I'm not sure why I'm here just yet. But I figure it will come to me. "Go write" was the thought...so me being all cooperative am doing so.
I'm feeling rushed, as though there is something that must be said. I'm feeling nervous too, as though something approaches.....and I keep referring to the stupid end of the world that is scheduled, but I know that is not it...at least not exactly.
As a matter of fact, I don't expect anything to happen tomorrow at all...besides a bunch of random facebook posts about how excitedly boring it is tomorrow. But if anything was going to happen, it would be on the 23rd. And only I express that opinion because there is a pattern I have been watching and the 23rd would fit the pattern.....not the 21st. Of course this doesn't mean rapture talk or end of the world, or war, or aliens, or zombie apocalypse either. However if you look at the pattern, it will be related to something involving death and probably guns. Because what better way is there to get people to hand over their weapons than filling those who fear them with just that.....fear. 12/23/12 also adds up to 11, which only leaves the number '6' to come about once the incident happens. And if you even really want to know what that has to do with anything...it would represent 11/6, which if you invert it....is 9/11 ....and this is the consistent pattern that has rampaged the whole year when gun violence has erupted.
It all a conspiracy to get people to relinquish their 2nd amendment rights. Just you wait and see.
Of course, rapture would be awesome too. Tis the season 'eh?
Anyway, I want to thank the most awesomest person ever for His most excellent gifts.
Remember those last 3 orders... I have 2 partly made, as I'm waiting on my fabric to ship to me...the other I'm waiting on payment. I just sold 2 more (yay!). Have a whole design line waiting for fabrics to arrive, 2 more waiting to be put together (once I pick up fabrics for those tomorrow) (Yes, nothing like fabric shopping the day the world should end!) and I'm still liking my job. Though I would much rather take pictures, lol. I have a few photoshoots stewing in my head, but those of course are creative themed ones and cost me time, money, and effort to prepare...none of which I have to give at the moment. Would be nice if someone could pay me for a creative themed shoot beforehand so I have something to work toward and I'd have money to do it with, lol.
Let's talk new year's resolutions. Well, we already know that one of mine I started last week. That one is the resolution to be selfish (hell yeah!). Another is to stop procrastinating. Which I'm going to need some major intervention, because I don't have a clue how to actually begin developing that.
wind is turbulent tonight...I like it!
Merry Christmas in case I don't get to say hello again. Happy winter solstice too, cause we all like a little change now and then. And I think Kwanza is next week...happy or whatever they say Kwanza. I really don't care. And Merry Fourthmas too, which is for fun awesome people like me who give gifts ever week of December :) ....though I think I'll be gifted out by the 29th...hmmm... I'll make brownies or something, lol. Maybe some cake pops with my new cake pop cooker thing :)
Stay strong. We are near the finish line, even if you can't see it.
And now that hubby is home early, I don't think I'll get to go fabric shopping tomorrow....will end up being too broke with a short check next week.....ugh, perfect.
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