No one ever said that Dyson stick vacuumers sound like futuristic laser blasters.
Like dude... I would have brought one home long before now, had I known that!
You have no idea how THAT would have sealed the deal alone.
I mean picking up stuff from the floor is great and all...
but ... it sounds like a laser blaster.
Let me tell you what else I love!
Allowing all of myself.
and the wheel, and the rotation
and all the things, big and little
and water, and the forest
and ten bajillion other instances
and becomings
I recently was offered a publishing contract
but I am declining the offer...
thanks, I guess, but no thanks!
We have recently become certified and accredited for spiritual life coaching
and currently progressing to get certified for other practices
we got pushed onto this whole jumbo jet train by the Alchemist...
not that there's a complaint in any of this..
but it kinda was not anything like I was expecting...nor would outright choose...
The Overseer popped her little head in yesterday...
and we heard her pleas, but smothered them out quickly.
I'm thinking this girl is like how Ego is often times portrayed (by others, not by me, we love Ego!)... something to destroy...
and although she's causing more problems than in any way helpful...
I feel a bit of compassion for her.
We may take her in. other words... alchemize and transmute her into being with us, instead of against us.
So... there's that... her concerns were legit for her perspective... but she can't see what Soul sees if she's standing in the dark...
And Soul says we need to go find her and give her a hug....
I have 1 dress to sew and all it's appliques...
and I really am not going to dribble around here all day
word for the day....
'don't wait, do it now if you can'
delayed trains go out of commission, or other ways,
and make the passengers upset...
and you're the passenger, yo.
I guess I can go cut out and sew a dress...
meatburglers lie in wait until the sun is high, so they can blind you with their multimillion dollar spatulas and toasted tomato toppings. use your shields of bread to deflect their onslaughts...and when they get close... snatch them up into a glorious feast of delectable protein.
____ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ __ __ __ _ _ _ _
I just typed in the title to this post...because I always do that last...
and I'm like wtf! O_O
because the Alchemist is (not) trying not to laugh so fucking hard about this whole analogy
about getting pushed onto the train...
and I swear I'm not doing it to myself....
and he's like...
"I like your train of thought."
"I got you back on track...that's all."
he smiles because he KNOWS I both love and hate puns....
especially when I MADE IT ALL UP... and he's the one ...
"...pulling you along..." He laughs. ('train' in etymology means to pull;draw)
"...into that whole drawing...coaching thing...?" He shrugs with a huge smirk...
"And guess what?" He smiles like the devil...
...I can't even... I glare at him..
"Guess who the conductor is?" He closes his eyes...awaiting my eventual realization.
I throw a fit in the aetherland... while the Alchemist devours joyfully in my 'knowing what I know' tantrum
"You didn't think she showed up out of the blue for nothing, eh?" He jests.
I go look up the etymology...(because I am obsessed)
- to bring together...
- one who leads or guides
- having the power or property of leading
I cradle my head in my hands...
I am on this thing and the Overseer is the conductor...
He steps up beside me...
"It was just a little push... want to jump off?" He asks...
I peer out from behind a finger... the train is moving... fast... really fucking fast...
The momentum is not waning, in truth, it's gaining speed...
I did say a jumbo JET train..
He smiles... again pleased with his efforts.
He turns and walks off.
"There's a bar car." He reminds me, happily, satisfied... a small snicker under his breath...
and maybe this whole train is me... the cars, the people, all the things...
and we ride together, our perceptions dependent on which car we are riding in at the time
...and this Overseer... she's where we all think we want to be...
But we just need her to be a part of us... so we can see her car... we need to know what she's doing and where she's taking us...
We need her too...
who's in the bar car? I wonder...
ugh... probably Ego... She's celebrating right now...
of course
of fucking course...