Monday, February 11, 2019

AwesomeAF does not even come close to this...

Day 32 of 100 of WTFIW....F

Allow me... to pass along what a great master has spoken.

"Grasping outward to gain strength is not the answer.
Power comes from within.
Learn to store it in your body and learn when to express it.
You store it (energy/power) by sitting in it (your body).

You know the answers, but do you feel them?
That is where understanding comes from.
Come back to me when you master this.

Feel truth.
Wear it like clothing.
Do you think truth wavers?
Do you think it is unsure?
Then why are you?

You (everyone) share energy more than you (everyone) share words.
Remember that."

- Bruce Lee


Way more wisdom than one can absorb in the wee hours after midnight.
Like 'I'm gonna pour my bucket o'wisdom over your head and you better catch some of this."
yeah. There was A LOT... that up there is cropped and trimmed and almost exact.
the dude is a waterfall.

It was a complete honor to even make contact...
but then he started asking why and what I wanted...
and I didn't want anything, I was just seeing if it were possible...
and then he was like,
oh, so you didn't come here to learn martial arts?
- - no.
oh... so you came here for more than that?
- - uhh....
You say you have no questions, but you are willing to receive.
-- -Do you have any wisdom to impart?
then it got all crazy... the guy is a talker, but nothing he said was rambling or unnecessary
it was all this huge deep philosophical raw honest wisdom truth stuff.
like whoa... so not prepared for a long visit... but okay...
until a while later and it just keeps filling my overflowing mind, and then not being sure what to make a note of or what not to...
almost reached a stopping point when he said to come back...
but then he continued on...
it was wild.
and he was honored to give all of this.
and there is this real terrifying feeling that he's expecting me to come back...
and this mind is like... you are not worthy!
and the soul is like... it's been scheduled, be prepared.


Working on outline for next screenplay, but running into issues.
see... I get new scenes popping up for a completely different script idea.
and book 6 parts are playing in my head every night...
writing a screenplay here, not another book! Is there no break time, yo!?

piano project is underway
aiming for the end of March to have it finished.
Screenplay done by end of Feb. at least the first draft.
other 3d stuff...

oh...and money appeared out of nowhere today.
because FLOW!
Please check out my book on Feng Shui, it is available!
or message me, $5 will get you the PDF version.
this is a workbook style book, so you gotta do the work to get the results!

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