We are so broken. Shards of colored glass, with our jagged sharp edges and harsh corners. We cut, we slash, we find our way through the mess but leave a bloodbath where our footsteps have been. Us, the broken and shattered...and who will put us together again?
Stained. Red with blood, green with envy, like christmas. Who puts us together and hangs us upon a wall and calls us a beautiful stain-glass window?
Reflecting the light....reflecting, being transparent perhaps...but the light that travels through is also as broken as we are. Why do we block out so much of the light...and only a tint of it gets through?
We are one. One welded together in a frame, all of us broken pieces. Yet divided one from another. Who is it that could make us whole?
Like a coloring book, where every part is divided by a big black line....a big black line....and even if we are colored in, the picture gets colored, but we are still alone. Where are the black lines that divide our hands from our world? That divide us from one another? That divide us from something larger?
Is there any at all? Yet, we are divided.
Our front doors are locked, barricaded, masked, hidden, and covered....we don't want anyone to come in. What are we guarding that is so important? Why must we live alone?....
And the back door? Mysterious. How do we find the key? We leave it available, but with only a small lock....where is the key? There must be a way in. A way to reach them, to reach ourselves, to reach others.
Help me find the key....we are running out of time.
B U S Y. and I'm not liking that word very much. This whole week will require undivided attention. And the glass maker is going to have to meld us together because being stain-glass isn't working out, no matter how nice it looks. Let's just take the windows out and tear down the house while we are at it. I'd rather be outside where there are no doors, and there's only the gardener, and garden, and the flowers, and the stream.
I could post a list of what my days will most likely look like....but no, it doesn't matter. What gets done will get done, and what doesn't, doesn't. I'll do the best I can.
I could post a list of plans for the future....but even those tend to change from one to the other depending on the circumstances. I guess it depends if I feel bad that day.
ah yes...always at the mercy of the flesh. Just can't keep up with my aspirations.
Anyway...yada yada... Be sure to stay away from dairy (cheese, milk, maybe eggs too...) for the next few weeks. My youtube girl is predicting stuff. and well, I believe her...dairy is evil.
Think I'll go gather some biophotons today and hang out with some geomagnetic electrical grounding currents.
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