Thursday, August 23, 2018

I will do it now

----Here... I want to give you me...
"oh, no thanks, I don't want that."
----Okay then.

Do you feel the kind of love I know...?
Where the sun and the moon dance upon life....
and sometimes they meet in the inbetween...
holding hands between worlds...
The sun could never embrace her....the moon.
Except on the day of the eclipse...
and the moon.... she moves across the skies unending...
because she remembers the touch of his hand.
She's the night and ecstasy...
she holds him in her dreams...
and she isn't blinded by his never-ceasing heat.
And he scorches...
but he doesn't see she holds the darkness at bay....
he doesn't see the shadow she casts.
he doesn't see the shadows she bears.
those darknesses she must hold...
he'll never understand the dark she carries...
or the pain she holds.
the suffering and the cold.
he can't light up her whole world...
and she doesn't want him to...
for the moon, loves both the light and the dark.


I ran out of white paint :(
more painting tomorrow....
I sold that thing.
4 orders tomorrow.
a few groceries maybe
new theme getting adopted tomorrow....
-Do it Now-
not just the little stuff, like pciking something up off the floor.
but big stuff too, like serious shit...
because who would you be if you weren't afraid?
If you didn't wait or linger in indecision...
if you didn't feel like it right now...
new theme.... do it now... and everything will obey your Will.
I'll let you know how it goes, assuming I remember.
almost done with this book I'm's not that good...
at the end of chapter 16 in book I'm writing... 2 pages away from 17.
I'll get there tonight.

sometimes that book writes itself... there's a whole part a few chapters back that wrote itself... it was like watching a new episode of your favorite television show... I didn't even know what was gonna happen. It turned out really cool though.
And frankly, it writes itself anyway... I just have to type shit.
Anyway, it's almost 9 - time to go get some coffee and write.!

As the sun falls beneath your eyes and the shadows rise from the cold. Seek out your fathers and mothers and bid them blessings of youth and of bravado. Cast out the traumas you hold within and carry a new child.... one of passion and of gold. Follow the flow.

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