It's Halloween night....
and I sent out a bunch of emails yesterday for my screenplays.and I'm not one bit happy about it...
and I'm trying to convince myself that I had to do it to discover the answers...
but in truth.
I already knew the answer,
I always know the answer, *sigh.
and I keep trying to disprove myself all the time...
cause who can be right all the time?
even when I pretend it's gonna go great...
or have hope.
or have some illusion playing in my mind about the possibilities...
there's something standing right there in front of my mind going...
'nah girl. this is bullshit.'
and I tell her to shut up, cause how does she know.
how does this I know?
who is she?
who is me?
so what now...
what now?
mundane life stuff... all bullshit
writings stuffs....
book editing starts tomorrow <3
other book is still in progress cause it comes when it comes and I can't tell you when it supposed to come or not.
Nothing else yet, beside a few random posts on FFS group... which I'm planning to transition over to my main page...and maybe restart a public page afterwards...
Art is revealing colors to me, so that will be on the agenda soon.
Excited to get back into the colors and paints and creating
Probably just christmas presents, cause I'm only buying a new bed mattress this year...and maybe a new go cart...and if I miraculously win a million dollars enough... a porsche.
Yeah, so... idk...
aethers are quite a thing lately, so I've been there
and I'm on a mission to hit 500 workouts on my ifit before the end of the year...
think it's at 437 right now... since December last year when I got my Nordictrack
Yes, I'm still working at my little side gig job.
All good here.
I love my life.
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