"ALL things... and No thing"
The atmosphere of totality within both Soul and Fire.
When an earthquake happens, and he debris falls
there's still remnants of scattered pieces that tumble off in unsynced timeframes.
until it's all fully settled... at least until the rains come, or the ice.
or the aftershocks...
where then even more unsettled chunks find their way to their resting place.
That's what all this feels like.
Pieces of you, or what you thought of as you... relentlessly removing themselves
another chunk here, another bit there... the fall away
maybe the whole damn city crumbles and falls into the void.
and you stand watching it dissipate, having acknowledged it's passing...
and also having chosen it's demise.
Maybe you'll build a new world on the graves of the last...
but as I realize the luxury of having this experience...
I find no reason to build a new world...nor save the last.
~I want to be free.~
These things are falling away on their own accord...
but perhaps Thoth's little visit perpetuated the onset to be something more perceivable...
there wasn't an earthquake
there wasn't an initiation of anything that shook lose the foundations
there wasn't even a desire, a voice, an anything...
but here I stand, watching it dissolve.
a beautiful demolition
one of my favorite places... this view of destruction and chaos
and the dying of falsehoods.... of filth
and this time...
there won't be a rebuilding
a redesigning...
the wilds will take over...
and life will regain it's sovereignty
~I will be free.~
this also comes with a huge 3d reality dose of...
maybe I will delete my whole profile and all the things that go along with it on every social media account
maybe I will also toss in the fire pit all the art, all the books, all the writings, all the pictures, all the everything
maybe I will
and I often refrain from using the word 'I' in tons of what I write...
because it feels too abrupt and personal...
but the others don't exist anymore... the 'we'... the 'she' ... the 'us' ...
all the world has been devoured
and all of everything
and only I stand
and I AM the wilderness
~I am free.~
rather irritating dream trying to reconnect with son who was held away by forces...
not in ill intent, but just making it difficult...
anyway... we finally got back together ..
he was saying something about
"Germany.... something something something... Ganesh."
and I knew in this dream that it was something to remember...
"Germany.... something something something.... Ganesh."
(yo, sorry, but I can't write shit down and bring it back with me! I tried that before, it doesn't work)
so.... I don't know what that means...
Germany... obvious... I'm guessing the country, or the philosophy, or the culture...
Ganesh... also known as Ganesha.... is the hindu god, Lord of the People
~ readily identified by his elephant head. He is widely revered, more specifically, as the remover of obstacles; the patron of arts and sciences; and the deva of intellect and wisdom. The god of beginnings... son of Shiva and Parvati
I liked leaving the dream....
so... maybe we are getting overrun by Nazi's... who knows.
now that I think about it, I had previous dreams with Germans taking control, years ago...
I probably wrote them here on this blog.... lol.
anyway... that's it for today
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