Wednesday, February 17, 2021

With great power comes great freedom.... or it is the other way around?

just dabbling here...
gonna have a chat with The Alchemist

ignore everything and that's if I don't delete it afterwords..
and I'm not gonna go back and edit words I fucked up..
cause this is just a practice run on typing while talking and receiving

What is this 'service' word...and wtf does it mean, REALLY?

so he's like look it up.... in a annoyed tone...
in etymology it literately means "SLAVERY"

no wonder I hate that word.

ok, that's on par...

Marketing? I ask...
He gives me the look...

"to buy"
sale is sell = "give up"

so why the fuck do people teach marketing and sales and service???!!!!
   slavery, buying, giving up
THAT is a TRAP in it's finest, yeah???

He shrugs and gives a nod or two...

welll fuck.... how am I supposed to make money then...

he closes his eyes, annoyed... thinking he's already taught this, but I probably forgot...again...

"What did I tell you already about money?" He reminds me...

"Money flows to what you do, not because of it."
   ok...I get that...but if I paint do I convert it to cash?
like how do people find it, see it, buy it?

"No." He sighs.
"You get paid in the experience. The being of the process. Everything is paid up front before the matter is even formed." He explains.  "What comes after is for the dogs."

...he's starting to sound like Thoth.... lol...

"Ooohhh." I love this, nodding.

"Remove any thoughts of the afterworld. The afterwords... (he says these intentionally this way).
We are now. All is now. Even the money." He nods, knowing I get his words easily.



he watches me as I ponder random questions, because I ran out of real ones...

"What do I say to the humans? About service, connecting?"

"About slavery and binding?" He asks...already knowing the real meaning of these words...


"Let those who would be slaves, be slaves." He confirms. "And those who would be...otherwise..."
He looks my way with a slight grin. He doesn't want to use another phrase Thoth would most definitely use.

"So...I can have that cybertruck...yeah?" I smile.

"Have you driven it yet?" He asks, going back to whatever he was doing.

he doesn't mean for it's not even built yet... he means in thought form.
which I have not...

"Test drives are rather fun." He mentions like it's obvious... and it is.


Thus far, there are 27 quail chicks in my living room.
and luckily I feel today might be the day that I get some random 'I haven't finished that yet'
stuff finished.
I fingerpainted yesterday... that was fun... and for some reason way WAY more liberating than with a paintbrush..... even if it felt like I was wasting an enormous amount of paint.... and it allowed for those little mess ups... because finger painting is supposed to be messy...
anyway... I'll post the pics on my facebook sometime later today... if it really is the lucky day of getting things done.
Today's boring list of hopeful actions include these things...
and for some reason people like to see a list of these mundane things... who the hell knows why...

Clean the quail brooder.
3 kitchen shelves put up on the wall
Seal the mini paintings, take pics, post for your enjoyment
start seeds and set up lights for those
probably other stuff too in between







Whoever tf told you you have to choose between this or that...
   or here or there...   or me or you.... 
           are incredibly not on your side.
Whoever told you sacrificing yourself, or your time, or your well-being...
    was a good, brave, moral thing to do....
            were probably living within their own limitations.

I dare you to rip off the labels.
To uncover yourself from all the layers of falsehoods you've been trying to survive under.
Maybe try rewriting your life from a blank page,
     rather that one that's been scribbled over with all the CAN'T's or DON'T's


You are allowed to create your own world.
It IS possible.
You already have the proof.... exactly what you have now, is what you've created...
and you can change it if you want.
You can make it better.
You can make it exceptional.
You can make it amazing.

It's about unfolding the layers to uncover our soul.
The energy Source.
The resonance of undeciphered potential.

I'm sure you've read ten thousand sayings that ask you to be strong and carry on.
Or to be good and sacrifice for the good of all...
But I'm not asking you to do that.
I'm asking you to sacrifice the world to find yourself. A thousand time even.
Who you really are, the one buried beneath the heaps of all that is not you...
That's what I'm in this for.
     Not the bullshit attire you are wearing.
     Not that goodie goodie 'look at me, I'm so kind and nice' fuckery many of you pretend to be.
         "Look how well I follow rules. I'm gonna get a star!" ALL THIS BS!

You may have fooled everyone else. I mean everyone....
But I'm not in this for the costumes, or the theatricals...
I'm not in this for the foolery, or the pretending...
I'm not in this to support those who are good, or those who are following all the rules.
I don't give a fuck about your work. Or what you do. Or what you have. Or what you want.

I'm in this for your soul.
and they are fucking suffocating.

Don't ask me what I do. Don't ever ask me that.
Ask me who I am.



so that took weeks to have a glimpse of what to write about for another facebook post
why do I bother...
besides I like writing and it sounds cool...

I haveta go pick up some money...
I'll be back... but Imma post this so I can start a new page, LOL.

Image result for soul fantasy art

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Blazing a trail, ain't give'n no fux

~ BREAKING NEWS from the Aether ~

Maybe a Perspective shift. Paradigm shift.
Whatever you like to call it...
I just like to call it some words that you might like to hear.

~  "Money flows TO what you do, not because of it."

~  "Love flows TO what you do, not because of it."

~  "Energy flows TO what you do, not because of it."

Let's be very very crystal about something.

Nothing exterior moves into your reality without it first reflecting from YOU.

I'm not going to break that down into bite size pieces for you.
I KNOW you get this, even if it seems like you need even more words to explain it.

Lots and lots of almost all the people think 'that' thing brings them one of those feel good words...
     (like happiness, joy, love, wealth, health, blah blah, you get the idea....)
and what a cute way to invite struggle into life...
But let's move this around into a better perspective.

How about...
  ~     'I' create 'that'.    ~

But who is 'I'?

Technically 'I' is everything. All your life circumstances, all of your world.
...and that 'I' is responsible for it all.

