Last night I had so many things to write about, but I talked myself into staying in bed and not getting up to write on a stupid blog that no one reads anyway. I think by now I have forgotten a few of those things I should have written about....but you're in luck. I remember 2 (and they are the most important anyway), but I also think I have another to include as if this seems long to you, I guess you'll get over it.
I have this very good friend. The kind that simply turns rather difficult frustrating things into simple, 'oh duh!' things instead. This is why they are a very good friend.
So there was this moment I was having....where you're standing in this dark place....(I use metaphors ALOT! So if you don't get it, I guess you won't get it.) A place where you are screaming like a tired and cranky and spoiled 9 year where you know what you want, exactly what you want and you won't accept anything else because it is not what you know you are looking for. A place where you are angry and frustrated and just want to strangle the air between what you want and yourself....yes strangle the air to remove it. Strangle the air, strangle the body and literately put to death everything that is standing in the void. Where you know exactly what you are here to seek and then being swarmed by thousands of things that you know are not that which you came to see. Knowing who you came to see...and this air is in the way...this body, that body, the air....all these lies....this veil.
And I ramble on in a fit because I continue to forget that who I came to see isn't anywhere out there....anywhere out there.....
So this friend of mine, smacks me in the head.... "What are you doing?" ...with this serious gaze of 'hello cuckoo bird'. And I look over and complain about how you can't strangle the air or destroy this void...
"Why are you looking out there?" Confused look as he glances 'that' way....
"Oh." ...duh...what am I looking at over there, that way, up there, somewhere out there, thatta way..... and I remember once again....thank you friend.
So I revert back to something less tantrum inducing and more understandable and simple and find who I'm looking for....standing there all quiet He is most of the time anyway....
Did He say saomething? I can't remember...but He knelt down and brought His forehead to mine and I think we 'went' somewhere...I can't explain that, I have no clue, I don't remember. Damn amnesia.
Yeah, so those were the 2 things in one....not explaining, so if you read and are going 'huh??' then you are just out of luck.
I noticed today that my neighbor's address numbers are 911....and no, I don't think that has anything to do with anything. Just stating a random 'oh' moment.
We went trick-or-treating with the kids too.....Yes we trick-or-treat and wear costumes...well I didn't this year...but most of the time I do. And I don't care if some of you out there think it's of the devil 'hissss', lol. If you feel like educating yourself before thinking everything outside of your box (prison) please go to google and look up Halloween....ugh. I will not educated I prefer to lean on the side of ...Let those who are stupid, continue to be stupid. Anyway, I asked the boss man before and we are cool thank you. You don't have to though, no big deal, I don't care. good for you.
Of course I do enjoy a nit pick fight about Christmas now and then. I can't stand it, but I will buy random stuff when it is on sale, cause it is on sale! And I will wrap stuff up and give it away, cause its fun cleaning up the mess, and even though I do not own a big green tree, I do have some small neon colored ones, and a black one too, lol. I'm not pagan though, they're just freaking plastic look like really bad colored trees. Jesus wasn't born in December anyway....educate yourselves....Christmas was a coverup so the pagans could keep their winter solstice party and wouldn't get beheaded by the crusades....among other things. Santa Claus is just stupid. St. Nicholas was a person, and no reindeer do not fly, but if you are flying overhead in a helicopter they look like they aren't touching the snow while running :)
The tooth fairy is only real when you loose a tooth and get money...and the Halloween fairy is real, because my kids cannot keep and eat all that candy on their own, lol....gosh people get a life, live it. Let people do things the way they want to. So long as they aren't hurting someone else, shut up. If they don't want to do it your way, great! Kids won't grow up to be savages.....unless of course you don't parent them and rely on their peers to raise them....but that's another story in itself, lol.
Oh dang...I remember another thing...
