Friday, March 23, 2012

......what a wonderful world.

It's storming outside, but luckily according to's radar map it will disappear from the radar screen in a few minutes......hmmm...and the future forecast says there will be nothing....luckily I don't trust the weather channel.
Today we watched The Smurfs movie.....and ummm....this reminds me of the weather it 'predicts things' and people actually trust in it so as to continue to recheck it again and again....
Well, Papa Smurf was checking his potion made 'visions' at the beginning of the movie...and through the whole thing he kept saying that his visions were never wrong.....ummm...ok...
This makes me kinda want to just never watch a supposed children's show ever again.....too much mind-numbing subconscious programming or something, wth...
I won;t even get into the part where they were at a bookstore and plainly showed a alchemy and mysticism book...
Okay, I'm not saying either of those are wrong, but people take them the wrong way. Most don;t even know what either of them are. I do....and if you want to keep an open mind and not bring the 'bad' stuff that people could do with them into it, there's nothing wrong with them...after all, guns are not bad, it is the person behind it who could choose to do something bad with it, kwim?
However in a children's movie, I don't deem it necessary to include them...or 'visions' that Papa Smurf held so dearly.
And one of the previews.....Santa at the north pole ...and his new sleigh was a freaking UFO alien thing!! WTF!

Where's the wholesome stuff? I don't want overly dramatic 'Christian' programming either, because that is on the other side of the pendulum and is also whacked!! (and highly 'fake') but why can't people just be REAL!!!
Why do they have to use 'cue words' to suck the brain dead people in? Who is trying to control you?! but more importantly WHY?!

Where's Batman when you need him?
Oh wait...he's getting prepared....I hope you are ready....and you have your oil lamps burning my friends....or your fancy bat signal! Whoo Hoo!!

Want to know what 'cue words' are that I complain about sometimes?
These are those words that certain people attune themselves to respond to...thinking it is a friend...a safe place...a protected abode...
Words like faith, rejoice, worship, praise, glory.....
I'm sorry, but the wolves love to use those words to lure the sheep from the field and into the forest....because some of them are so blind that they respond to anyone who wears a mask.....
This is why I don't like 'Christian' music....I'm not saying all of it, I'm saying most of it. To lull you to sleep and make you believe that the world is a nice lovely happy place that doesn't need saved.....bullshit. Open your eyes...the world is dying and is full of the dead. People are sleeping in their happy dreamland while others suffer in the real world....His people are 'amused' with themselves...and not that of their brothers who fall. Too afraid to get their hands dirty, too scared of the reality that so much has gone wrong since the fall from grace. So much that people hide their face from....You hide your face....and He will hide His face from you.
Come up and meet Him...face to face....and never look away. All things are possible.

Let's get off the subject, please. Getting frustrated here. Too many lazy dead people with masks, and subliminal messages on tv...and radio, and everything else.
We watch Full Metal Alchemist, which is by far one of the coolest shows! But why do smurfs have to browse through sorcery books? Really? Full Metal doesn't even flaunt alchemy like its a fix all to end all like they way Papa smurf does regarding his potions and spells...ugh.

And I saw a facebook post the other day about how someone was watching something really bad and sad...and just after it was followed by a happy Charmin commercial....
Makes me think society wants you to be able to turn off the 'feeling' as to keep you a zombie....dead....dead inside...and eventually dead outside...and you'll get that dead soul right along with it.
Can't have people going around being alive and thinking for themselves, now can we.

Renaissance Festival is coming soon!!! Can't wait! However I still haven't decided what to wear...argh! I wanna be something cool, but not sure yet...still flipping back and forth and through ideas and nothing has stuck yet...crud...I'm so gonna run out of time.

Hoping to hear from the bank people Monday....ack! Hate the waiting game!

And it's still thundering,....sounds like a roaring lion. Awesome!
And I finished that HUGE ass order I had to do...(a day late) but its done! Now I can work on the other 7 and try to get them done before next Friday....or at least most of them. EEP!
Then, if I feel broke, I'll reopen to orders on the first (assuming the other stuff is finished)...and I'll raise prices, cause I really just want a break! And I'll be hating on having more crap to do that steals my life away.... :(

What else...what else...hmmm....
Look what I found....

Holy shit! I just figured out what to do for the Renn Fest!!!! All because I actually do look up links that people post on my wall....especially regarding I clicked on this ladies link she sent to my biz facebook page (cause her daughter used to do some modeling for me...and I checked out her sight.... HERE..which had this soneg playing that I linked above!! ( Not to mention an adorable picture, lol) So I had to go and download the song (yes for free! duh!)...but to show you what I was listening to while writing my stupid blog post I had to go to youtube to share it with you!..and well, on that video that I posted of the song...there's a pic of a guy with a sign that reads 'Free Hugs' and he had on a mask.....well, lo and behold, I have a mask like that....and it went to my jester costume I had made for Halloween 3 years ago (yes I still have it!) ...So anyway, I can make a new (non halloweenish) jester costume and have a sign that says 'Free Hugs' on it to hang around my neck..and I can wear my mask so no one knows who I am!!!! Not that they would anyways, but still!!! FUN!!! Now I'm excited!
See, I had thought of the jester idea before...but it wasn't awesome until I realized I could wear a sign that read 'Free Hugs'!!!! OMG!!!! ...the simplest things make me happy, they really do, lol.

And I haven't had any end of the world dreams this past that's good, except, I kinda like them...the world can't end anyway until I get to see Breaking Dawn. Part II, and the next X-Men movie....
I think tidal waves, earthquakes, and nuclear meltdown wouldn't totally stop the film biz anyway, right? Gotta keep people numb somehow.

Oh oh oh!!! Batman mentioned something to me today to write about...but I think the idea was not to retell the whole thing, just to touch base, ya know...
You know those times when you think you are totally messing up and you've totally feel like you've done something to negate your standing...or position...and like you have to rework it all over again because you re-realized you suck and have failed yet again!? And you feel a little bit not as close as you used to feel.
Take heart...
"What makes you think you are further behind than when you began?"
Love it when the answer comes in the form of a you always knew the answer, but still needed to remember it....yeah....that's all we all just remember...remember what it was like when we were beheld by Him, before He placed us here....never lost my friends, only rediscovered.
Apart only to have the amazing journey to rediscover Him.
All is greatness.....just have to see it that way.

And well....hellfire and brimstone when it all gets forgotten once again....*sigh.

that's all folks....the weekend is here and we should all cherish it....

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