Monday, May 27, 2019

get out the saw already

What is missing?

When all of these people encase themselves...
when they fall in line of the proper ways...
staying within the property lines...
being 'property' themselves...
Talking too much.
Doing too much.
Saying too much.
and for what?
to make a place for themselves?
to stake their plot on the map of earth?

who are you people?
always flitting your head to and fro, trying to catch the next fancy distraction...
what is missing from your life that you must search in a frantic manner?
Is it love you seek?

I see you hoping....always hoping...
you stupid creatures.
you stupid stupid beasts.

even the animals of the world know more than you.
everyone knows, except you.
you stupid humans.


But you already know what I'm going to say.
You truly already know.
But still you remain in ignorance.
and I will remain in silence.

"You know the answers.... but do you FEEL them?"

we've all fallen.

Yet even you can't stand in your own darkness.
Like you can't even stand in your own light.
Always in the barzakh.
Always lingering in the midst.
Always lukewarm.
Inbetween the two....

and I shall not speak a word of what you need to hear.
too many words have been cast out for you.
many nets.

there will be no rescue
save yourself

you've forgotten who I AM.
forgotten where I AM.

the ark was a long time ago.
and even if you have been forgiven...
you enslave yourselves to a life of wretchedness.
... drowning yourself day after day in fear.
you've created your own floods to kill yourself with...

It's 11:42pm
and the moment when a thought passes and spells flow out like wine.
and you get the rawness...
where a truth that blinds is painted over with colorful pictures...
so you won't tremble.

but why would I spare you
let's not and say we did....
and the instability of these passages shake you...
fill you with something that you need...
always something you need.
but always.... something you already know.
you already know.
because we are one
and we all know...
but as light and as dark....
it shall be called from both worlds...
and then you can feel...
feel... all of you.

Let me remind you....

HE said that the time for sowing has passed.
The reaping has begun.
...and the time for bearing fruit is at hand.
be fruit-full....or be cut off.

the line is cut at the inbetween...
let not the blade of the scythe strike you down....
why are so many of you standing there...?
stupid stupid humans...
caged by indecision...

fruit - etymology speaking = enjoy...
why aren't you enjoying your life....?
why aren't you enjoying the fruits of the earth?
Why aren't you reaping all it has to offer?
Why aren't you ripe?


but still you don't know what you know....
and that's okay
let it be

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