Like Batman!
Now...batman, he's a hero...and if I absolutely had to choose a 'superhero' comic book character I would choose Batman...although he's not my 'real' hero.
Why Bruce? you ask...well to put it simply, he is real. Like, not dramatically faked over with fake goody goody have to support the law and moral values bullshit that Superman does or the I'm a teenager who has responsibilities like Spider man, or stupid I have a temper crap like the Hulk, or anyone else (although I adore Wolverine from x-men)....see the thing with Batman, is he is real in he feels..and he gets angry..and he uses logic and awesome tools to get by and doesn't have to be transmuted into another being to be awesome...He is already that way.
Like we are already that's just how we choose to use our own tools that dictates whether we will be the villain or the hero....or a bunch of nothing. Sure, we'll mess up and go overboard sometimes (like Batman), but the option to actually do the best we possibly can is always there for us to take hold of....or deny.
There is no wrong choice...because if there was only one right choice...we would be slaves to perfection....our learning from choices good and bad helps make us perfect through refinement and experience...something we all share if only we choose.
Now there was one Superman cartoon movie where Superman wasn't such a stuck up prick...and that one I liked, because he was real....but it might have been the same one where Lex Luther had gotten ahold of Superman's powers and he was fighting with Superman until he realized that anything was possible....and that's when he sank to his knees and gave up...he was saying how he could make the world a better place just because he was able to see that everything was connected.....and Superman had walked up to him and said "You could have done that a long time ago."......and I think this could mean something for all of us.....
It's only our choices that either move us forward, drag us behind, or let us remain still....our choices that decide whether we shield our eyes to what needs changed, lies we tell it can't be done...or a simple step forward and out of your bubble that begins a journey to prove that it will come to pass.
It's a shame that we only make plans that we can accomplish ourselves...when impossible ones are ours for the taking.
Problem is no one believes anything above what they have done, or what they have seen....and this is the fall of mankind. failure....and to get to the point, we've failed to accept our greatness, our throne, our kingdom, our responsibilities, even our own dreams. We toss them out as if they were nothing but a dream, nothing but a wish that could never come true....
I ask you to hold tight...I ask you to never let go...I ask you to stand...and with hearts pounding, with fire in your eyes, with your sword gripped tightly, with all that is true upon you, and with every angel standing beside you...I ask you to claim your dream, no matter what it may be.
Nothing needs to be said, nothing needs to be is only your courage of standing and walking forward that will ever allow it to be....He walks beside you...and if He is for you, who can be against?
yeah, Batman is pretty intimidating ;)
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