Breaking Free - Part II - Ditching the job
This is solely for those of us who despise their job.
Those who simply are dying inside and dragging themself there.
You hate it. You don't want to go, or be there, or even be a cog on the wheel.
You're done.
BUT.... yeah...the money. You need it.
You might not know what you want to do, or what other job you might want.
So you haven't applied to other places or positions.
You just know, right now, you are not happy, you are not thriving.
You feel trapped, because you don't want to start at the bottom at some other place you also probably won't like.
You already have obligations and responsibilities that rely on the money you do make.
Other people, your livelihood, all of it requires your income.
You are fucked and you know it.
We could just quit and let it all fall apart.
BUT that hurts, often a LOT if you've got important things to uphold.
We could go somewhere else, but we always carry ourselves with us.
When our energy is the same, we create the same situations, just with different faces/places.
We could take a hiatus and breathe for a bit... IF we have something/one to carry our load for us.
We could meditate and focus and align and make our world better all of a sudden....
I totally believe wholeheartedly in energy... nothing often comes 'all of a sudden'....especially if we are in a lack mindset or feeling trapped in our situation.
--- Please don't ever jump with dismay on your heart....cause it will travel with you to the ground.
Step back from yourself for a moment.
What is he/she (your body/character) doing that YOU don't want to do?
Is it the actual work, or is it the character he/she is playing while at work?
Is it the time structuring? The quality of environment? The energy of the workplace?
1. Define what it is that YOU don't like about what your body is participating in.
What about the responsibilities this person has?
Is this what YOU have agreed with?
Do YOU like these obligations? Do YOU have to keep them? All of them?
Is there any that could be made easier/lighter/funner?
2. What loads can be lightened? What can be simplified?
What do YOU like about where you are and what you are doing?
What does feel good for you right now?
What works?
What is EASY?
3. Define what YOU do like.
If you could choose just 5 important things to uphold... what would they be?
What's most important for you?
What matters most for your family?
What feels (fills) joyful?
4. What can be enhanced and built upon.
And then.... what can YOU do NOW with where you are and what you have.
You have one step to take just for today, what is it?
If the world stopped moving, what would you do NOW?
The answer to that often points directly to an open door (an answer)
5. Take the step and do exactly what YOU said. (No hurting anyone or anything obviously)
It may sounds ludicrous and highly implausible, especially if you said something like "fly to St. Lucia and lie on the beach all week..."
*** But if you can manage a trip to any beach, or the lake...and lie there all day....FOR REAL regardless of every expectation.... (on the next free day/weekend, don't quit your job today)
*** Your next step will set fire to your ass....
cause now you broke the pattern (program) and tasted sovereignty for a whole day by DOING what YOU chose.
This following-through with YOUR TRUE SELF.... wakes him/her up.
NOW what are YOU are going to do?
Do it again...
I'm not saying it will take a week of some badass sticking through to your word with your higher self....
but do this quickly and close together...and you won't have a shitty job anymore.
You might have the same job that isn't so bad all of a sudden, and you're USING IT like you want to instead of it using you...
You might open so many doors that one drops loads of cash in your lap.
You might gain some clarity on your course of action that will move you into your own path of abundance and sovereignty.
A thousand doors. A thousand paths. Make sure YOU are walking it and you're not getting pulled along by the streams of society.
If you feed your sovereignty, if you choose yourself.... you'll never go hungry or without.
He/she has everything of yours already.... you just keep looking at society to give you their leftovers.
Stop looking that way.
Real abundance doesn't come from who gets the most scraps, or who can follow along the best.
It comes from walking forward with intent and that abundance following you.
Get yourself right side up and stop playing that game of 'earning' or 'please give me things I need in trade for my hours'
"I'm doing this."
and act.
The energy of sovereignty.... will never fail you.
Stay here long enough, that job will fall off of you.
That character you play will no longer fit.
It will be easier to cash in your abundance by 'being' you, rather than anything you can get by 'doing'.
(not joking....the more I 'try' to 'earn' money, the more it goes away...the more I just don't...the more it comes. I literately could make more money sitting by the lake than 'doing'.... my mind is still at odds with this and fights it all the my detriment. But at least I have the awareness. That's why when I went out to the pool this whole summer, I called it 'working'...because I was doing whatever my higher self wanted and it created the abundance through me, through my energy.)
IT WILL do the same for YOU!
Breaking Free - Part III - Off-grid Income
(Disclaimer! cause I am not a financial accountant, I'm just sharing shit which may or may not be relevant to this reality.