So where are you?
What are you creating? Cause you can't 'not' create.
Where are your thoughts?
What do you keep seeing, saying, doing?
Are those things really YOU? Or are they what everyone else wants to see.
Do you like your world?

If not, here's your doorway that can lead you to change it.
By paying attention to what you are thinking, creating, saying, doing, moving, becoming.
By observing from shore instead of treading water.

All it takes is attention.
All it takes is correcting it towards a new life you begin to create,
instead of the old one that you see before you.
All it takes is focus.
All it takes is clarity.
All it takes is YOU.
Because you are the creator. You are the beginning point.
You're the CAUSE, not the effect.
YOU are the SOURCE which everything in your life flows from.

Get your shit straight.
Get your mind back into your own hands.
Get your time back into your own hands.
Get clear.
Get centered.

We want you all to be FREE. <3


As much as I hate people, I sure do fucking love them a whole hell of a lot too

Almost done with the Gateway process...
still have 2 left...
the last few were kinda boring...
like focus 23, and 25, and 27 too...
they try to make it sound amazing and beyond belief...
but I've been playing there for quite awhile....sooo....
another round of 'use these fancy things' or this 'fancy technique to get to this place or this thing'...
that's a box of horseshit, you know...
as I wrote above, we don't really need any of those things...
those items, or techniques, or practices, or bullshit crap...
we already are what we want.

and imma bout annoyed to death of the repeated efforts of the world to give people yet another fancy thing to get them to where they want to be....
I totally dig the idea of crystals and pretty rocks, and feng shui...
but I know it's nothing when compared to the beliefs we give them.
None of us NEED to light a candle, say a prayer, get a card reading, carry around some gemstone, feed the fairies, become a vegetarian, eat meat, ground, exercise, not exercise, stand under the full moon, dance around the fire on the solstice, celebrate christmas, take medications, not take medications, believe anything, believe everything, go here, get there, become this, do that, meditate, not meditate, breathe deeply, align your chakras, raise your vibration....continue on forever....
We don't need anything...
We are everything al-fucking-ready...

I guess we can use them as a ladder or whatever we can use them for...
but we outgrow tools eventually... don't rely on them forever.

Image result for fantasy light.

I'm all out of relevant mind surging words right now, lol.

Eggs are still in incubator, will have babies late next week.
Youngest has a birthday this weekend! 17!!
Get to deliver flowers for Valentine's next week too.
Picked up wood for coop.
Next art project will be underway eventually.
No writing projects right now besides random posts on facebook and today's blog post full of today's post and a bunch of nothing.
Book 7 is still fermenting in my mind...and although I've go the whole premise and parts and aspects....
pieces are scattered everywhere. Anyway, it's not due until next year... so I've got plenty of time to procrastinate! YAY!
I applied to a job today, LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!
   like for storyboarding, so it actually helps for that whole screenwriting idea I still have lingering in the background.
And I still have screenplay's to write, but I have to start them.....
   once I start them, it's EASY to complete...... the starting though.....
That seems to be an issue for a Pisces like moi.
   and those Scorpio moon/ascendants.... just make me not give a fuck about it so much until there is momentum already in progress...

    hey, that might be something for me to give some attention to....
there's lots of waves out there....
if only I gave af....
*sigh *shrugs *smiles
we can do it here, real time.... cause it's fun to watch how my brain kinda works...
but not really, cause usually I'm watching my brain work, and I'm analyzing it as it's analyzing something else....
and then the whole energy feeling thing which is feeling both of them at the same time ...
it's a mess.
we'll try...


I guess I like catching the wave, not necessarily creating it... ???? 
   but I sometimes start shit because I like to see where it'll take me.... ????
but the stuff I start with intention.... (without waiting for natural energetic momentum)
   crashes and burns.... or doesn't provide fruitful exchange $$$$$
and I love money, as it's a rather great motivational aspect.... up to a point.
it's like 4th in line after 'enjoyment' and 'purpose' and 'freedom'.
Hence the direct reason I don't 'job'.... and I hate people-ing.

Sooo.... in retrospect....and knowing how energy works...
when momentum catches on already.... it carries me and I don't have to do much work.
but I soooo get impatient, LOL
am I spoiled or what LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!
maybe I'll just wait next time.... FOOOORRREEEEVVVVEEERRRRR...... geesh


Someone on tik tok was talking about the book 'The Alchemist' yesterday...
and The Alchemist (my guide/teacher/aether dude right now)
 got all happy and was like.
"Look, there's a book with my name on it!"
lol... I haven't read it, as reading stories hurts just as bad as watching bad movies.
but I know what it's about and the lessons they were getting at...
they could have just wrote a self-help book....
WAY WAY easier without all the external imagery.
    (this falls in the same pattern as those tools mentioned above...)
    (eventually, you don't need the tools, stories, etc...anymore...)
and just dive right into the purpose and reason of it all.

when we vibrate with our essence... (as I got to remember to listen to what I write...)
that means we get more on our vibrational reality, right?
Cause I'm getting bored on this one, lol.
I want the brave people.
The bold people.
The free people.
The people who say yes to adventure.
The people who believe in momentum and not in struggle.
The people who are willing to drop the tools and trust.

I just remembered something I've been looking for...
got to go see if facebook marketplace has one listed for me...
cause intuition, yo.


mmm kkkk..
I'm outta here...


The Irish are to the Celts as the moon is to the aliens....
they live inside it...


"....I thought you liked fire?" The Alchemist asks me.... after reading what I wrote about patience...
"I like winning with ease." I confirm.
"Get more kindling." He says, matter of fact....solving all the problems that I didn't even see...

 <3   my heart...

which reminds me of the sunrise this morning....
it was fiery ember... deep orange and ablaze with light