There was this big huge gate (like a castle gate) was reddish in color and raising up slowly, and these big huge bugs came out of it, but they had faces...kinda like alien faces with big eyes, but had noses and mouths...I'm not sure if they were riding these huge grasshopper things or they were the grasshopper things??? I was standing at the gate as it lifted and these things started coming out, a few of them stopped to look at me but continued on. I tried to see more...but as of right now I can't rememeber all of it...argh!
BUT I think that whole idea about the first being last and the last being first had something to do with the gate....and the way people actively seek certain things and others only take into account what comes their way....kwim? Whether you put things on hold to do other things or actively embrace them now defines how long it will be when you are allowed in??maybe? idk.
My hands are freezing! It's cold down here. Gotta go.
Chocolate....why does all chocolate candy have milk in it?? :( WHY!? AHHHH!!!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
How come my 'yay' 's are all underlined in red?
Some people just need slapped.
Mainly those who appear to be legit people, but you find them truthfully to be rather rude and indigent....or whatever that word is...
Those type people slowly cause me to turn into a very unfriendly and very unaccommodating person. I guess this is a sign to sear my way in the direction I need to go and not hesitate to set fire to those whom can't handle the heat.
Let them burn.
Last thing I'm going to do is miss an opportunity because I was being too nice and understanding with someone else's stupidity.
Whew! That feels better.....what else....
It's freaking cold outside!...and actually kinda chilly in here.... :P ...and no, not just my cold heart, haha.
Trick or treating may not be very fun unless I can come up with something extremely warm to wear! Brrr! Dang, the crap I go through to let the kids get candy I can't even eat...perfect.
I guess I can't compare that to that black dress I made in about 2 hours and spent $$ to buy fabric....all for a 15 minute photoshoot... Lol.... see where my priorities lie.... sorry but my wonderful Nikon was needing some time out of it's bag.
My long lost books are still lost, but was kind enough to resend out my order for free, and they will get here Wednesday..which is a problem because piano class was rescheduled to Wednesday and guess who won't be home....argh....and Fed Ex needs you to be home...and I was only waiting 45 days so far for these books and I definitely do not want to miss them!!!! Maybe reschedule the piano.... for the sake of my books?? Since I can't start on Book 3 until I'm sure Book 2 isn't messed up.....hrmmm
Hubby fixed the least temporarily, yay! Painted the boy's dresser...yay! Successfully accomplished school work for over a week without disruption...yay! It actually does go a lot smoother when you no longer keep a track record! Yay!
And I bought lots of seal-able canisters at hobby lobby last week....and in a few days, they will be filled with deliciousness! Like cookie stuff and muffin stuff and all that stuff that makes you excited that it's already pre mixed and it won't take near as long to prep and bake! Yay!
Of course though...this may make me fat....
Did you see the moon.....quite awesome this night I would say.
I would say if I had someone to say it to anyway....I'm so bored and lonely....and I should be working or at least preparing stuff to work tomorrow, which I had better freaking do or I'm going to slap myself. At least the applique work anyway gosh! I'm such a slacker, lol. I don't have time to do that crap right now.....well, maybe I do have time, but not time I'm willing to give. I may need to hire people again....this job sucks, haha.
I probably have more to say...but my hands are freezing, so I will wait until tomorrow when I can turn the heater on super high without getting ugly looks from the hubs.
Be at peace...and know that your redemption draweth nigh.
lol.....did you know that 11-6 upside down makes... 9-11... and it's election day...and Saturn is born out of Virgo.... something to think about...or research if you are having fun with the end of the world stuff and rapture and antichrist stuff.... No bad dreams lately though...unless you count the fact that last night I dreamt I had 2 of the same kid and one I found in a trash compacter??!!....whatever!
Later peeps!
Mainly those who appear to be legit people, but you find them truthfully to be rather rude and indigent....or whatever that word is...
Those type people slowly cause me to turn into a very unfriendly and very unaccommodating person. I guess this is a sign to sear my way in the direction I need to go and not hesitate to set fire to those whom can't handle the heat.