Do what you need to do within the laws of your state and/or country.
Financial Feng Shui 101 (or moi) does not hold any accountability with anything posted here or elsewhere, or said or implied, or construed, or whatever other fancy words needs to be here to keep my ass out of 'trouble'.
Everything here is participated in at your own risk.)
Off-grid income....
It's NOT receiving a W2 form from your employer.
It's NOT receiving a 10-99 form, for subcontracting.
It's NOT receiving whatever form it is for capital gains on your stocks, gambling winnings, or whatnot.
It's just money in it's many forms.
Paypal, Venmo, Cashapp,
sometimes we consider trades of goods and services income.
I wired my brother's garage shed for free, from bare nothing to outlets and lights....
and he dug a flat spot in my yard for my fire pit patio.... trades for the win.
We have yardsales, do gigs, freelance....sooooo many outlets and inlets for receiving money.
Literately unlimited. I can't possibly name every way people make extra money.
It could be from the obvious yardsale, or the old Nintendo NES and games you sold on ebay for way more that you ever thought....but now you wish you didn't....cause you just want to play Super Mario Bros 3....and Tetris...
Or that aquarium you found on the side of the road and resold for $100 not even an hour later.
Or when you deliver flowers for Mother's Day because the florist is way over busy and needs the extra drivers. Or when the lightbox people pay you to go to the mall and take pictures of their advertisements.
Or when you sell quail chicks....or when you watch someone's pets when they are on vacay...
Or when you design a logo, or paint a picture, or sew a dress, or repair a table leg....or taking pictures of this weird wedding back in the boonies of a nature park and they offer you a joint.
Like.... unlimited...
So we go about our lives with this money system entering into it and exiting out of it.
Different forms, different amounts.
The DOWNSIDE of off-grid income:
- IF you need a loan, a mortgage, proof of income for something.... there isn't one, unless you have your income tax returns and you've been doing it long enough to establish an income level. Society does not like this, they will give you the side eye and often immediately mistrust you.
The car dealership doesn't care if you pay cash (they like it), but Wells Fargo wants to know where you got the money for your down payment....just saying. Keep records if you are going to use the system anytime in the future. Even applying for assistance...they want to see your bank account info. Be aware of what you are doing, what is being recorded, and how you are using it.
- If you don't have a qualifying child, you often need to pay taxes on your income. So unless you are putting back specifically for that, it can cost you a chunk at tax time....IF you make more than the deductions you get. And also IF you are filing at all, or even need to, depending how much you make.
- It often times can be inconsistent. Huge chunk this month, bare minimum next month. Seasonal side gigs are tricky when they are not in season. Be smart about how you allocate and stretch/spend your money. Flows can be in floods or trickles.
- When asked 'what do you do'....there's no easy answer. Ever. You can simplify it into saying a freelancer or business owner, but that leads to follow-up questions....and what does it matter what you do over who you fucking are.... damn etiquette is a bitch sometimes. I still don't know what I do...besides 'whatever I want'.
- If you are making a killing and it's over the income limit for really need to take a crash course in business licensing and permits and taxes....and then learn all that jazz. Good luck. You can also hire someone to do it for you.
- Getting trapped in the hustle. It can take over and run you over if you don't set limits and boundaries with your work. You think you can fit it all in, but the point is to fit it around YOU.
- Taking on too much. You can take on more than you should, and you'll know when you do.... You can also undercharge and feel like you're working for less than you deserve. Or things take longer than expected. It can be overwhelming if it gets away from you and you aren't changing along with it.
The UPSIDE of off-grid income:
- It can come in FLOODS! That's a fun time!
- It gives you the freedom and control over your time, your flow, your effort, your procrastination game, your location, your skills at multi-tasking, your life....most of the time.
- Flexibility. You get to change it up, tweak it, move it, switch it, shake it, add to it, lessen it, etc. Don't like something, you are in control. Need to work around your family, you get to do that.
- Growth. You not only learn and gain knowledge as you go, you can expand on what you want and even go do something completely different when your ADD kicks in and is getting bored of working on 'this' thing. You learn what works for you and get to change it when it isn't working.
- You get to walk away from it when you're done with it. It's like quitting a job, but there's no one to disappoint. (don't quit on a job you were paid for though, follow through or refund)
- Freedom.
- Vacation/days off when you want, when you set healthy boundaries and schedule it in just like you would with a job.
- A plethora of knowledge and insights on all facets of the work and life. Because you are THERE for it and not trapped away somewhere you don't want to be and shut off/down.
