Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Everything is awesome....

It is night and the stars are out...I think, I hadn't had a chance to go outside just yet.
This is going to be a rather quick post (I hope) because I've got some serious writing to do on Book 3 of Angel of MidKnight....I'm currently on Chapter 10.
In other news I recently made a stupid video for Hobo Patch, and ShadowDragon Dreams is going rather well. I'm hoping my recent new employees will keep up the good work and I hope they get quicker so I can not worry so much....

I want to explain myself a bit this very fine evening.
Isn't that a rare thing....explaining myself, like I have always done, but for some reason no one really understands what I'm saying. Nor do they listen. I've gotten used to it, and frankly, I really don't mind at all. I feel rather like a treasure....something kept hidden so no one steals its glory.
But anyway, we recently watched the Lego Movie.
Remember the part where they said that Emmet blended in so well that he was invisible..... that is me. Totally.
I can get along with anyone, even if I really don't like you. The way to tell if I don't like you is that you may only see me once....and if it's any more than that, I won't be around listening to you speak, doesn't matter what you are saying.
I can relate to many as well....even if I've passed that point of my life and now I think it's rather drab....or I haven't reached it yet and therefore think I'm invincible to it. Or I'm in it....and I understand, but don't talk about it because I'm still learning my way through and don't want to sound like a goon for thinking I actually know what I'm doing. Ha, I never know what I'm doing really.
Even if I'm really passionate about certain things, I'm to the point of not sharing my ideas because everyone is either sick of hearing about it, they don't care because it doesn't relate to them, or they really don't understand.....mostly it's the latter. So I remain silent, and when I get talkative, I still feel alone because everyone I know lives in this world.......and I do not.
I know a few people who don't, but I haven't met them...or they are on the other side already and are spared watching my shortcomings and failures and regrets.

What else.....I'm rather happy and joyful most of the time.....except when adults throw temper tantrums and being considerate and unable to waste energy, I let them. This drives me insane, however I just don't have the energy to give.

I've related people to a piece of star dust....and their star dust is wrapped up tightly below their layers and layers of whatever it is that they think they need....for many it is covered by fear...ego...regret...hate...doubt. I see this in them and I want to help them peel back the layers and rescue their star from the darkness....but they just don't want to allow it. They want to feel their rage.
So again...I feel like Emmet. Feel like you were a part of something, but really not....they didn't care if you were there or not... until you became special...and wonderful...and whatever else they said in that movie.
I don't want to be special though.......I want you to be.

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