Do you realize how much I despise ufo type dreams?
Well, this last one wasn't horrible, as most of those ufo's looked handmade craft project type, so it didn't bother me so bad.....but.....
In this dream there was a bag of grapes that came down out of the sky and slowed down as they came down to me and I took hold of them....large cold juicy ready to eat grapes...with some very rather large dark purple ones in there too.
Why are there grapes coming from outer space? This is boggling my mind. Is this considered fruit from heaven, lol? No clue why this is making me feel all perplexed.
Also the fact that as I was waking up from this dream I was literately pulled awake and sat up as I awoke as if some electrical charge was like plugging me in. It was so crazy weird.
In the back of my mind, I was like 'rapture?', lol! But also thinking, no, it's not time for that yet. Gosh...but that's not all....So I was talking about the stars....and then these people I saw were talking about the stars...stars being taken away so they won't shine their light....ugh...this is weird stuff I get into, lol. Yay for 'crazy stupid doesn't mean anything and I can still function like a contributing member of society' crap.
Anyway....I'm feeling rushed, as it's past midnight.... (but not midnight earth that's not till the 21st of Dec.) and there's errands that need ran tomorrow. Work stuff, food stuff, Thanksgiving stuff....but not in that order.
I'm going to keep trucking on and working, playing, planning, until that time comes where I don't have to do it...or until it's not so complicated/distracting/tiresome. Which will be sometime soon I hope.
I've discovered that once you find yourself somewhere on the path and think you are so much end up being so much more blinded...this reminds me of a mozaic puzzle....where there's tiny pictures that make up one huge one, but only if you step back. I find this coordinates rather closely with how people view certain aspects of their lives. They see this one picture and claim it is the entire truth, but in reality (actuality) it's only their own truth. What they see will be different from what others see....their own truths. But...we all know that all these put together create something much better, much larger, much more beautiful than only what we can see. If you ever want to see it to, I recommend you step back away from everything and just wait until your eyes can focus on the big picture. The whole truth...and not just your understanding/view of it.
Have you ever even put together one of those puzzles? I have has tiny pictures of things like people, mules, cows, goats, clocks, feet, etc, etc, etc!!! Yes, they all are on there.....but when you step back away (from yourself and your little box).....the puzzle is a picture of a wolf. And I think most of us can agree on that.
Sad that He has to wait for everyone to take a step back from themselves and give up their own egos to see what things he has in store for us together. I think I'd rather have the entire truth than a few mules standing in a field....
What else to share?.....
My work list doesn't look too scary this evening....and I'm hopeful that I can handle the rest without stressing that certain items aren't finished yet. I'm caught in the struggle of hoping no one orders anything else so maybe for once I can take a relaxing break this December and do funner things than work. But on the other hand, being broke isn't all that cheerful and relaxing.
I have plans to move forward, to continue on, though sometimes I just see a huge mountain of impossibility in front of me. Not that that really matters, as I'm pretty positive and prefer to see the glass as a refreshing drink regardless of how full or empty it may be...and give thanks for it. But I wonder if what I would like to do is even worth the effort, the cost, the sanity. I have yet to crunch numbers and make a business plan. And then there's the other job....(hobby)...where I'm a newbie and have no clue on how to advertise, lol. As this one isn't an online gig like my other job....which I can totally handle. This one is in person....which is not my forte.
My very good friend probably has some good advice to share and all...but I haven't had a chance to chat with him lately. :( gosh, I miss him. Not quite as much as I miss the boss man when He is doing something besides tending to me, but you get the point. And my wonderful hubby just doesn't like giving business advice! Ugh.
If I could afford it I would totally call up Catherine from Cash and she totally helped the last time I found myself in a 'I'm going to quit and burn this biz to the ground angry stage!'...she fixed it all better. I don't want to quit right now anyway...I just want to do more of what I want to do instead of tackling orders that everyone else wants.... dang money does that to you I guess.
I think I better go, I hear footsteps coming after me to steal me away from the computer. :( I want to talk, but I guess we'll have to plan out a time for me to come chat a little longer, or at least when its not so late, lol.
“The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it.”
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