I'm not sure I can come back to write every day.
it's not always that new perceptions and insights enter my view
and sometimes there's not always words to describe all which shows up
like today... this being Day 4
Something lingered, just behind the veil...
I can't yet see it for what it may be...
and in energy, I only feel the immense largeness of it...
it's standing there...waiting to enter this space that I am...
and I know I need to make more room
where can I expand outward?
what can I clear out?
how does one make the space that they are, bigger? broader?
perhaps my knack for manifesting great things has indeed birthed my desires...
but when the veils lifts and it moves to meet me....
where shall it rest it's head?
I know where to learn these answers...
and the questions didn't even come to me until I wrote that out...
so I suppose, once again, I am in perfect alignment..
the first step leading me directly to the second...and then the third...
and even though I'm consistently reminded about my alignment with
multiple synchronicities and such...
I only know, when I feel the truth of it...
years of not looking for outward signs...and learning to read the inward ones...
was the only way I've grown to acknowledge these massive shifts and evolutions
the outward are reflections...holograms..
but the real truth is all on the inside.
Wrapped up in the heavens of your soul...
nothing happening...
have a few tasks this week...
and actually prepped a canvas today...
there are certain intentions I would like to have completed this week too...
and if not, that's fine too
I'm pretty sure I have nothing of earthly value to give you today...
and talking about daily blah crap...is...well...blah...
I just remembered something...
yesterday (or was it the day before?) I repotted and split up my african violets...
giving them all room to spread there roots and leaves...
giving them room to breathe and expand...
providing room...even if some of them stayed in tupperware bowls...
would it be so different then, for us to make room for more of our selves?
for more of our desires?
for more of our growth and expansion?
there's always room for more of you...
boundless spirit...
grow rampant and wild...and devour the earth...
like the sunshine...
(and making room downstairs is all that energy reflecting itself!)
(I can't make this shit up)
(and I had nothing to do with it!)
Mind is excited to meet what's waiting!!
Soul tells her to chill out...
but Mind knows it's grand and amazing and something huge!
Soul, like the welcoming host... breathes calmly and patiently...
I don't think it's going to take 9 months...
it's at the door, yo...
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