Saturday, November 21, 2015

mutiny....that sets the tower on fire....and the ocean ablaze....we all will burn

these things have been rapt asunder.
it's a frightful thing to see things pull apart....though I'm not the one who's afraid.
like a high pitched voice that can't be heard by the ears of the base drum.
like the vibrations of atoms that can't be felt by those left behind.
hurry up.
catch up.
come with us....come with me.

i can hear them.
it's like a screaming and only the heroes can hear.
you were my hero....once upon a time. are dampening the rhythms.
too afraid to let them touch you.
too afraid.
take my hand.
i can show you how to walk.

you can't put out a star....for she is fire.
you can't drown her....she has been the sea.
you can't cover her....she'll burn right through your shield.
you can't even hide our face....for she sees more than you or i could ever imagine.

how much longer till the channel changes.
how much longer do we have until we can't find each other.



so.... I'm tossing things in the garbage like company's coming over.
subconsciously making room for something....something.

this is all a game and I'm no longer playing.
this is a game....and I can see them behind the glass
they know i least that i know something more than i used to.

fuck this shit.
fuck all this shit.
time to burn it down.

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