Sitting upon the throne, watching subjects hold out their fanciful offerings, unamused, dismissive, bored with the repetitive dance the commoners think will gain your graces.
And a wave of the hand, and the guards clear the room, knowing that the people outside will frown at not being able to please the one who rules over them.
The room is silent and the sun strikes out it's rays through the crystalline glass windows, adorned with colors from across the globe. A smile has finally arrived. The specks of dust in the air glitter like snowfall. A magical world encapsulated in this empty room.
It was never the fancy trinkets or the songs. Nor the dancing and the furs. The lute could play all day and the wine could be rich and red... yet... the captivating moment that gains the attention of the great one on the throne...is the silence, where a sword of sunlight...and dust mingle. Star dust.
There has been an adoption. And a new member of the driveway sits on the cracked pavement designated as the place to park.
There has been a few shades of color splashed across Timothy's picture... another few days and the base colors should be finished... and then I'm sure detailing will be the next impossible thing to accomplish. Another project way too big, that is still going to be completed.
There has been manifestations tossed my way, and I'm sure I've been dubbed the catcher for the team, besides the Leo in the house, who is designated caretaker of our new member.
There has been a rearranging of the days, and reassurances. Plenty of flexibility has proven to be a winner for the most part, although one can appreciate a more stable design from time to time.
I found that list of six, I was on Level 58, back in February, and hadn't touched it since.
But I'm a different person than I was in February.
I don't think I need to use the list of 6 any longer, however I'm going to give it go once more to see if it still benefits me.
Right now manifesting powers are incredibly in tune and aligned like nobody's business... and even if I have a few things I'd like to have, none of them are soul callings... and frankly, I'm super bored of manifesting 'things'.
Yeah, I'd love a stainless steel wok, or a platform hitch mount bike rack for when it's not 100 degrees outside... or a go pro hero 7 black... or a new stereo for the 4runner... but all those things feel unsatisfying to my soul.... and she's holding something else she wants to show me...
(I'm hoping it's $40k or a huge significant amount of cash)
Mars is in Leo right now...and I listened to this meditation thing someone I know made... (really only because I wanted to find out what cards she was using, because they were awesome looking)... anyway... she was talking about Mars in Leo...and to imagine your solar plexus energy or some crap reach down to earth and reach out to Mars and wrap around Mars and pull it into you..
ok, a little woo woo... but remember something... I was talking to that Daughter of Mars not too long ago... and while I wasn't really doing that meditation ... guess who happened to stop back in and say hello...
Freya. This girl with the hair like fire, who has deemed herself the Daughter of Mars...and I am still pretty sure I should not be trusting her completely. She is the goddess of war and death too, you know. She brought a sword with her this time. I'm intrigued.
~ Freya dose not take part in the battle of Ragnarok but is one of the beings that survives war. Freya and the survivors of Ragnarok help the world when the great battle is over. ~
~ Ragnarok is the cataclysmic destruction of the cosmos and everything in it – even the gods. ~
The twilight and the destruction of the gods...
unless you look up the etymology of ragnarok which translates to ..
~ Ragna means “conjure” and is used metonymically to refer to beings, most notably creator-gods, who possess the power of conjuring as an attribute. The second word, rök, has several meanings, such as “development, origin, cause, relation, fate.” ~
Conjuring of fate, perhaps?
Isn't that the same thing as manifesting?
So I'm taking this class on ... uhh... science, physics, relativity, quantum reality, among a few other comparable topics...it is pretty enlightening, beside that one lesson on calculus that made no fucking sense.
ack... going to go see spiderman tomorrow... probably should assume I might need sleep...
Auf Wiedersehen - Kartoffel Kinder haben Wasser
^^ ^^ Remember that, it is SUPER important!!! ^^ ^^
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