Saturday, May 23, 2020

Hearts afire... burn away the filth

First World Problems 101
When you want to republish a book, yet the website you have always used 'upgrades' into a complete you hunt for elsewhere book printing places, to find one that looks promising... yet you realize you are on your new laptop which doesn't have an input for your SD card... so you are now going to have to get on the desktop to email yourself the files you need.... and then hope to god they accept the files without throwing a conniption fit about embedded fonts. And they will take 3 files and not just 1... because who in their right mind wants fucking number pages on their title/copyright pages...
exactly.. no fucking body.

But I got that Book 1 re-edited into something less traumatizing...
and would love to start on book 2... (I'm sure it needs editing...but I wanna read it too)
a lady gets beheaded in that one...  and that poor girl dies...the same one that gets killed again in book 5 O_O ...I swear she never gets a break.

I built garden boxes today...
and made stir fry...
and planted stuff...
and cleaned the fish tank...
and I've got one blueberry muffin left...
I plan to relax and meditate forever from now on.
I do have to wash my 4runner.... but my hands are screaming NO

I might just chill for the next week or so... or forever...
That sounds good.
I'll just edit books....and by the time I'm done, maybe I'll
have more than 5 ideas for book 7
or maybe a whole different story that doesn't involve an Alchemist
I might do a screenplay... to keep in practice...
There's an animation with two foxes that keeps popping up...
and that's way faster than writing a novel...or editing a novel.
I could probably edit the last screenplays I've already done...
those are good... *nods

3d world has been extremely busy
and advancement forward exponentially
and I'm pooped

Aether lands have been willing and ready,
my ass just hasn't been able to stick around long
just brief convos to which I barely remember...
except the one I wrote down...
The static in both is waning... and clear sailing is on the agenda soon
Energy is flying... and I'm only able to be carried at this point.

Body - is crying inside, like a prolonged whine mostly...
but she wants rest and sleep and relaxation... and not to do anything

Mind - is nodding along with the music.
This is nothing she can't handle. All is well with her.

Brain - is trying to foresee the future and is running estimates on possible anomalies
She wants something to analyze for fun, but nothing is striking her fancy

Soul - is singing some 'La La La' song over and over, but it's not affecting anyone else
She knows she'll get to meditate or relax soon... Something about 'calm flow'...but I have no idea what's she's talking about. Hence the reason static is not always a friend.

Ego - is trying to figure out what she wants. She doesn't know and is aggravated that she doesn't know. She's rolling her eyes at the lack of contrast, and at Soul's singing. Ego wants Body to shut the fuck up, and is trying to get Mind to choose something for her to ego-out on. Ego needs a nap even though she hasn't been participating very much lately.


~~  Everything is just energy waves.
Only Mind tries to give images and meaning to those energies it receives...
yet overall, it is irrelevant. 
They change by the day, by the hour, by the nanosecond...
all an unending stream of details and info and patterns that never cease to meet your receptors.
And you read them, forever giving them a face, a name, an emotional reaction...

The heart is the CORE PROCESSOR
It is the centerpiece for that data stream to be processed and converted.
All things (images and emotions and meanings) must be processed before they can leave.
The Heart is the core.
The waves travel through and to be transmuted into self (matching desired frequency)
they must meet at the vortex of energy that alters states of both energy and emotion.

Heal your heart...
and you will heal your world...

All negative, lower vibrational energies that you feel or carry...
can be altered into a more desired vibration directly through your body.
It's called transmutation
but it's also science of electromagnetic frequency
Climb the ladder. Change all things by holding them at the center (at the core)
and melt them into self

"When you are present, nothing else can be." - Thoth

that goes for your troubles
your bad feelers
and your pain as well
inner and outer

 Heart Connection Celebration – Brenna Reiki Master

"Sometimes there's static in between the channels." ~ The Alchemist

he says this with a wry smile.... and this may have been something I've overlooked...
or perhaps what I get for not paying attention...
although I'm positive Soul knew all about this... she always knows.
and I felt her assuredness this whole time... and well, that was good enough for me.

