Monday, September 12, 2011

Much learning doth make thee mad

Sooo.... I've been reading this book....well, technically, I just finished reading the book...and I have to say I love it.
"The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle.
Seems to me....there are some major things that prevent people in general from seeing/hearing/knowing the truth either about themselves, others, or life. And major screens people are attached it thoughts, emotions, ideals... None of which really matter, not even my own.

Weird thing is, that actually productively focusing on the here and now, and letting all other opinions, blame, etc, etc fade away doesn't feel wrong. Even letting some particular ideas that some base their life upon fade away too.... kinda like that letting go thing I mentioned once upon a time. Letting go of it all....for they are all bricks.
And you still won;t feel lost, or feel like you have betrayed someone. Or feel like you have 'sinned'

I choose to go further down this path, just to see where it leads. As I didn't place it before me in the first place. It was placed there for me. And I will surrender to it.

Yay, you have no idea what I meant by any of that, I'm sure, so oh well. ;)
Anyway, got stuff to do today, and I won;t complain about them. As I have nothing to complain about, nothing to rant about....see what reading shit does to

I do have a comment about a little title I saw in the paper the other day. It was only a small article, and I didn't really read the article except for a quick browse through which I have already forgotten, but I do remember the title...It was "Excuse me, but would it kill you to lie?"
Now this got me thinking... first off, I could use my thoughts (which are dysfunctional anyway (book said so)) and my thoughts would first say."Yes, because lying is a 'sin'...and you will die and burn in hell for that." hahahaha.... no I really don;t believe that you would go to a place called hell...though lying is wrong. I don't usually practice it, so I'm not qualified to elaborate with my dysfunctional mind thoughts.
On the other hand, my other thought would be, "No, unless it is a serious matter, people can get over it!!! They would believe anything told to them anyway if they are not present enough to know the difference between the truth and a lie." (yeah, my ruthless side talking....)
The point is that not many people are 'awake' so even telling the truth, one would still get bombarded with others judgements and opinions, and blames, and and and...... So feel free to lie, when none respect you enough to even ask you what you meant by something and like to judge and cast blame, and not even be considerate to the underlying soul that lives underneath all the bullshit.... that way when they cast judgement and opinions, it will be about nothing in truth....and if someone actually did want to learn what you really meant, then tell them the truth that you lied and wanted them to see how quick they were to blame and condemn.... As many are quick to do fast, one can't even see it coming.

Oh, and then they sit there and add to their already negative thoughts, and build up a case against you. With their like minded friends they have brainwashed with their negative frequencies. And who someone really is, the soul inside, gets buried beneath the bricks. And one can never see how great the people are. Not only the the judges, but the victims too...assuming the victim likes picking up bricks too.
Let's throw them at each other, that'll really get us some brownie points to get to heaven.

Oh, wait....there I go playing mind games to mess with the thumpers...heaven isn't somewhere, some other place in the is Now. And it is Here. Not sure what everyone is waiting for? Wake up. Shake yourself awake or something, I can't do it for you.
....or can I....?

I know, a little harsh today for this blog post, you'll get over it. I love you ALL anyways. Have a great day in the mists of the sunshine and blueberries. Hugs to my little padawans of enlightenment.

Oh, and our little gerbil, her name is Snips, off of the Star Wars cartoon, Ahsoka's kid names Anikin gave her :)...and she loves her ball.

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