Friday, August 24, 2012

Rocketships to the moon.....

"Feel the fear...and do it anyway"

There's a chasm between doing what the world is telling you and doing what the boss man is telling you. Either you rely upon your own understanding or you rely upon His. You trust in the 'easy simple totally makes sense' path....or you trust in the 'holy cow that is amazing, what the heck is happening, awesome, this makes absolutely NO sense' path. You either remain passive and hit the ignore button....or you indulge yourself into the abyss of mystery...even if it is not what appears comfortable. You laugh at His voice and scoff at His hand...or you listen and take hold of it. ..There is no inbetween.....and you should know this by now.

Perhaps I should too. But we still forget amidst the fog....but only until we return to our memories of knowing where our hearts are planted...and we remember...and the fire burns and there we are held...without fear. Burning blazing like a star....and we will walk with Him. And everything else is cast out into silence....for we cannot hear it outside of His breath.

I will grow where He sows....and that is where I must be...and that is where my peace rests.

So much more to say...but we are out of time. I pray you have chosen your path....there are no more u-turns, and the double-minded shall fall.....falling stars....cry for them....for their lights have burned so many of us....yet you watch them awestruck....and keep pulling them down...down to earth, back to the world....when its in the heavens where they belong.... be silent or join them.

Leaving for the beach in a few days!!! Excited even though there are 2 dresses that NEED finished before tomorrow (and it's only 9pm...)...and I really am at the point of not freaking caring... :( sorry. I should care, considering another week to complete them would be way outside my range of estimated time of shipping...*sigh.
Really hard to concentrate on work when other new adventure stuff has been needing immediate attention and school has been wavering in scheduling, and beach planning has been sucking the time out of the last day at home.....

There was this video I watched the other day..... --
and now I have to learn it to drive my kids crazy, lol. I do kinda like the old school hymns, even though I can't tolerate most modern music of that genre. It burns, lol ;)

I also watched a few youtube videos that were talking about missiles coming from out of the sea, and Kijani had mentioned Columbia.....but I didn't even think about till earlier today that I remembered I had that dream about the missile being shot from the moon while I was at the beach.....and when I went on google to get the directions (because my GPS is retarded!!!) we have to pass through Columbia, my dream the missile hit where I was (blew the place up!) and I prayed myself out of it..and it ended where I was in something like a decompression chamber or something.....aren't we all crazy here, haha. I really just hope it doesn't rain, lol.
Did you know that storm Isaac in the gulf/sea....that's my dog's name too.

Hmmmm....what else....?
can you tell I blessed with adhd.......which reminds me of this most awesome song ever!!!! (song starts at 0:58 seconds in)---
LOL, I hope you enjoyed that as much as I do...yes every time I watch it, lol.
I am patiently waiting to be able to find a mp3 download of this song...for

Guess, I'm done for now....hope to be back (and hopefully back in a more prepared/non-chaotic sense)...sometime next week.

Later gators of white toothed oatmeal divers. Let's avoid the missiles of moon watering submarines.....and anti-radiation decompression chambers.... post war times are not full of happiness.

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