So I'm having this OMG moment(s) recently.
The boss man is so freaking cool....and let me tell you why....
Because sometime when He's trying to tell me something and I'm like.. "whaaaat???" all confusazled and such.... He simply just sends me the message another way.
Of course...simply saying it would suffice, but I think there's more to it than that....I'm pretty sure there's a lesson in His silence. Like there's something in that criss crossing hand thing...
And now....I'm super excited! Cause yes...the time is at hand, and we are going to have a fantastical time!
Did I tell you.... I went ahead and caused some 'holy crap, what did I just do?!' stress out event...
I take that back...I went and created quite a few stress out events. I'm on a roll I tell you.
Now if only I would remember to write such things down and remember to read my to-do list I wouldn't have to feel all 'holy crap, what did I just do?!' ish.
(I hope you can understand my writing...)
As I am now a night owl because hubby is on second and I get to stay home with kids for what seems like way longer than before....I like kids and all, but sometimes someone else being home lets me feel more relieved that I'm not the only one responsible...kwim?
So if I sound a bit loony, you are correct, lololololol!!!
I even think that's funny....gosh, I'm a dork.
So the boss man is awesome as always and that jumping off a cliff thing was way way much so, that I'm ready to do it again, but from higher tonight.
You should try it..I feel all achingly excited and looking at myself from a third person point of view, I'm like... "what is wrong with her?"...but inside I'm like "Look at what's right with Me!!!" WHEEEEeeeeEEEE, LOL.
I need a drink, lol.
Like coffee numbnuts..or grapejuice...mmmmm.
Did I tell you that the boss man is awesome?! Yes He is!!! Hahahahahaha!!!!
Did I also mention that I only have 6 orders left....(yeah, that really equals 12 items) but my sewing work tack board is looking bare! thank God!
And I have money in paypal, Thank God!
And Saturday is Christmas week #2, so we get to open something....assuming I wrap it, lol. I think I'll choose my mixing bowls and a sweater, because I've been dying to use them....and debating whether or not to give the kids their harmonicas or makes noise...the other takes out eyes...and they were like all confuzaled that I had paddleballs to give away and wouldn't let them have them, lol....little do they know I have a set for them too...ugh, kids.
So must think I'm crazy...and you are correct! Ha!
Crazy and bleeding joyful! Things are gonna be awesome! and you get to hear all about it here on my retarded stupid blog, haha!
I'm actually surprised anyone reads this at all...I'm so lame and boring, and stupid, and confuzaled about everything, I think it's all great though. Perfectly
See going all Canadian, lol....
No not really, I prefer Australian...
But I need $12K to get there and back...
And it won;t happen next year, because I already booked for somewhere else....hmmmm....and I want to complain a bit about a piece of that...
See..on the way back from this place we're going...instead of driving 10 hours straight home...we could go half way and hit up the beach for a day or 2....well, this half way point evidently is expensive... and doesn't have anywhere I can find with a kitchen and pool as well on the beach....
Now Myrtle Beach where we went the last 2 years has 40% off right now and I can get 3 days for $200...but this half way point is $400 for only 2 days without the pool :( without a kitchen in the room too :( ...I'm sorry, but I can't eat out like everyone else. Well, unless I want to feel all sick and shit.
Anyway....I'm like just wanting to go take pictures for some
It's like a freaking obsession!....oh hang on for a sec, brb... a brownie too. ;)
What was I saying?...
Its and hour later and I HAD to come back to edit this real quick.....must tell you about the hand thing the boss man was doing/showed me...because it was freaking me out that I just figured out what He was saying! And then something else is freaking me out more and well...I'm freaking out!
So we were seated on our knees in this circular place but still dark outside...He takes hold of my hand and flips it over (palm up)
He's holding it with one to keep it there facing up and takes His other hand and with His finger He is tracing lines on my palm.....
My first thought was a clock, but then I thought a compass, then I just didn't know, I was confuzaled as I said before! Then He did it again more determined and then after making the lines He made a swirling motion (like a whirlwind in my palm)...
So I couldn't figure it out today until I was listening to something that was telling how the time is at hand... and it immediately reminded me of what He was tracing in my hand...and about it relating to a clock...time moving like a clock (yes, He was going clockwise!) ...and at hand....which freaked me out because I don't usually get immediate confirmations like this....
Then just a bit ago I saw something else that made absolute sense.....and I can't write about that tonight until I let it mingle in my brain a bit longer but it is freaky!
I'l share soon though, cause it is crazy weird!
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