"A blockage is just a perception. And a perception can be changed." - EM
just like knowing that all truth, for you, for me, for them...are fluid, are mutable, malleable, evolvable
like all emotions....all energies...all life and motion and movements
- so truth is just a perception...and a perception can be changed -
If writing wasn't such a big deal, maybe we could write something worthwhile.
So this was sitting opened on my browser for what....idk, 2 weeks LOL
always waiting for something to pop up that wanted to spit letters on the whiteness
a rather boring task...the waiting
here's this list of things... maybe I'm only using it as a ruse to get me where I want me to be.
somewhere deeper than this surface level crap that churns and splashes you with brisk coldness.
1. another batch of quail eggs are in the incubator
and in no way whatsoever do these numbers mean a damn thing
there's only 30 this time, and it's warm out, and the coop is already here,
which means it will be way way easier than the last time we brooded chicks.
2. We have a kitters... a.k.a. a kitten!
that we've also been calling Kitters....even if she has had like 4 other names thus far.
one of those manifestations that found a gap through the resistance.
3. pool is open and ready, and only been in it once...as the weather is trying to catch up to the
temps that benefit actually being in the water.
4. Garden is growing.... awaiting numerous plant creations sometime or another.
still learning... and basically just winging it and sometimes last minute googling.
5. No art...besides the garbage can... which makes me happy to look at.
that's really the whole point anyway, yeah...
6. Made some plans and goals, and intentions, and all those things that
at least remind you of what you think you want. Lest you forget and don't know when you get there
7. Feeling a bit dampered...and yet adventurous to the point of outright rebellion
somewhere in there... doesn't even matter. There are plans.
...and there are actions...
....and sometimes when you sit to write....
big ideas get through and inspiration smacks you in the face like Optimus Prime falling off the cliff...
onto your face...
and you try to talk yourself out of them as quick as possible...
or not...
Had a convo with some aether beings yesterday...
about how we move energies through us to transmute them
and sometimes when they won't budge...
we move into them instead...and transmute ourselves
it was *spicy*
The Alchemist has been quiet lately.
not sure what his plan is.
"My plan still involves you." He smirks briefly, keeping his eyes on his work.
that's good I suppose
I was going to ask what those plans are...but I just got shot a vision of them...
and his cheeks beam slightly with a shade of pride.
his favorite, right here, right now... swept away by something of an ego trip for her guide
"I'm not your guide." He corrects me.... a weak effort to get my mind off the previous subject of his ego.
more thoughts... those that block up shit like a storm surge through a water hose...
The Alchemist glances my way.
Perhaps it would once have been a warning glare...
but today it's a given that my senses and focus are on autopilot of silencing all blocking thoughts.
all those perceptions that hinder any of this energy in the slightest....
all of them silenced...
"You are a master at that. I'm not sure why you still even give the thought a thought." He writes something down on his work...
so many thoughts... never ceasing to either speak horsetons of words..
or thoughts that define or dictate other thoughts...
a neverending cycle, round and round...
I prefer the silence...even if it's getting me nowhere.
"Like those thoughts get you somewhere?" He jests.
they never have, I suppose...unless it was to define the path of silence more pronounced like.
"So..." He flashes his eyes up at me. A beaming smile concealed far beneath his hum drum scowl.
"Are you game?" He asks. Trying a bit too hard to sound 'cool' with the lingo.
I tilt my head. I was game far before now. And he knows that.
"But I gave it a name now." He implies, lifting up his paper(?) to show me his plan schematics.
I sigh... and nod.
of course, there's still the thoughts of the effort and trying and tasks and doing...
"No." He rushes in to halt the memories and remembrances.
"Not that way." He glares...like fire.
not 'that' way.... the new way... which has no participation with effort
no holding hands with trying, or partaking in tasks...
and without any of the 'doingness'...
"Silence." He meagerly whispers, yet sings out under his breath.
the new way
"It pays well." He assures me... cause he knows I like money
like it pays his ego, I hope.
he's smiles, but doesn't speak a word.
...I remember the payment comes in the process, before any of it manifests...
but I also know for a fact that he won't take less than equal pay for his pride and ego..
or whatever you call it for an aether-being non-guide who chose to dilly-dally with me....
