Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Radiant astrological anomalies.

Day 9
The little guys are done. Pic is on camera still and I don't feel like going to get it.

I don't feel like going out to Wholefoods either. argh. Why they are the only ones who carry our bread is beyond me. wtf.
My mind feels stuck.
Like I shot out this radiant ray of focus and I'm spent. haha.... I guess equivalent exchange might be a thing sometimes. I'm cool with that.
I have tasks to do....and haven't done them. I'm cool with that too.

dude...I have to go do stuff tomorrow....argh. Not even my stuff. But I think there's a whole foods out there.....somewhere? Nope, no it's not. perfect. I'm cool with that too.
I don't feel like putting the bird to bed either....hrmmm...

what do I feel like today??
unfocused on anything in particular.
feel like dusk.
where the sun never came up and now it's setting.
like there's too much noise and I can't hear myself think.
Saturn is moving out of Sagittarius...probably.
Mercury retrograde too, I'm sure. Darn static!!!
He's gonna have my head if I whine about it though, lol.
So...I'm cool with that.

well...Survivor comes on tonight, hoping it won't be as dumb as the whole season has been so far.
I really just want to see the people I don't like get voted off.
And working on screenplay.
I'm working with someone on it. I think we fixed it. I'll definitely let you know.


I stood there, even though it felt cold. It's wings raising higher than it's head.
The other standing silent. They weren't watching me at this moment, but I suspect their view was never going to be obstructed. Why was I here standing among them?
There are two of them now, although I know two more will come. One is of the Air, the other is Fire.
I feel them. I feel them. I feel them. How could you not, being in their presence?
Even standing before Jupiter wasn't this strong. Wasn't this powerful.
I know he still watches me. Like I'm some sort of anomaly drifting out in space.
He's amused. But why? But why? Why me?
The ones behind the glass have departed, as if their job was complete. I don't know if they will return, but I'm guessing that because I watch for them from time to time that they can't really do the job required of them anymore. Or no longer need to. I see you. I know why you were here.
I'm the fire. Born of stars. River of flame. Pour out of me. I feel you. I feel you.

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