Thursday, February 7, 2013

maybe one day

Wow. Gotta love this country and it's president. God save us all.
So that's a a huge chunk we no longer get.....and it looks like there might be ample reason to head on over to the human resource department and get some of those handouts they seem to give away all the time over there. Paying for it all anyway, so whats the difference.
Times like this when I really want the world to go to hell and burn in hellfire flames and take our departure into somewhere where there isn't any bullshit crossing the road. You will know exactly what I'm talking about when you receive your paycheck.
Anyway.... other than that predicament.... hubby is broken, I'm brokenish....and now financially broke as well. But, on the good side....I'm very thrilled to announce that this can only get better :)
And I say that with a bullshit smile on my face, haha.
Cause we all know....if this chest issue doesn't go away soon, I'll need to go see a doctor...and then I'll have heart failure or something radical which I can't pay for and then I'll die and then what will you have to read, lol.
Of course, there's ample supply of Judge Judy youtube videos and conspiracy theorists, and rapture people to watch...which I admit that I do watch them, lol. Unfortunately the rapture thing keeps getting pushed back further and further...I'm not sure we'll ever make it to that day ;). The conspiracy people are right on the mark for the most part though. It's like reading a book and already knowing how it ends....and then you turn the page because something just happened to confirm it....hmmm.....but then again, I can say the same thing about some of those end of the world rapture videos too. Judge Judy is just for fun...that and those stupid funny cat videos.
Well....I'm not quite sure what happened with that job....haven't heard back from them....and I'm not going to do anything about it. No longer care. I'm suffering at the moment right now anyway.

In other worldly news...the boss man is on hiatus. Can't seem to locate Him.... :( ... but maybe it;s just me and my amnesia or something.... I luckily have a very good friend though who keeps me in check. you realize that its a bit strange that I sometimes talk about things on here or especially my deviant art page and then they end up happening....weird.
Need to start talking about departing, so we can get on our way already.

I'm about to go crazy dealing with people....and I do not think I will ever do anything for anyone ever again. I'm so frustrated! Why do people do what they do and just not give an ounce of consideration to anyone else?! Really!? I can try and try and try to be a selfish ass all damn day, but that isn't going to make my moral consideration disintegrate. I can talk shit all day on here, but I'm not going to purposely cause a disservice to anyone else. Damn people....what is wrong with you?!
It would be like someone reading all this horseshit and trying to figure out who I am, lol. I'm a star....and truthfully, I'm an outcast of many sorts and there's probably something wrong with me socially and lately physically, and even though I would like to be someone else or act differently, I'm pretty happy being me anyway....(except for this current issue) and once I start feeling better I can share more....but tonight, I'm just out of it. And now I'm tired and sad and I need to finish my list so I can get what I need tomorrow.....

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