(Not that it can't be a drag sometimes, but you change it when it gets that way. I used to hate one of my 'gigs' and actually quit. Took a year off and reframed what I wanted out of it and started it back up. I still want to do more with it.)
When we build streams of income, it provides us with more options.
We can leave the job, we can focus on one or two or three...we can go all in for one...
It relies on just us and our choices and our abilities to navigate through them.
Some things can turn into assets and deliver us cash flow without much effort on our part.
This would be things like interest income, rental income, book sales, online courses, things we do once or twice and they keep paying over time. All you do is manage them for the most part.
Keep in mind some things take marketing and telling all the people about your cool thing to get it going and keep it don't believe the "I'll design a t-shirt and make millions" hogwash, unless you already have a brand and a huge following.
*** Be real about things, not delusional.
And certainly don't quit your job without the income coming in from a reputable and reliable source.
The energy you allow affects the quality and amount of income you receive.
Your hum drum lazy mood will create hum drum flow. Your energetic flow will create energetic flow. The point is to maintain a balance and raise it little at a time. We don't want burn out trying to maintain a high vibration right away....and we don't want to start off without momentum and try pushing our projects up a hill. Start where you are, and one step at a time. Balance, and then another step. Slow and steady wins the race in this aspect, even if we hit waves of fast and slow in between.
Your centered-ness will echo out through your work and world.
Overall....sometimes we do go completely off-grid and don't want no one in our business.
We create an income that is supportive and can be flexible, regardless of the economy or society... (that also means it doesn't rely 99% on facebook (mine is guilty of that, but I'm also okay with it going away forever too, no biggie, I've learned that I can create on the go anytime, anywhere.))
It provides what we need and more and we get to live our lives without question or explanation.
You do you.
Do what is right and keep going. Keep practicing and building and learning.
You always have a say in how you live and what you decide to interact or engage with.
Society has it's paved roads, but we can take the offroad path, or even cut out our own fucking hiking trail. Wear your snake boots and be sensible with what you can handle and what you WANT to handle and/or do.
** There are no rules in the wilderness. **
Breaking Free - Part IV ~ Structures and the Matrix
Crash course in recognizing the structures, corrals, and cages of the matrix.
We can't break free from what we don't see.
There are layers and layers of the structures and cages, so whereas we may see one part and understand it, there are often undefinable strands that still connect us and it together. Sometimes they are grabbing and holding onto us, sometimes we grab and hold onto them.
** If we are choosing it, then we are the one in control. There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying and using the systems when we are benefiting and expanding from them.
These layers often span across many fronts.
The financial systems, educational systems, economical, psychological, physical, etc. and often bind us to them through emotional, mental, and many exoteric identifiers.
The top layers include things like...
The whole 9-5 rhetoric.
The get good grades and graduate, go to college.
Look at these famous people.
Believe everything the media tells you.
All the obvious stuff to many.
Then the layers beneath them...
Work for a paycheck. Pay your bills.
You're one step ahead of everyone else, you'll get hired faster.
These people are in the know, so they know.
Here's the other news channel telling you other stuff.
The kinda obvious.
Then another layer, a bit deeper...
Look at this lifestyle, you know you want it...keep working.
Look at you and your fancy career, all that time you worked hard for.
Here's some other people agreeing with those people.
Here's another channel pointing out the wrongness of those others, now you're certainly on the right side!
Are we suspicious yet?
Want to go deeper?
Look at you, all living the dream. Now teach your kids the same things.
You can't quit, all this time you spent will be in vain!
We've changed what we said, now believe this new thing we are saying.
We are your friends.
You have to comply to this. These doors you have to walk through, there's no other way. If you don't do this, then you are ___ ____ ___... You've worked hard, good job, now work harder. Mental health isn't an excuse to not show up for this thing you need to do. You have to pay your bill...if you don't then ___ ___ ___. Here's some more fear. Do as we say. Your children have to comply. This is the way, come with us. That's crazy, that's unsafe. We will keep you safe. Look, here's this new thing to talk about. Look at these people complying, they will show you how. Look at what they do for the cameras, look how happy they are, following the rules. Show this to your children. Look at these things we decided to love and now you have to too. We're going to show your children while you're not looking. This is what you're 'supposed' to do. We're going to take away these things we can't even take away, but we're going to make you believe we can. No soup for you!
And this spans across all areas, everywhere, deeper and deeper through the layers.
However.... once you step into your own clarity and begin to uncover these layers, not even able to get to the very bottom.... you can begin to create your own world and reality, apart from the stories, the structures, the cages of the matrix.
