Sunday, December 16, 2018

3 of 100.... *shrugs

Day 3
Nothing is important.
It only matters if you make it matter.
and why would you do that?

"Your heart is not in your chest."
The recent words from a friend of mine.
and I find this to be true...

Liberation is the new black.
and this path has proved to be quite easy.
going with the flow... and none of that bouncing around...
or swirling pockets, or meandering in unsureness.
All is assured.
Breathing is easier.
Moving is effortless.
Allowing is life.


Someone likes my screenplay of Laser Racers.
I like it too, actually.
I could tweak some things on it, but my body was resisting that for weeks...
and now I think I know why.
That wouldn't have been in flow. It wouldn't have been in alignment.
It would be me trying to dig out the river's edge to make things go a certain way...
and I don't have to do that.
Where I think I want to go is nowhere near as awesome of where it could take me on it's own.
And this is where I rest in trust.
And the idea of tweaking it, has been erased from my reminder list.

And liberation... ahh... love that word.
There's other things on that list I could erase.
Or the whole thing.
And sometimes that exact thing is needed.
Not just for the rush of the challenge...
or the mind echoes of 'what if you forget about this thing!!'
but because when you are in connection and in flow with your self...
you don't have to remember...
and I'm no longer available to keep tabs on things that are not in my highest calling.
things like...
the things I will do anyway, cause I want to. I couldn't forget.
other tasks I'll get around to eventually.
now that I'm actually reading this list... none of it will be overlooked.
I'll still get to it when it calls.
so... there's a delete button...

I have a grocery list... which I kinda need. I'm not buying just for myself.
and notes on the stuff all the guides have said to me.
and screenplay ideas.

hey... I can erase anything...
like stuff.
let's do that!
That sounds fucking exciting!
Transmuting matter back into energy.
hell to the yes.
got work to do,
I'm outta here.

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