Let them burn.
Last thing I'm going to do is miss an opportunity because I was being too nice and understanding with someone else's stupidity.
Whew! That feels better.....what else....
It's freaking cold outside!...and actually kinda chilly in here.... :P ...and no, not just my cold heart, haha.
Trick or treating may not be very fun unless I can come up with something extremely warm to wear! Brrr! Dang, the crap I go through to let the kids get candy I can't even eat...perfect.
I guess I can't compare that to that black dress I made in about 2 hours and spent $$ to buy fabric....all for a 15 minute photoshoot... Lol.... see where my priorities lie.... sorry but my wonderful Nikon was needing some time out of it's bag.
My long lost books are still lost, but was kind enough to resend out my order for free, and they will get here Wednesday..which is a problem because piano class was rescheduled to Wednesday and guess who won't be home....argh....and Fed Ex needs you to be home...and I was only waiting 45 days so far for these books and I definitely do not want to miss them!!!! Maybe reschedule the piano.... for the sake of my books?? Since I can't start on Book 3 until I'm sure Book 2 isn't messed up.....hrmmm
Hubby fixed the least temporarily, yay! Painted the boy's dresser...yay! Successfully accomplished school work for over a week without disruption...yay! It actually does go a lot smoother when you no longer keep a track record! Yay!
And I bought lots of seal-able canisters at hobby lobby last week....and in a few days, they will be filled with deliciousness! Like cookie stuff and muffin stuff and all that stuff that makes you excited that it's already pre mixed and it won't take near as long to prep and bake! Yay!
Of course though...this may make me fat....
Did you see the moon.....quite awesome this night I would say.
I would say if I had someone to say it to anyway....I'm so bored and lonely....and I should be working or at least preparing stuff to work tomorrow, which I had better freaking do or I'm going to slap myself. At least the applique work anyway gosh! I'm such a slacker, lol. I don't have time to do that crap right now.....well, maybe I do have time, but not time I'm willing to give. I may need to hire people again....this job sucks, haha.
I probably have more to say...but my hands are freezing, so I will wait until tomorrow when I can turn the heater on super high without getting ugly looks from the hubs.
Be at peace...and know that your redemption draweth nigh.
lol.....did you know that 11-6 upside down makes... 9-11... and it's election day...and Saturn is born out of Virgo.... something to think about...or research if you are having fun with the end of the world stuff and rapture and antichrist stuff.... No bad dreams lately though...unless you count the fact that last night I dreamt I had 2 of the same kid and one I found in a trash compacter??!!....whatever!
Later peeps!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
It is kinda dry out....
Want to hear some irony.....I bet you do.
So yesterday was laundry day (not that everyday can't be laundry day, but I have maybe 6 loads that needed washed/dried, so it was important for it to be such.
So the first two loads went as well as could be considering my dryer takes 1 hour and 30 minutes to actually dry a whole load.
Then the next load was in and the dryer was turned on and the thing would heat up just fine, but wouldn't turn....hmmm.
So I pushed it and it worked...for that load.
This got worse on the fourth load, and by the fifth, it wouldn't turn at all unless it was just a few tees/socks/lightweight stuff in it. Might as well forget it if you want to put jeans in there.
So, hubby needs to fix it today or there will be trouble.
I would happily go buy a new set....those fancy kinda that wash and dry a whole load in less than 30 minutes.....but alas....I can't until the new refrigerator is paid off.
So my day was fun. We did school, which I'm not sure, but math teaching sucks when you taught it 50,000 times and still the child forgets over and over.....argh.
My dishwasher is in. I had one before, but I liked my other one from the old house...and I have it here now! yay!
Other than that, yesterday was kinda blah...except for dinner, that was good.
Today.....I need to sew those things I should have done Monday or Tuesday....
Which I will.....but I need to go pick up a zipper from Hobby Lobby.
I have to meet to drop off an outfit and cd too. School too of course...and try to get that math to click in this child's head....something. Maybe work on that art board I really want done too.
