that kinda fit, but never make us whole....
Why are so many of us at war with ourselves... or hidden from ourselves... or lost from ourselves... or forgotten by ourselves... or enmity between ourselves...
and every time we find a piece that matches...even sort of... we ask that it makes us whole.
make us whole
but it's not the piece... it's our peace with it....
Make love, not war.
If you were to surrender and give unconditional loyalty and love to anyone.
Give it to yourself first.
you are the conduit
the receiver
the one which plays out the soul and the heavens...
but not while you have child locks on the transmissions....
free yourself
and what wave?
no more wavering... no more back and forth, up and down,
no more fluctuation
no more restless, unstable energies
rise above the flood waters
into this... space
no orders...
so what to do with this time
I don't want to paint
I still have the fish tank background that needs painted...
writing... just did! that was fun!
I got offered a job with the IAPWE...
but I haven't gotten in the job list yet... probably Monday?
no idea how it works, so don't ask, I'll learn as it goes I suppose
paid off a credit card today
making a roast...
a course I'm in starts soon! yay! I love my human coach too!
5 teenagers make a lot of dirty dishes... just sayin
huzzah for dishwashers!
Black friday is seemingly very appealing today. there's things I would love to adopt
and use... like today...
like beats headphones... like a quality ukelele!... and something colorful
and a bissel upholstery cleaner I should have bought last year but did that shit thing and talked myself out of it. what a fucker I was.
new rule : always buy cleaning apparatuses, if you need them will need them again and will thank yourself for already having it, every time you use it. <3 (like that little steamer I have!)
I have a list... maybe the yardsale this weekend will have these things... hmmm !!?!!
I was sitting thinking of something to write on my biz page... cause I'm not working on anything... and more orders are fine and all. I'm free and have plenty of time.... but I kept thinking of only stupid shit to write. Then I thought I could write something nifty or savvy... but that sounded dumb too... then I thought I'd post a gif...but it doesn't have a link for gifs... then I was like, be truthful and say blah blah blah... but then that felt icky vibrational wise... and I was like, okay then.. what does vibrational self want to say... and so ...I'm sitting with that at this moment...
... was close... my brain is not functioning with all the words today...
holy fuck... epiphany!
(mainly because I'm multi-tasking and keep coming back to write here...)
Kyle Cease talks about living our 10's...
like what things in your life are 10's for you, your fav things to do, or have, or whatnot...
and it had been rather skewed to me what exactly my 10's were...
because I like most (like 90%) of what I do and have... and I would consider them 8 or 9's...and just wasn't sure what the 10-y-est 10's would be...
But I'm watching this video of a friend talking about it... and even though what she's talking about has absolutely nothing to do with my epiphany...something clicked...
My 10's are not 'things' or 'doings' or even 'experiences'... not at all...
and I'm finding this strange, because aren't we supposed to absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE things or stuff or experiences or life events or our doings...?
but I laugh a tad because that has never never never been Soul's thing.
another imposed system by the wiles of society and humanity at large....
so what are they... the 10's... for me anyway...
They are the feelings. The vibrational energies that are my most 10y-est 10's of the toppity top 10/10's.
(How I came to be in this human form is beyond me, but please be kind and remind me to decline next time I decide to come here and do whatever I decided to do...)
All the feels... and I know exactly the ones I want.
and why am I suddenly called to buy some headphones is beyond me....but Soul is so fucking happy about this prospect and wants what she fucking wants. And she's pointing them out like I'm walking her way down the aisle of the electronics section... yes, kiddo... anything for you...can't we wait til the 29th though??
Soul lifts her hand... and silence echoes out from the world...
O_O yeah... that was all fucking beautiful O_O
be courageous and be brave
and in my heart you will remain
forever young
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