Where is the alignment of a circle? Of a sphere?
enter enter...
into the center center...
enter the center...
your magic lies in the spark, deep within...
that crystalline star that shines like a million suns...
give yourself to it..
become swallowed up in the light
All the things are there...
they are waiting for you...
what is it? day 8?
is that all? lol... feel like I've been here for months!
all the exciting things are making themselves known
and I get to choose them ALL...
because I get to have ALL the things!
just making room...making room...
things are still settling from the huge surge last week...
and now we start week 2... and things are approaching faster than I can purge!
I get to have all the things!
- __ - __ - __ - __ - __ - __

As a member...(a double-dosed member) of the Water Tribe...
action steps seem so massively strange and foreign to me...
could someone please help me with this?
because I have no idea what to do, how to do it, or even why...
and as a member of the 99 percentile of the introverted test...
could someone please offer to help me?
because even asking is like reaching outward...which is also alien...
and if you know me... aliens & me, do not mix well....
like I think they are cool and all... ufo's and shit...
but also not cool at all...
especially large silent black triangles that can make 90 degree turns...
so what do I need help with?
-- editing a novel... (multiple novels...same story, 5+ books)
-- editing a script (multiple scripts)
-- publisher stuff...everything... I know nothing.
-- accountability...lol...but not like that... (force = rebellion)
-- what to do with things after the fact... like art...
I can make it... but then what? Don't tell me what google says to do...
-- paying down debt... all methods have failed beside pure trust and hope thus far..
(frankly trust and hope has paid the bills...but slow is BORING!)
(and NO, I won't get a job. That has only ever made things worse.)
-- why. why anything... I'm only in it for myself... but why? is this selfish?
even though others get to ride the wave of all the rewards...
dbz is done... need to spray coat it...
still have 5 more commissions to paint...
Timothy needs to go on my wall... and can't until the stairwell is painted..
so I might do that sooner than intended...
I'm sure $40 will come to me so I can buy paint...
there might be other stuff... but meh...
I might write more later...but now I'm losing interest and getting pulled elsewhere..
YAY for ADD!
we can ADD shit all day !
just think of how many things we can get half done!
drink your pink wine tango disks of luxury orangutan fingers...and curl up on the
cot of durable silt colored pie crusts...to bake in the sun of deluxe ecstasy and pride..
may all your drunken dreams feed those who relish in the delight of baked goods.