I'm somewhat excited to see what's on the new channel... the new dimension... the new timeline...
(for starters, I just found out Neil Armstrong died a long fucking time ago in this timeline) 
(and moist cool dirt is good for eczema ??)

time to go... ripples move in the aether...

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Sparks.... start fires....

Well, hello again long lost blog to which there has not been a visit to as of late.
For the static is clinging tighter than glue... far tighter than liquid nails so it seems...
and 'cling' IS a thing that is taken as something weak...
but it's not weak to electrons and atoms...
just saying...

I would say we've been vibing around here...
but truthfully... it's all 3d hard work... like actually having to do stuff...
and I knew there was a reason I've decided against it...
and mostly because Body is not enjoying it so much.

Body is achy, and has a teensy bit of itchy spots from some unknown source...
probably from picking up the cat or petting the dog...and they were rolling in poison ivy.
Body wants to sleep in and not do anything but lay in the sun and meditate.
Body, knows the end is near, but is throwing a whining fit about it not being today

Mind is short circuiting and shutting off completely by 7-8pm...
like, don't expect her to do numbers or questions after that time
she's done.
She's also a bit impressed how well she's fared thus far.

Brain is sitting pretty and initiating corrections when needed.
Brain is being a boss.

this girl is all googly eyed if the sun is out
Soul is dancing in some imaginary flower garden without a care in the world
We aren't quite sure where she's going or what she's doing...
but she's happy, so we are happy.
Soul isn't planning a thing and is simply watching her own show...
and no longer directing it, so much as relaxing and chillin'

so that's where we are..

The static of the 3d world is sticking together...
the aether lands are lit... almost electrified...
and I'm soooo sad to say that I haven't visited but briefly
I'll get on it soon...


So I got Book 1 edited.... and OMG,.... never fucking let me write chapters with over 20 pages...
GAH! What a nightmare...
And today I spent like an hour or two searching for a cover image...
finding lots of not good enough... not that it matters... but anyways...

Book 2 edit session begins soon... in a few days.
(cause I am insane apparently)
luckily it is not 550 pages long...and hopefully I didn't do long as chapters
and yeah, I'll be updating that cover image too, cause meh.... why not

Lots of construction and remodeling happening...
and it's getting there...
still have to play electrician
tomorrow's agenda for sure  *thumbs up

still have to do a few garden things...which I haven't had time...
delivered flowers... and still need to pick up my pay...
The dead tree in back got cut today too! Finally
Lots of loads...

Lightning Network Debuts On Blockstream Store As New Strides Announced.

so enjoy the electrifying dynamic of this season...
it's almost over...
and things will start to heat up...
*thumbs up


Sunday, May 3, 2020

Conduct your own show

Elon Musk and I must be chillin' on the same wavelength,
and I say that because he reiterated the final quote on my last blog post...
...and Starseed Astrology must be chilling here too...
because just today they reiterated the 'Boldly Go'... words...
and I'm in likable company here...
and as the usual...calling out everything 2 weeks ahead of time.
*go me

______ ______ _____

Static is charging.
In both worlds. The 3d world and Aether lands.
Clarity is skewed, even if the direction is still known.
Sounds are skewed. Muffled and incomprehensible.
But as the surrounding forces build... we keep course.
Led by the stars... for we are the stars.

The blind have come out of hiding and are trying to lead the blind...
and I've been watching them.
Seeing how they play their ruse....even unknown to themselves...
and they try to speak all the things to lead you towards their own satisfaction.
I see you.
I see you....
and I don't need to be led... I know my own way...
and it will not be with you.
they are like vultures...feeding off the weary...
but you've played your game with the master of it...


Book is finished and published... waiting for them to come in the mail
Garden is finished, except for the few items I haven't planted yet...
About ten thousand other projects in the midst... 
    (hence the 3d manifestation of that static!)
and more scheduled tasks are on the agenda....
    (I get to deliver flowers this coming week!)
    (and paint and play electrician)
    (and pet sit)
    (I'm sure there's more....)

