Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Super men create their own stories...

 The 'new' Justice League was just the old Justice League with added scenes.
... fat batman was still in it
Aquaman was in it, but we didn't get to see enough of him :(
Wonder Woman seemed much stronger/faster than when she was in her own films...
The Flash still only talks about love...just like the series I also don't watch.
Cyborg still sucks and has no real emotional value.
I still only liked the part when Superman went berserk and laser eyed them.

Superman doesn't get enough credit...
and I wish Marvel would write for him... rescue him from the toilet rim of DC writers...
Batman too...and get a better actor, either go back to CB, or get someone with some personality
Wonder Woman too.... she has more potential than the shit show of 1984...and we don't need to see her smiling at some kid in every scene...good god enough, we already KNOW she's the good guy. Who's writing for you people!!?
And fix that crap ideology of Atlantis in Aquaman. It's not some fantastical city like Harry Potter under the sea shit. NO. And do a huge overhaul of the red haired Ariel wanna be girl...

re-cap... of the multi-universal projects littering the horizon...
quails... are 5 weeks old.
coop is almost done. The hard stuff is anyway.
weather is not freezing or pouring down with water (well...a little rain today)
I literately bought a kickboxing bag stand thing on a whim.
I already had the gloves....so... ya know how it is...
still waiting for stimmy money
still waiting for tax return money
my cash stash is like more than halfway to the top of the box I have it in
Imma bid on another storage auction Wednesday....
which might also be the day the coop gets mostly finished.
still waiting for feedback and updates/responses on a few other things I did...
    these are secret...
garden is ready for stuff.... but weather...
will need mulch and other stuff for garden soon.... but weather...
    and we're already busy, so that's fine.
need to find/borrow/fix a tiller for other garden...
I promise I am not a homesteader....even if I like being at home
the house is a mess and needs cleaned.... need maid.
I still hate cooking... need chef
   (but was awfully happy when the oldest brought home groceries!, Like new stuff, yay!)
Isaac is getting all ornery... poor old dog who can barely walk
kids are doing good, oldest is taking another trip to DC
youngest is doing his thing... and maybe we are close to considering a job(?)
no art, no time/focus/momentum for such creative endeavors
only minimal writing... getting there...
     still have book 7 gelling...it's busy, still some screenplays wanting attention, and here....
     none of this includes random facebook posts and comments....

gonna go ghost soon
be sure to miss me

pic, cause I gotta get that in here
Zack Snyder's Darker Man of Steel Recalls Superman's Earliest Days - The  Atlantic

You know...
there's a blog post I wrote a few years ago about Superman...
 It's titled... "What I learned from Superman." 
and ugh... for someone who doesn't like him how he's portrayed in the movies so much...
I hold onto that huge sliver of hope that one day the creators will get it right
I like Henry Cavill playing him, (the chin is tolerable, ok)
but the story...the plot, the everything else... severely lacking for such a potentially incredible hero

Heaven help me that I bought more crypto today...  cause it dropped...
like dude... stimulus money is not here yet yo!
but do I listen... no.

* whole paragrapheses I deleted...cause you don't need to know


I'm sure there's something really deep to share...

but I got places to be
I might be back tomorrow...or later...or never...or next week...

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