Friday, March 2, 2018

take the 'high' road

Day 87

All you have to do, is decide to 'just do it'.
that's not much of a secret, but it sure does act like one.
because we forget....quite often actually.
we forget that our power lies in our choice.

If you want to go to Scotland....for instance.
Just decide to go.
once you do that, it won't be much longer until the means
to do so arrive to help you out.
that's how the universe works.
it a sense.

Would you mind taking on the challenge?
Decide to do something for yourself...something big.
Not like visit Scotland...unless that appeals to you...?
(in that case, my youngest and I are going with you)
but something you keep thinking about but think you can't
have it, can't afford it, or don't deserve it.
Fuck that shit.
You deserve every thing you want.
You are here to live, and to live abundantly.
Just choose. Just decide.
Give yourself what you want.
Stop questioning your motives.
Get on with it already!

etymology lesson #432 = decide -- 'off' 'cut'
basically what it says....
stop making things split apart and in resistance (at war) with each other.
Pick one and all the others will follow suit.
Choose the winner! Choose the leader!
Your little universal soldiers will comply!

cleaned and organized the entire craft cabinet.--- check
dug some of the garden....only to find that all my strawberries are nil --- check
got the youngest off the computer till after dinner --- check
made the phone calls I had to make --- check

will be editing a script later tonight
and some time tomorrow, i need to write a recommendation letter

um..... past hacking still.
There's a few more places to reprogram.
.....there's some places I can't find just yet that need upgrades....
they are hard to lost files, or maybe they got deleted
at some point in my life? Not sure just yet.
still searching for the origin points......

my plans for my art pieces....need to change up a bit...
I can't find the designs I'm looking for for the symbols on them.
Really though, how hard is it to find metatron's cube and 6 other
sacred geometric shapes....
so...I thought maybe I could do alchemic symbols...
but those are too ...plain.
sooooo..... as of right now...
I think I'm going to go with sigils instead.
the only problem is I like about 20 of them....
I only need 6.
looks like I'll need to decide which ones I like best....oy vey.

there's still things I need to do.
like watch season 2 of Seraph of the End.
and fill out this Vision workbook someone gave me to test out.
and hit up the thrift shop for dystopian supplies
and make clay stuff
and remove the paint from those toys I got last time I went to the thrift store
and paint the wall
and then start on Victory screenplay.
Will finish Fox Prince first though.
It will probably take way shorter than I think.
still waiting for my other proofreader....
then send it back to my first proofreader...
and do it again, lol
then do the copyright thing...
maybe enter a contest...maybe...

ok..its 9....gonna go

Ma nochd thu thu fhìn, chì mi thu nad chridhe.

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