All coronaggeddon and conspiracy theories are banned.
Muzzles just aren't my thing.
I'm glad Hobby Lobby is open.
Changed out a wheel stud yesterday on the Camry.
I should probably look into changing out that pulley on my 4runner... 
Maybe get some new tires.
Sewing a dress....really slowly...

Doing a renewed edit on Book 1... (finally, I know)
whatever made me make 20+ page chapters is beyond me... wtf...
and I shouldn't have skipped around more, instead of the main story line...
but tis' okay... I know the latter books do it a lot more....
Half way through... and it's taking forever.... (this one is like 550 pages...gah!)
all I'm doing is updating the past tense to present tense stuff
and fixing sentences written very horribly in a make no sense kinda way... ;)
(yo, I had little kids when I first wrote it, chill)
and will have a new cover image for it... cause I never had one to begin with, lol.
which is fine, because updated their site....and lost my book 1 files apparently...
so all good...and everything is working out

I realized I hadn't been here to write in two weeks! O_O
and I was wondering what Soul thinks... and she comes out better when I write...
so here I am.
even in the midst of the static vibes.
All is well, and all is good...


 Static electricity - how does it work? | Bulk Energy.

Body is stumped, mainly just pondering why the top of her head hurts.
Is it a Crown chakra thing? (HAHA a 'corona' thing?!) (corona means crown, yo)
She's waiting patiently for calm days without anything to do.
It might just be hair follicles being pissy...
or an awaking kundalini?

Mind is so tired of everyone's shit. The world's shit.
Mind is not going to play this stupid game and sometimes wishes the aliens would come.
not that they are even real and it's not some project blue beam, one world order shit.
Mind has chosen her side, her lane....
and if any other motherfuckers want to drive into her lane...
be forewarned... she will run you the fuck over.
So stay in your lane.... Mind wants you to stay there and keep your shit to yourself.
In other words...
don't tell her to follow the coronageddon recommendations of wearing a muzzle.
Don't tell her to follow any fucking thing...
she's barely able to tolerate carpet people recommending tack strips...
Mind will not fornicate with mortals.
Mind is done with you people.
and she has no shame.... 

Brain is nodding....she has nothing to say.
She's a bit perplexed why people can't do simple math.... or add...
other than that, she's good.
Her plans are on par.... and the rest of the world is not...

Ego is laughing at Mind, and I think she's falling in love with her.
Ego is like. 'YES!' about Mind's new devotion to self.
Ego is stoked.
Ego.... is having a good time just watching and is pretty chill lately...
other than stoking the fires of the hate of tack strips and carpet people not knowing how to add
Ego is happy and doesn't want a thing other than just being able to watch the show.

Lovely gorgeous Soul....
Soul is mixing herself an icee slushie right now.... full of bright colors.
She might be adding too much too.... but she doesn't care... she's loving the rich colors
Soul just shrugs about coronageddon and doesn't give one flip about it
Soul is in love with everything just as it is.
She's proud of Mind's new vibe. She's happy that Ego doesn't need to take the forefront.
She's happy Brain is trustful of her. She's giving a thumbs up to Body...
Soul knows the route and doesn't fear the ruts in the road.
Soul has done an excellent job at guiding us all through everything...
and static doesn't stand a chance.
Soul holds us all.
Soul also knows that those in alignment will find their way together....
and has no need of steering the course.... She IS the course...
And we are with her.

Soul is a badass.


"Crossing your mind, is the same as crossing your path.
    All energy evokes from it that which it names.
        Call me, and I'm here. And in an instant, we are one." ~ The Alchemist

as above, so below
as within, so without
as the Universe, so your Soul

Building up static creates energy..... (both in 3d world and aether lands)
and static will need to discharge...
the conductor... (you)
will decide what happens...

be prepared for lightning friends... harness it
and go all out Zeus on that shit

gigajoules for all!