"Dilly-dally?" He questions. "I have a grand plan for us. Thank you."
his grand scheme, he means... one he never fails at....
as any falter, any failure, any marring...
would not go well with his pristine and well created and tended resume
"It's not a scheme." He speaks softly. "I just happen to believe in you."
aww... cute.
I'm still not completely sure of his agenda, even if he's been with me for well over a year...
maybe two?
((((So....I went back to look and got stuck on an hour long journey reading my past blog posts.
A little over 2 years is the correct answer.))))
2 years..... the same teacher guide....who's not a guide....
I'm a bit honored to have him as an aether companion teacher/master....
humbled really.... even my own ego is awe struck and flushed
"You're just flattering me. Enough." He's back to business.
so what are we doing? I ask, cause I already forgot after my hour long reading hiatus
"The plan." He glares at me, not impressed with my already forgetting.
I got it...okay, yo.
"You've got magical eyes on you. Make them cry." He mentions in some weird haphazardly way.
he wants me to make people cry?
"Pull out from them what they are needing to feel." He rephrases it for me. "They're watching you."
I wonder who they are, but I kinda get the jist.
I'll do that.... tomorrow.... I glance up at him, making sure, tomorrow is sufficient for his 'plan'.
"Our...plan." He corrects. "For us."
He sits quiet for a moment.... "Don't embarrass me." He grumbles out quietly.
I smile. Loving everything about his annoyance with looking bad in front of all the other ascended masters....or whoever...
He claims it's all about setting a good example....
I love him. This whole thing. This whole adventure and experience.
The Alchemist and I.
So now it's the NEXT day.... and I still haven't posted this... HA!
maybe I could do a big rant on something... ranting is fun...
let me go find something to over analyze and dissect into sharp jagged pieces...
well, there's no shortage of things to pick...facebook is pretty full of crap...
I've successfully negated much of it though... lately it's nothing but
historical iris groups, quail groups, and random people who say good things...
of course there's a few who still do the whole marketing/coaching bullshit
most of them, I unfollow if my very sensitive bullshit detector pings...even a little bit
and some are annoying... and I end up blocking them, cause I ain't got room for that, yo.
all the same questions or set-ups to get people to engage...
I ended up browsing for transmutation circles on google... hehe
Tomorrow is June 1st...
Let's be truthful....
This year is just like last year... we are all still doing the same things in general.
None of us really know what we want or where we're going.
We've dressed it all up in different clothes, but we are all still the same..
doing the same, being the same, acting the same, pretending the same...
I'm rather bored of it, bored of you, bored of even me...
Some of us have something exciting going on, but how long will that last really?
The same as the last exciting thing you've done? 2 weeks? three?
and then it's back into the saddle of sameness...
Not as easy maintaining a 'new average' as it is maintaining the average... now is it?
Maybe we can suggest something to help us all catapult into something far from where we are...
anything other than where we are or where we've been....who we are, who we've been.
but I don't really know...
I'm doing the same things too... even if the clothes change, even with new outfits that actually go together. Even with money every which way I look...
and where are we... still doing the same things...
nothing broad and bold and brave and BEYOND
Shall we then do that ascending thing? The feel betterness of being joyful in the now?
I'm going to say it though... oh hell yes, I'm gonna say the thing...
Not a single fucking one of us want the same comfy lovely sanctuary of 'sameness'.
Maybe you do for today....but it's never going to feed you into tomorrow.
So...reach for your 'IMPOSSIBLE' today.
not 'really high'....not even 'incredible'...not 'amazing' either....
I want your impossibilities.
Do it NOW.
Thrive, bitches.
No more catering to bullshit.
No more quietly stepping aside.
No more bending and bargaining and negotiating.
Not even taking another fucking moment to do even more 'shadow work'
or meditating your feelers away...again....
Or coming up with yet another amazing thing that will feel like a 'shift'...
and certainly not one more hustle that you can ride for a whole week or two...
The fuck already.... silence all those words and phrases and mantras, and EXCUSES
and meanings and solutions and the same things that you've heard ten thousand times already.
and don't you dare fucking apologize for one iota of it.
...hmmm... gonna post that one
it's been super long time since I wrote, much less posted on fb...
Ha! It'll be fun!
ok....gonna go...
got things to print
places to be
people to talk to
and a whole lot of impossible to choose from apparently...
I guess I gotta do the thing too, eh?
Water spice and mustard seeds, make transformers float. Maybe. Add a magnet too, for good measure.
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