Sunday, March 26, 2023

March update cause whatevs

 I should come here more often, if anything it helps hone my typing skills so I don't have to
'stay in practice' or so they say.
Maybe one day I'll be able to type without hitting the backwards button to go and fix something I spelled wrong, LOL.

Update first.

I painted my latest art piece last night...

and while the pic does not show that oomph power to those colors... I'm in love.
and it's huge, 36" x 50" and I tacked it to the wall cause I needed to do it NOW.
And we listen to the art, yep...we do.

Finished that Atlantis book...
and I've yet to start on another yet, cause I don't know what to start on.
Angel of MidKnight book 8 is still gelling,.. I've got some of it, but details need filled in.
Those are every other year though, so I've got time :)

Have another with space and such... adventure, thing... but I'm conflicted to whether I'm qualified to write sci-fi adventure shit... maybe... the main guy in it is hot... so I could be enticed.

I haven't gotten my porsche yet. It's gelling.
It's finally looking like it will start maintaining a better temperature weather wise so I can work in the yard. Lots to do, lots of potential.

Workouts on par. I can run again, after a somewhere in there ligament strain in my leg/hip. Don't even know what I did, but it said no running for idk, 12 weeks... smh... I'm watching it though, trying not to 'overdo' it... pssh.. I wanna do what I want.

Took the go cart out today and got muddy water in my nose and ears and it was freaking cold. Broke said go kart, but hubs fixed it.

Just been sewing appliques lately, which is fine...
and stepping back from more pet sitting, just doing vacay check ins soon. No more daily's... cause I need to sleep in and not go anywhere before I grow accustomed to road rage... traffic is getting stupid and worse and Imma bout to run a motherfucker over.
I want to stay home, work in the yard, get my pool back set up, and do writing, and art, and clean house.

Doing storage auctions too with Teir. Starting out fairly well, just there's a lot of bidders, so it's sometimes a pain getting good ones. Coming along. Made my money back so far, and still have other things waiting to sell.

Kids are good.
Hubs is good.
Gma is good.
I'm good.
Pets are good, cept for Kitters, we are still working to get her anemia under control and stabilized with her meds. She goes to vet yet again Tuesday.
     This is killing my budget...but it's not like I have one anyway, so fuck it. This cat is a people cat and she gets whatever she needs.
Quail are good. Should get eggs again soon.






So plans... we don't do plans.

Truthfully, we are working again through the gateway meditation tapes...
cause last time I could predict the future at a 94% rate.
  not that my 86% rate isn't good enough, but I impress myself at 94%.
and well... got to give myself more kudos.

We are working on coming home. Back to me.
And I'm still writing the other book of which I will probably never share publicly, but I will get a print published copy. It'll be on amazon or lulu... but I won't tell you. I don't think.
Lots of things change along with that one. It's all about me and The Alchemist... so it's personal.
Extraordinarily so. but whatevs.

Everything else that comes is great. Whatever it may be.
We're flexible and prepared for everything except aliens.

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