Today, today, live like you wanna.
Let yesterday burn and throw it in a fire, in a fire, in a fire.
Live like a warrior.
what was that I wrote last time about burning....?
Oh yes, this is just something awesome. I don't even have to look for these awesome things, they look for me. Sweet. We are blessed.
First day of not brushing my hair, hahahaha. I think I'll do the neglect and see what happens type of dreadlocks. For now.
First day of not working for someone else. I called and told them I was done, take me off the schedule, sorry, but not sorry. I hope they don't call me tomorrow to find out why.
My tree house has been approved and simplified. Hell yes.
I'm going to go part viking, part hippie.
And still thinking on that tattoo.....I need a very good artist.
I'm thinking of going skating (again) even though I earned a blister on my foot today.
This year is going to be great. I need skates..... knee pads.... warm weather....
I think I've been adopted by my daughter's cat. She won't leave me alone....but with this much awesomeness, I don't blame her. She even tells me when it's time to quit sewing and go upstairs to check emails or read before bed. She tells me when it's wake up time too. And when it's time to go downstairs, and when it's time for everything else I can't understand.
Sewing work.... need to paint 7 shirts tomorrow.
Then finish 2 dresses
Then loads more of tees.
Then more after that including a bunch of Tangled stuff.
NEED to actually put stuff for sale in my etsy shop, lol. Now that I don't have to divide up my focus, I can do just that. Sweet. Going to make it tons more efficient and hopefully make a few sales.
Still thinking there's something I can do with some new stuff....but not sure of a plan of attack just yet.
Painting a table within the next few days too....or tomorrow if I get the urge.
And....I'm on the hunt. Since I can't make my way to Burning Man anytime soon.... I'm going to hunt for them here. Maybe my unbrushed hair will attract them....or my awesome aura....cause it just got a layer of muck seared off of it.
But, I need to take little purposeful deliberate steady careful meaningful steps.... oh yeah.
Time to start counting stars * * * * * * * *********************************** * * ** *
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