So something
I'm not sure I have something. hmmm.
No new freaky dreams or coincidences. No mysterious happenings. No incredible awesome moments to share. No end of the world fluctuations. No gripes or complaints. No kudos or congrats either.....Well, maybe one gripe....I want to go take pictures and haven't yet. Too much 'other' stuff getting in the way. Yes, I know, no excuses. I guess I need the opportunity to go out and do it, or at least an opening from under this load of real work I need to do.
Well...I guess I'm boring today. Off to get the day whacked with accomplishment. Hopefully have something worthwhile to talk about later...something good and worthwhile, lol. :)
So yesterday was laundry day (not that everyday can't be laundry day, but I have maybe 6 loads that needed washed/dried, so it was important for it to be such.
So the first two loads went as well as could be considering my dryer takes 1 hour and 30 minutes to actually dry a whole load.
Then the next load was in and the dryer was turned on and the thing would heat up just fine, but wouldn't turn....hmmm.
So I pushed it and it worked...for that load.
This got worse on the fourth load, and by the fifth, it wouldn't turn at all unless it was just a few tees/socks/lightweight stuff in it. Might as well forget it if you want to put jeans in there.
So, hubby needs to fix it today or there will be trouble.
I would happily go buy a new set....those fancy kinda that wash and dry a whole load in less than 30 minutes.....but alas....I can't until the new refrigerator is paid off.
So my day was fun. We did school, which I'm not sure, but math teaching sucks when you taught it 50,000 times and still the child forgets over and over.....argh.
My dishwasher is in. I had one before, but I liked my other one from the old house...and I have it here now! yay!
Other than that, yesterday was kinda blah...except for dinner, that was good.
Today.....I need to sew those things I should have done Monday or Tuesday....
Which I will.....but I need to go pick up a zipper from Hobby Lobby.
I have to meet to drop off an outfit and cd too. School too of course...and try to get that math to click in this child's head....something. Maybe work on that art board I really want done too.
So something
I'm not sure I have something. hmmm.
No new freaky dreams or coincidences. No mysterious happenings. No incredible awesome moments to share. No end of the world fluctuations. No gripes or complaints. No kudos or congrats either.....Well, maybe one gripe....I want to go take pictures and haven't yet. Too much 'other' stuff getting in the way. Yes, I know, no excuses. I guess I need the opportunity to go out and do it, or at least an opening from under this load of real work I need to do.
Well...I guess I'm boring today. Off to get the day whacked with accomplishment. Hopefully have something worthwhile to talk about later...something good and worthwhile, lol. :)
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Capstones.....tumbling down
Well, I'm back. Today is in fact laundry day and the kids are currently doing their math work. Today is also sunny and warm, but I have yet to find an escape to go outside. Perhaps soon though.
I'm a bit discouraged today, because even though I would love to go do something, it just isn't working out very well. I'm about ready to throw it away and move on. I have until Monday.
I have 2 sets that must be finished tonight. And I again hate sewing.
I'm on the hunt for some money too, but it is being reclusive, lol.
I feel there's some introspection on the horizon too...a little bit of cleaning to be made, like spring cleaning, but more of a fall cleansing, the letting go of the old and worn and the time to prepare and bunker down for the winter. Steadfast, faithful.
I'm debating....I don't think any amount of work or labor, or good deed that could be done is worth it. Maybe for that huge black bug thing that I rescued and released last night, or those lady bugs I help find their way outside, or that dog that I let eat my dogs' outside this morning.....but for It's almost like helping the enemy. It backfires, or tends to leave a filthy residue on your thoughts. Perhaps there's the few times a 'thank you' reaches your ears, but there are far more silent moments that leave you wondering if any amount of effort on your part was even recognized at all. If that 6 hours was worth it, if that $35 in gas mattered, if the careful planning and scheduling was even considered.
