Wednesday, May 31, 2023

writing prompt cause it makes things move

   I spent many years cursing these steps. Many times arguing about how steep they were, how everlasting they were, how they made me suffer, how they stressed me to the point of exhaustion.
   They were stone. Cold and damp from the lack of sunlight and heat. They continued higher and higher, always leading me upwards into something more.
   But I was angry with them, angry that they made me suffer. That they were the reason my legs hurt, my muscles hurt, that my mind raged with frustration of not already getting to where I wanted to be...which was at the top...the top of the world...the top of these blasted steps.

   Yet... it was by a chance moment, while catching my breath...when the sunlight streaked through the opening at the top...that I realized something profound.
   That it was never the steps that caused me such grief. It was not the climb or the distance between down below and up above. It was that my legs at the beginning of this adventure were unable to withstand the journey all at once.
   It was my lack of strength that invited the pain. My lack of endurance that created the suffering. The lack of flexibility that strained me so. My lack of allowing. My lack of patience....of acceptance...of understanding...of awareness...of love.
   It was all me. I was the reason the climb had been difficult.
   The steps were doing exactly what steps were called to do, which was to provide a path upwards.
It was me who created the false anguish, the hard times, the overwhelming odds.

   But now... as I still climb some of these steps from time to time... I know my legs are strong. My calves like iron. My feet assured and centered. My resolve is focused and fully aware that it all belongs to me.
   And these steps... thank god for these steps which have already carved a path for me to follow. These steps which wrought my strength and passion and patience and power and meaning and truth.
These steps that created me... and created me to climb and overcome and reach the top of all that was before me.

Another writing prompt, and I'm liking these things. It feels like it expands my reservoirs of hidden occultist knowledge.

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