Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Are you sure it's being born again?

Death is the stripping away of all that is not you. The secret of life is to "die before you die" -- and find out, there is no death.

So, want to know what that means?
That means living in the Now.
That means letting the past go and never letting it steal away your present.
That means not looking forward into tomorrow with expectations that you create for yourselves.
that means giving all power to here and now. Right now. give everything you have and all awareness into Now. All other time is an illusion.

What else does this mean?
This also means that you will not like what is coming next.

This means that all your hopes for the future are false.
This means that all that waiting you have been doing for some type of resolution, some kind of goal, some sort of 'saving' or 'rescuing' you've spent your life waiting for will never come. As there is no tomorrow, only Now. The only way you are going to find Heaven isn't by waiting for it. For you cover up the true Heaven by looking for it in a time that doesn't exist. It is not in the past, it is not in the future. Heaven is only in the Now. But it is hidden behind all those thoughts that cover it. Hidden behind all those worries, all those regrets, all those failures. Hidden by the past and future.
Find yourself in the midst of Now. Your true self. Your true self is not your deeds, or your thoughts, or your emotions. Your true self is not your worries or your plans or your past.
Your true self is that which can see what the rest of you is doing. It IS. It is the person that watches how you act and observes how you react. It is the one who stops and without thinking of yesterday or tomorrow, the one who can feel the wind and smile back at the child who laughs. the one who can see the beauty in the sunrise and the sunset. The one who doesn't judge others or yourself because your true self knows no judgement, as it watches the essence of life silently. It doesn't look for God, as it already knows that it is already a part of God. Never separated. Never lost. Only hidden beneath the burdens of being a part of a time that doesn't exist.
Do not give away the Now. Do not lose it by thinking of tomorrow or yesterday. Do not bury your true self under thinking or analyzing things that can never affect who you are.

I'm sorry. Maybe you are waiting for Jesus to come rescue you... I don;t really understand why you think you were ever lost. I really don;t understand why you think you are apart from Him. Or apart from whatever ideology you believe in.
Heck, I don;t even understand why people say they believe in something, as there is a great wide big black line between believing something and knowing it. I believe in ufo's (because I've seen them!) but it could be some weird government agenda, but to believe in God.... what a disgrace, not only to Him, but to myself. Knowing Him is at least more respectable.
Believing is like saying I hope it's real, belief is a thought about something that may or may not be true.
But knowing... knowing is knowing it is true. I understand some people need proof and that;s okay. As I also think you either know or you don;t. There is no inbetween. (Kinda like, do or do not, there is no try) So believing is a sham and a lie to make you think you will not be persecuted or something.
Knowing is all there is.

So back on subject..... being in the Now. ... Well, since I've been hanging out with OMG, INCREDIBLE we've been going through a crash course in awareness and taking control of life.
I've been aware that people in general are mostly lazy and often always find excuses to NOT do something. they like the idea, they love the possible outcome, but something (resistance) stops them from going ahead with it.
Maybe they don't do it because of time, energy, money, they have other things planned, they don't feel well, they don't look right, they are tired, it's too far, it's too expensive, they don't know how, they don't want to go alone, they might mess up...etc.etc.etc.etc.etc!!! UGH!
I'm not sure about everyone else in the world, but I see major issues with all that. I see major issues when people are filled with fear too.
For instance, when I started roller derby, I heard things like, "what if you break an arm?" "what if you get hurt?" "Isn't that expensive?" "How will you make it to practice?" "That's dangerous..." etc.etc.etc.etc.
Fuck my arm. I don;t like sewing anyway. Hurt...? Like I'm scared of'll only hurt for a minute. Cost? I would rather go in major debt than not do something out of fear of going into debt...Like when we went on vacation to the beach...we were broke and went anyway, had a great time too. Money will come and pay for it later, I do not worry about it.
Anyway, the point is people hinder themselves and others by being lazy asses who are scared and fearful. Shame on you.

Now I am stalking a few people who are totally go get it done people, because they inspire me. And because they do 'it' anyway. and it gets done. And you had better believe they will punch your face in if you try to stop them.... Me loves them!! and I think I am one of them too, but I don't believe I would punch you... I know I would.

Ah, I'm just kidding, I've only punched 2 people in my life (in the face anyway) One was my half sister who decided to draw on my favorite doll's face when we were really little.... it was funny, and I didn't get in trouble (Beautiful!) and another time when this guy tried to kiss me...but I think I kicked him in the gut a few times, not sure if I punched him... (yay, for combat boots!)...
Lol, funny cause that incident was also the reason my future husband was afraid to ask me out back in the that's all for today. OMG, INCREDIBLE and I are off to be productive and unlazy.

Remeber, live in the Now, do not think about yesterday or tomorrow, or even later, DO SOMETHING NOW! and be sure to give your kids some hugs, just for having what you gave away...your Now.

Have a great day little peanuts on steroids and enjoy your mind infused delays that keep you from walking side by side with the Boss man. ;)

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