Monday, June 24, 2019

The New Universe

When you love someone...
when you love something...
it's not the person, nor the thing...
it's the frequency that moves through you...
when you are with them...

Love is a frequency...
and it moves through you...

and it's always there...
if you can't feel it... you're just on a different channel
a different wavelength
a different frequency

all you have to do is change your channel
to the wavelength you want
to the frequency you want
anything you want...

Your life is the receiver.
Like on a television.
The channels...all the channels... are always available...
but it's completely up to you whether you stay on HorrorTV...
or switch to something more enjoyable.
You are in control...
You are the controller...


I have a very good friend...
and we discussed the frequency of energy that moves through your body
and there's a certain feeling that has revisited recently...
and he explained that there's a reason it keeps coming back...
"It's trying to tell you something."
...and a few hours of listening and feeling does a world of good...
because I've discovered something... (like on the Discovery Channel, lol)
about vibration and the energies we allow in and through our bodies...
and how rare it is... for it to find pure rest and pure security and pure love...
We know what this feels like... do we not..?
yet everyday we allow other wavelengths to wash over these beneficial vibes....
 ..our ears attune to the familiar beats...
a beating..
the stress, the tightness, the clenching, the grasping, the clinging, the needing...
but are those things our home?
or are they just where we've found ourselves dwelling for far too long...
stuck on channel 'I guess this is all there is Lifetime channel'....
but we all know how those shows end.
beat-en down...
(fyi, the difference between the wavelength of two frequencies causes a 'beat')
but we are allowed.....also....
to turn off the receiver...
and not play the scheduled programming...
and tune into ourselves....
because ourselves, our true selves (not TruTV!)....
is pure rest...pure peace...pure love...

not reality....actuality... lol

but it's quiet.... it's hard to turn away from the distractions...
it's lonely for a whole hot minute...
and then you are there... in that unbridled flow...
and the truth of you embraces you...and ecstasy reigns for a hot minute....
and over and over you revisit that moment.... those moments...
and suddenly you find your way home...
and everything not that place, that feeling..... is seen as what it is rather than the only option...

I can't tell you in plain language...

 "It's not for them."  my very good friend will say...
so I write this here for me...


It's the New-niverse.... the new universe. ;)

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