They will still exist. They will still be there and often try to sway you in through a corral here and there and over there... but eventually you begin to see them.
It's kinda like the rabbit hole, but also knowing there's no end to the rabbit hole and there are hundreds of rabbits and holes... so even spending time there is a corral to keep you locked into discovering the answers and hidden agendas...
*** Start connecting and discovering yourself instead. ***
You can still connect on facebook, or telegram, or instagram, or all those fancy apps.
We don't have to give anything up.
We merely just need to use them and then always reconnect back to ourselves when we are done.
You know when you are sucked into something. You know when you are delving so deep you can't see which way is where. You know when things aren't making sense or lining up....
And THAT is the only clue you need to take back control of your time and attention and move back into you and yourself and your real actual life that's right in front of your face.
We have each our own true frequency. And while we can move into joining the stream of all the frequencies of the world...
WE HAVE THE SOVEREIGNTY and the ABILITY to come back home into ourselves and literately tune out the shit show out there.
It will still be there, but we don't have to stay. We don't 'have to' participate.
We can negotiate and handle it when we feel the need or desire, but we are NEVER obligated to consent, agree, or partake in the ideology of someone or something else.
If you are done with the job system, make your fucking door already. PLAN. Get behind yourself.
There are tools, outlets, opportunities, people, and unlimited amount of untapped areas you could very well excel in and enjoy. What is your true work?
If you are done with the education system, make the door. Leave or change the system you are involved with, almost all the information you ever need is available for FREE out there. There are already doors out there too. Enough people make a scene, changes have to come. There are tutors, co-ops, groups, support, and tools littered all over the place. Even creating a school and an alumni is possible, you don't have to give up the football or cheer teams EVER! Are you actually waiting for them to do something about what you want? Who cares about your children or your future more? Them or you?
If you are tired of the things they talk about or show on the news, stop watching. You can try others, but they all have their leans and ideologies they want to express in their own ways. What's yours?
Information gathering is one thing, but agreeing to their rendition of it is another. Facts are facts, but facts topped with some emotional sprinkles on top and how often they use the terms 'possible, could, might, should, maybe, depends, etc..." often get overlooked to where many believe they mean 'IS, WILL, DOES...' and then spread that further about how they 'are going to do this...' when in FACT it was just someone's bad interpretations... or covering up....
* just like "Let's Go Brandon!" when we all know that's not what was actually happening or being said.
Don't trust those who have 'connections' or 'in the know' or 'because my so-and-so is involved' and they tell you what to do or what they see... Do you realize how many people simply want attention and followers? They want to be the next big influencer and 'get it right' so they can be idolized... pssh...
Look at these scary things I found out and you better start collecting this and that...
If you never heard that from any source, what would you be doing really? Do you think that person knows better than you? If so, it's time to make efforts to change that.
(( I buy food in bulk because I have 6 people to feed. And we used to live on a mountain that got snowed in and I'm used to having extra really my cabinets being full is because I like having what I like and not getting stuck having to choose between the beans I don't know how to even cook and the rice my family doesn't really like to eat. Heaven forbid we are out of snack food and only have real healthy choices! I'll have to listen to that reminder until I go to the store...I mean you should have been here when we were out of the dinosaur chicken nuggets O_O !!! Mind you, the youngest person in this house is 17...and it wasn't him. I buy extra to 'keep the peace', not because it disturbs MY peace.))
*** Don't let it disturb yours!
See the cages, understand how to avoid them, know when you are entering a corral, and always always always know you have the ability to pick and choose and disconnect from anything that isn't serving you.
If you ever would like some crash course advice, hit up my inbox or post your questions. If you want to just fuck the system and grab the reigns overnight, there are ways to do that too.... I'm no stranger to living beyond the system, or navigating the wilderness, surviving years without income, racking up and paying off credit card debt, or even manifesting cold hard cash....all it takes is desire and focus. The tools are everywhere. I'm here to help you find the ones that are right for you.
This is my work, at least a part of it. I want you all to succeed and to be a badass creator and leader in your life! <3
Breaking Free Part V - From Fear to Fabulous
So you just charged another $300 to your credit card and know there's not enough cash to cover it in your bank account. You weren't buying a go pro, no... it was just groceries, just a car part, just that thing you had to pay for now, because it is important now.
-- First off. Don't shame or guilt yourself about buying the things you need or the things you need to pay for. This is all just part of life for most of us. It's neither a bad thing or a good thing, it just is. Don't overwhelm yourself with an emotion that neither is supporting you or benefiting you. Guilt and shame are not very supportive, believe me.
