Thursday, June 20, 2019

Klingons and their musical talents.

Ever have those people you just cling to for no reason other than there's something that pulls your attention directly to them? Some might be real people...some characters in a movie, or book, or anime... some are there in the aether but you've found a way to plant their feet on earth in some form.
Perhaps some people cling to a god. Perhaps a pet, or their spouse, or their family, their friend?

But there's something to be said for clinging...
This magnetic urge to just be in the midst of those chosen few.
....oh how grand a world that would be...
and how human nature wants to be included in something...
and how every facebook meme says something about 'your tribe'.
*insert meme of grumpy cat...
because in my experience....
there is no tribe anything.
there is no inclusion.
there is no grand world where you can even find someone to cling to
...okay....unless you're in 'love'... that doesn't count
or you've been married for so long that you are totally cool with using your spouse as a shield against having to negotiate with other humans... and you can smoothly pull them between you and whatever you do not feel like involving yourself with. It's great.

most people cling to their phones.... anything to help them escape what's in front of them
I cling to everything except reality... because I get everything I need from it that I can't get here.
Like that tribe. That inclusion. That everything.
So if I tell you I'm meditating....I'm just visiting my friends.  ;)

whatever...just rambling without a real point

There's a ukelele class tomorrow.... but I'm not excited about going..
so I probably won't unless something reignites that idea...
as I'm no longer a beginner ukelele-ist... (wtf do you call someone who plays a ukelele?)
I'm at the level past beginner... and because I have a background in electric guitar...
I have a good few steps ahead of other beginners...
so I don't want to go...and find myself showing off...
or find myself having to talk to other people...
or heaven forbid have to put one fucking fake smile on my face...especially when they ask how long I've been playing and I say a few months. And they lose all hope for themselves...
Yes, I know I've had the ukelele for two years...but you see...
I couldn't strum to save my life....
UNTIL...I told myself that I could strum, I just forgot how...but I CAN do it.
and well...I can strum now.  (dude, I played lead guitar not rhythm or bass, don't judge)
(keeping the uke on the kitchen table helps too)
Anyway... youtube has taught me enough ...I just wish they had more of the older songs and played more along with the melody than the rhythm.
Seems like another thing I'll have to do myself... *sigh

flamingos are done.
watercolors are both friend and foe, btw

need to build that canvas frame...
start on my lion
 (yay, back to acrylics!!!)
I don't know what I'm doing here....
gonna go...
probably meditate or something HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

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