Sunday, June 9, 2013

Squeezing down the won't be long now.

"If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought."

So I got that book I ordered in....and so far I love it! It's called 'The Four Agreements'......and I do say so that even though it is written in super simple structure where almost anyone could follow it (I suppose) that the point of it makes the most perfect sense I've heard/read in a long long time. Intriguing, but not finished with it yet.
This read is somewhat freaking me out a bit too, as this state of mind changing seems to be coinciding with that womb thing....I'm almost excited, because holy can what comes next (and you know what comes next!) not be exciting!
Of course I do have this realization that there will be this short span of confusion and stress that must happen during the process....lots of stress...lots of confusion...lots of turmoil and waves of pressure. Ah yes....everything with a light side and the shadow that comes with it. But the light is what brings life, the light is what matters. And soon it will be so bright full of light that the shadows have to surrender to it.

This coincides with being exuberantly happy on a long term basis, yet feel like crying for no reason, a constant missing of someone you haven't yet met, having a major freak out because there's more work to be done than you's to do it all, and having your body suffer from this unknown sickness. ... and the kids are not fully better from their bout of sickness in case you wanted me to keep going.
All this coinciding...yet I find it fascinating and am feeling rather blessed to watch everything unfold in this life. It's like a reality show for yourself and there's all these twists and turns and I only get to see the preview of the next episode, but getting to see this preview is what is cool, only problem is waiting and wondering when it airs and wondering where the story will lead. Good times...good times.

I'm also rather angry as well. As I have no one to talk to about this nonsense. I have no one to listen to about their nonsense either...and I gets all lonelies.
My very good friend is cool, but he usually gets to hear my stories more than me describing my womb experience, lol. The boss man know all about everything, but He's working on something important right now and can't talk much about my theories and thoughts and reality shows. for stressful matters...I feel icky and my throat issue is still a pain in the ass. No thank you to the doctor or meds she gave me. The boy is better, but still slight cough and nasal stuffiness/drainage. The girl is sick today and now currently beginning the cough and nasal stuff. Oh yay....grrr.
Hubby is immune to everything, so at least I don't have to worry about him getting sick....just injured, ugh. Too much needs done...I have orders out the yin yang....and am 1 order away from closing to new orders until I can get caught up. The turnip greens and kale in my garden are spikey....are they supposed to be like that?? I don't think I'll be eating them....they look like weeds, lol.
I wonder if the government will put me on the watch list if I use a bunch of 'cue words' like Obama, or weed, or gun, rifle, shotgun, pistol, blah blah, explosion, all in the same sentence? Probably....well, nice to know you are keeping me in check....psh. This is the type of scenario that hinders creative freedom, art, evolution of the human mind, growth, and all the wonderful god given rights we have as humankind.
For example: I'm a photographer. I have these pictures I would love to create just to help open people's minds a bit. They would be quite possibly controversial. They would involve major key issues like gun control, freedom of speech, constitutional rights, abortion, homosexuality, abuse (all kinds), conspiracy theories, end of the world theories, so on and so forth...(and boy do I have a lot!) BUT and a big BUT...... I'm not free to do such things. For example: If I posted......... (STOP THERE....see I can't even post it.) I don't want people knocking on my door. I don't want people calling. I don't want people jumping to every damn conclusion there mind may think of just because they saw a picture that sparked a strong feeling inside them. It;s not my problem to keep you's not my job to make you happy and keep your heart serene. It's not my responsibility to cover your eyes or ears or heart.
It's my job to give what has been given to me. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you can come knock on my door and ask questions which I do not have to answer. Or point your marshal law rifles in my face and force me to obey. I obey only one person.....and it certainly isn't anyone who knocks on my front door. The boss man has a key to the office, he doesn't knock.

Well....that was fun. I think I'll go find me some subjects to post pictures of anyway. Because I can.
Anything you can do I can do better....I can do anything better than you. (no, you can't), YES I CAN!!!!

Lol.....every time I think of that song I think of Donny Osmond and Elmo....they sang it on the Osmond show one day a long freakin time ago.
And then my mind wonders and I think of Joseph and the technicolor dreamcoat. Which I watched as well....and enjoyed it, lol. Which them reminds me of Les Mis since it's also a musical, which coincides with government intrusion.....oh dang, just can't escape can we.

Anyway.....go till up your garden and make it fertile for good seed....and let the bad seeds die away. I'm off to tackle some sewing work, because at this point, no matter if I sew all day, it's still not ever going to get done.

In the words of Horton, as he did everything to protect that speck.... "Even though you can't see them or hear them at all.....a person's a person, no matter how small."

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