So you have that grand plan of paying it off next month. Which may mean that the future is set in stone and you know you can.... OR it means you'll try, have every intent on getting ahead of that debt...but unless money falls in your lap from somewhere, it's going to not get paid off fully and/or will probably be more than that $300 by then, because you're going to have to eat next month too.
-- Second off. Don't blame, shame, or guilt yourself here either. The system is not created to support those who just don't bring in enough income, often punishes those who don't, and is built intentionally to keep them in 'their place'. You have the good intentions, you are not a criminal or a thief... and truthfully you know that you would pay off all your debts in an instant if you had the funds to do so. No one wants to choose to be late or behind on their debts. No one. So do not ever blame yourself.
Even if you made a bad decision and are racking up debt, you have learned that it doesn't feel very good to be late or behind on your payments. Be gentle with yourself, but also be serious.
This system is a tool, and you can definitely use it wrong and be used by it if you fall into the blame or shame game.
You get a bit worried. Fear creeps in. Things look overwhelming. You are frustrated. Maybe angry. Your energy is chaotic and tense. Your sights are narrowed and now what are you going to do?
We could say to relax and pay what you can. This may give you some breathing room and clarity for now, but that isn't going to move you to where you want to be. You don't WANT to be behind on bills or debts.
We could say to go all gung ho on it and fight to get it back in control. Take an extra job, do side hustles, fix fix fix! But that could only create more chaos and stress and even more debt, possibly take a toll on your health.
We could offer a plan that is different from your usual and you'll make progress, but it still isn't going to fix that fact that next month you need to buy groceries again.
We could cut back, not pay for things we usually pay for, reduce some of the stress...but that's not a fix, that's a cushion. It helps, but it isn't going to make it go away.
Fear still lingers and you feel trapped, suffocated, still angry, still holding onto shame or guilt and sometimes directing blame onto yourself or others.
** Looking for a fix outside of you with action basically creates a vibration that creates more of the problem.
*** When our attention and focus goes to fixing or fighting against something we don't want.
The energy repeats and builds upon that attention and focus. Thus creating more fixing and fighting.
The first action you need to take when that feeling of fear or worry arises, is to catch it, observe it...and move directly face first and all eyes ahead straight into the solution you want to see and witness.
When you look at your bills and you see them piling up.
Stop and connect to your energy.
Visualize that energy flow pouring out and covering those bills.
Feel that energy move out from you and make the debts fade away.
You energy is a never-ending stream, so IT is the river.
It all comes from within you.
When you focus on lack or struggle or worry, it closes that stream off and you can't give anything. Or what you can give is echoing the vibration of fear, worry, or lack.
When you turn your focus back on your true source within, let it first fill you up, then let it move outward and fill the spaces in your life you want that energy to go.
Keep your channel open, your river clear. (Keep your thoughts in control and your emotions in check, YOU are the captain, not anything else.)
Then... after you've connected and focused that energy. And it is feeling light and in alignment...
Take an action that sets it on course.
You can still stick to the old plan, or take the side gig, or relax..... but now your energy stream is going to move along with you through that action. And no matter what action you choose, IT HAS TO flow with the matching frequency.
Every time before taking an action, make sure you fill that action with the energy you want it to carry.
Visualize it, meditate it, yell words of wisdom in the mirror, etc.
It doesn't' matter HOW you do it, but just that you connect your Source to and through YOU and then to and through the actions and towards the focus at hand.
When it begins to flow and you don't up and stop it or muck it up with shit thoughts and unstable builds momentum... and when it gets moving and you fall into trust with your Source energy.... it carries a fuckton of money with it....and/or the equivalent of your desires.
I rarely get $$$$ checks in the mail, but I have everything I want in regards to material things.
I may not get $$$$ to pay off a credit card overnight, but I am free to begin building on a new project.
I may even get $$$$ tomorrow, but I still intend to show up and do my work, because I like it what I do and even though some of what I do doesn't earn money....I'm still showing up for me and my energy.
Your energy doesn't have to rely on others or things out there.
Your money doesn't have to rely on others or things out there.
But in order for it to be received and included in your life, it does rely on you and your stream and whether you are cultivating that stream or not.
Make sure you're putting all the good things in your thoughts.
All the good things carried through your emotions.
Drown yourself in worth, in abundance, in love. Even your dark corners, douse them with more love and allowing and understanding...
Because when you love you, energy loves you.
And money is energy.
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