That Thunder...that power.
It moves within. Beating. Pounding
The echoes.
It moves within...rising.
Eventually it will pour out, tearing through the skin.
Rip it open.
River of Fire....river of fire.
Love in my veins ,too much to contain, too much to keep to myself.
This fire...this thunder.
It's rising - these liquid gold flames.
Pour out of me.
My heart bleeds.
Thunder thunder thunder thunder.
Stampeding in my dreams. Thunder thunder thunder
Set the world on fire. Light it up. Burn.
I found a new favorite person today.
I'm in joyous awe of being able to be connected with them.
I like shifting!
I not so much like feeling when I'm not, but glad I can tell so that I can straighten.
Yeah, no sense right there, but I understand. I am writing this for myself afterall.
Watched Star Wars : The Last Jedi
...and now I'm feeling all jedi-y and stuff.
I keep having to recenter. It wants to revert back to the other place I was.
So I'm keeping tabs on it. Watching it. Feeling it. Moving it back on the correct channel I want to be on. Holding it. Holding it.
This is new. This different mind space, but not the mind, more like the gut. The soul.
Prana center. (Hey my jacket's brand is Prana, lol.
Recenter. Switching channels and the remote keeps hitting the return button.
We are going to a new channel my friend. We are going to watch a new movie.
A new movie that includes the story I want to hear. I want to see. I want to live.
It wants to be in control....the remote. But no, my friend.
We are surfing on a new channel. I'm in control of the remote.
Recenter....what do you want to say?
I got an email for
This is a test.
THIS is ONLY a test. and I freaking KNOW that.
I even know the answer because I have the answer KEY.
Let us try something ...real time. I'll let you watch my analytical data analysis of following my heart or my head.....can you keep up?
So...I recentered an sifted through the feeling of sewing. This is centered in the gut, not the head/mind. It just ok, whatever, we don't like it that much, but its better than other stuff. Then I sifted through the feeling of doing the stuff I'm working on now (screenwriting, book5, not sewing) and something happened. It went from gut....outward to around. Like literately growing aura shit. Then I felt the sewing thing again and it went back to where I was centering it on. Little the gut. Feeling of eh....blah. then back again, because you have to make sure you're not imagining stuff up...and opened up. So continuing on my NEW channel is expansive, not contractive. Reverting back is known territory.
Let's ask the mind/head....
well....shit. It says the same thing. Where the heck is my remote?
It knows that if I did the thing I don't want to do...I will get the same results...which isn't what I want.
If I did the thing I do want to do....I will get ??? what I DO want.
Don't want to do = Don't want to get
Do want to do = Do want to get.
well....fuck. That just solves the non-problem.
I told you I had the answer.
I'm a fucking JEDI!!!!
omg!!! ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa!!!! I'm so freaking excited!
I did it.
I replied.
want to read it..... heck yeah you do!
----- Hey! I'm not able to take on any orders as my priorities are elsewhere from sewing. Not sure when/if I'll be back to sewing or not for a while, possibly not for another few months. So for now, I need to decline. Thank you though

is that not some professional word talk or what!?! I am AWESOME!!!!!
and so are YOU@! Yeah, let's rock this world together!
Pour out from me my burning burning love.
Elvis' song in my head now....great..
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