That was my welcome screen as I opened this fucking laptop... (it shows random random) either facebook and windows are in cahoots...
as well as with
Or the Universe is going fucking crazy!
Cause today was fucking crazy.
and the fucking fucking fucking empath bullshit I have to deal with is incredulous!
Look... I KNOW absolutely for sure this is another one of those fucking shift upgrades
And I KNOW all the things and all the feels and all the processes
and I KNOW it's all fucking good...
but good fucking god...
I got nothing done today... without a bit of effort on my part
I did get my fucking dyson ordered... but not from the place I was planning to get it from.
I did do a few minor tasks, not including the yard stuff I was gonna do......
ugh....intentions are fuckers.
I feel fucking great! That I ordered the dyson and the vessi's and the shirt from zulily, and I bought some courses for the fun of it.
And I feel fucking great! That I KNOW empath bullshit is only temporary and I can kill people another day. And I KNOW whatever fucking upgrade we're going through is gonna be so fantastic that I get that fucking fantastic monetary match to go with it.
I just want to fucking SCREAM!!!!
In the meantime...while I'm expanding into fucking awesomeness fuckery...
Sao Paulo must be in this same weird funky vibrational zone.
And shit is literately getting thrown at me...
I'm glaring at the Alchemist like he's a fucking bitch
asshole did not say it was going to be this kind of bitch fuckery I'd have to deal with.
That asshole is fucking laughing.
He likes to see me mad.
there is not enough emojis I can possibly post to express my disdain and huge temper tantrum I'm throwing.
He slaps me on the back shoulder... hard. A huge smirk on his little grubby ass face.
"You'll be fine." He mentions causally, as if nothing means nothing means nothing.
"I want my paycheck." I clarify...harshly.
He leans back in his chair. Kicks his feet up on this imaginary desk...
"You just spent it on all that crap you ordered. It'll be here, Wednesday..." He smiles.
I scream. Cause he's fucking right.
Hey! Imma go take a hot shower and hang with the Alchemist for a little bit
He makes me laugh... at myself... but still... it's the thought.
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