So yesterday we watched Puss in Boots the movie since Netflix finally had it in to send us (that only took 2 months!)..
So at first...I thought there were a few too many scenes that regarded private areas a little too much, nothing serious, but more annoying if anything. I'm assuming people still think this type of comedy is funny?
Anyway, the storyline itself was lame, but I really loved the end....the part with the golden egg.
Not going to spoil it for you if you haven't seen it, but I think its rather touching.
I wonder if we are like little golden eggs on the inside.
Lost and confused and full of strife and anger on the outside...but once we leave these bodies...whether we are purified like gold on the inside. Even if we don't or can't always show it in this life....not while wearing flesh that strangles out divinity and works as a filter to keep us away from our true source.
Maybe some people have a better filter and just can't make the connection....and those whose filters are worn and tested...we see through the holes and see through to what is outside of ourselves.
Does that make sense?
Would it be a lost cause to hope that everyone would crack open and know truth and be able to live it.
Is it weird that even though Humpty Dumpty died in the movie, that at the end he was up at the castle in the sky all happy and stuff...or would you also consider that as subliminal programming as well? to make people believe that it is real.
Or do you think that someone...even though the plot of the story was lame....actually found a way to show things to people without it being so obvious that the 'other' people shut it down...kwim? Kinda like The it is so awesomely obvious what that movie is really about! and if you don't know what I mean....go to youtube... user id jonathonkleck I think the video before his rather boring last one has inserts of the film showing what it is about, but there are plenty more elsewhere too.
so....want to hear my latest research project?
well...yes I just happen to have things brought before me, but this doesn't mean anything other than that I have rather unique creative brain processing....
the constellation Orion. You've heard of it yes? The hunter, the heavenly shepherd...and the many other things it is called...
Well.....if you place the stars of Orion on a map of the world where some of the large earthquakes have notice that...the bottom two of the constellation match up to Japan and the other to New Zealand. the 3 stars of his belt match up to Mexico and up near Oregon where that 6.2 one was yesterday..or the other day... and the next in line would be near Los Angeles, CA.
The other top two stars would line up right near Iceland or Greenland (somewhere in that area) and the other would lie right near the Canary Islands.
The problem I get with this is, just today, one of those crazy youtube people (yes, I do think they are somewhat crazy!) mentioned that they felt they should leave California....ok...
and now that I remember...I wrote something not too long ago.... "I watch and move. My light reflects like a thousand stars. The earth, filled with skies, filling everywhere." for some reason I got the idea about taking the star maps and lining them up to the earth...but I don't think it meant as all the stars at once..but a puzzle that from a distance, those stars would match up to earthly places looking at them from afar. Sort of like using a scope on a have to line up the crosshairs at the target that is further away.
Anyway....I found it rather a fun project....though remember that dream I had with the black sail piece that came off a boat or something and had the word written on it...I think I know what it was...not sure...but I think is was Baell. Which I did not know what this meant until I was researching Orion and came across another wikipedia page (you know how it sucks you in by providing clickable links!!) But anyway on one of those random pages either about Orion, one of the stars, or the Pleiades or something, was something about Ba'al who's also called Baell....and for some reason I recognized the letters that immediately reminded me of that dream!
Not saying a demon killed the boat...but in a more figurative manner....a certain group of people/culture/etc. could represent that name and would have destroyed whatever the boat represented...get where I'm going with this?.. and assuming since the boat had black tarp or sails or something...and the investigators had to figure it out...and I was with them, I'm assuming the boat represents something more closely related to either our country/culture/etc.
Just thinking out loud here...sometimes it works, lol.
No bad dreams since then though, so alls good with the world I suppose. Except hot stove tops that take centuries to cool down and 8 year olds who forget what they learned when they were old enough to reach the stove.... boys!!
Have you come here for forgiveness?
Have you come to raise the dead?
Have you come here to play Jesus,
To the lepers in your head.
Did I ask too much?
More than a lot?
You gave me nothing, now it's all I've got.
We're One, but we're not the same.
Well we, hurt each other and we'll do it again.
You'll say.
Love is a temple. Love a higher law.
You ask me to enter, but then you make me crawl.
And I can't be holding on to what you've got
When all you've got is hurt.
One love
One blood
One life, you've got to do what you should.
One life, with each other.
Sisters, brothers.
One life. but we're not the same.
We get to carry each other, carry each other.
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