Day 40 and 41 and 42 and 43 of 100 of WTFIW....F
A garden.
where we grow our forests
perhaps fruit trees
perhaps vegetables and roses
flowers too
it's what we cultivate and where we spend our time
trying to get those onions to bloom
trying to get those trees to spit out turnips
tilling and seeding and planting
waiting for the reap
how alike we are
each striving for the perfect garden to showcase
competing with one another
all trying to grow the same things.....
but I planted jellybeans...
magic moons...
and seedling kings...
all these in my garden
and I'm not competing against you
there's another dimension
and that's where I'll meet the finals
but you see...
no one else can grow what I grow...
and I own my own category
so there a guarantee for the blue ribbon
and the red, and the green, and all things...
all rewards...
because I don't compete with you
All this time it was perceived as being a fluke.
A design flaw that wouldn't be understood.
It was forever. It was just yesterday.
And there you were.
Those colors.
Like a rainbow, but like pearls and electricity
There you were.
Hidden all this time from this eye, this I.
Why hadn't you shown yourself before?
Was it because I didn't repeat the key code 3 times?
Was it because walking hand in hand with this soul wasn't close enough?
What did I miss all those times I knocked at your door?
At my door?
Why didn't you answer before, yet this time....
there you were.
Her name is Toriel.
The tutor, the teacher, god's helper.
ah... the mirror effects of this place
I remember
We've traversed the heavens and the seas deep, and the aether and the otherworlds...
yet you kept yourself elusive, locked away in the chest.
and the key, hung around my neck.
and all this time it was unlocked, yet...
I didn't return to see what was inside.
until... yesterday.
hmm. fascinating.
_ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __
all that ^^ a day after the arrows.
and the bow.
and it's all amazingly entrancing and magical
and ...let's keep going.
starting on the piano designs.
Timetable, I gave myself 2 months.
and I successfully procrastinated and wasted 2 weeks.
so as long as it's finished by April 9th, it's all good.
no outline - on hold
will work on another or something
brain does not want to write stories right now...
nothing I can do about that. *shrugs
ok... feelings do not want to write, they want to swim in the paint.
that's what I'll be doing, until feelers say otherwise
ever get that dreaded feeling when you have to open new paint sets...
and mind is like 'aaahhh you're going to ruin this perfect tube of paint!'
and soul is like, 'fuck yes I am. there's more at the store.'
and mind is, 'but you'll have to buy more, don't touch those colors! What if you run out!'
and soul is like, 'yep' as it breaks the seal on the fresh tube of paint.
and soul's eyes glaze over as color, COLOR slowly emerges from the opening....
look at that color.... oooooohhhhhh prrreeeeeettttyyyyyy!
and mind is like 'fuck' and has one of those deep sighs in defeat.
'it's not a drug.' mind rolls it's eyes.
and soul smiles and begins rocking back and forth slowly as the colors... as the colors!!!....
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