We should fight the good fight anyway and do it anyway, even if it's just out of spite...yes we should. But I no longer want to. I'm falling into the abyss...that deep dark place. Cold. Echoes booming. Falling.
And I have been swallowed whole by something that is rather trivial. Something unworthy to speak of, but I'm lost as to why it bothers me so much. Why do such small things cause drowning tsunamis on the inside. Why?
To say it upsets me is not true. It more or less pries it's way down to the core and shakes things out of place and causes havoc to my calm. Ravaging my sense of belonging. Reminding me that this world, the belonging to this world, the being a part of this world, is false. Reminding me that I will be cast out.....and somehow making me give thanks for things such as this.
One side fights to be nothing, no one, lost, dead. The other fights for being everything, someone, found, alive. I hate this battle. We are the losers either way. The bearers of the war. Feeling it rip us apart and cast us asunder. Watching it toss us to and fro and see how it makes us stumble. Like watching yourself die, but you can't do anything about it. Even if you want to bring in the boss man....He can't just change the channel while you are still stuck in the tv. Though you are still waiting for Him to turn it all off and take you out of tv land altogether.
No superheros here....
So enough rambling about stupid things. Therefore I'll leave you with the impression that I want to tell you how fragile I am while still holding out hope that more than 5 people in this current world make me smile.....but also remind you that it doesn't matter....even if I'm sad if I don't get to see them. That it doesn't matter if I'm cast out...or turned away, or forgotten about, or left behind, or scoffed at, or avoided, or shunned, or replaced, or ignored..... I accept that....and I'll be at peace knowing where I'll be standing at the end...and it won't be with them.
Must go write on deviant art right now....must go.
I'm a bit discouraged today, because even though I would love to go do something, it just isn't working out very well. I'm about ready to throw it away and move on. I have until Monday.
I have 2 sets that must be finished tonight. And I again hate sewing.
I'm on the hunt for some money too, but it is being reclusive, lol.
I feel there's some introspection on the horizon too...a little bit of cleaning to be made, like spring cleaning, but more of a fall cleansing, the letting go of the old and worn and the time to prepare and bunker down for the winter. Steadfast, faithful.
I'm debating....I don't think any amount of work or labor, or good deed that could be done is worth it. Maybe for that huge black bug thing that I rescued and released last night, or those lady bugs I help find their way outside, or that dog that I let eat my dogs' outside this morning.....but for It's almost like helping the enemy. It backfires, or tends to leave a filthy residue on your thoughts. Perhaps there's the few times a 'thank you' reaches your ears, but there are far more silent moments that leave you wondering if any amount of effort on your part was even recognized at all. If that 6 hours was worth it, if that $35 in gas mattered, if the careful planning and scheduling was even considered.
We should fight the good fight anyway and do it anyway, even if it's just out of spite...yes we should. But I no longer want to. I'm falling into the abyss...that deep dark place. Cold. Echoes booming. Falling.
And I have been swallowed whole by something that is rather trivial. Something unworthy to speak of, but I'm lost as to why it bothers me so much. Why do such small things cause drowning tsunamis on the inside. Why?
To say it upsets me is not true. It more or less pries it's way down to the core and shakes things out of place and causes havoc to my calm. Ravaging my sense of belonging. Reminding me that this world, the belonging to this world, the being a part of this world, is false. Reminding me that I will be cast out.....and somehow making me give thanks for things such as this.
One side fights to be nothing, no one, lost, dead. The other fights for being everything, someone, found, alive. I hate this battle. We are the losers either way. The bearers of the war. Feeling it rip us apart and cast us asunder. Watching it toss us to and fro and see how it makes us stumble. Like watching yourself die, but you can't do anything about it. Even if you want to bring in the boss man....He can't just change the channel while you are still stuck in the tv. Though you are still waiting for Him to turn it all off and take you out of tv land altogether.
No superheros here....
So enough rambling about stupid things. Therefore I'll leave you with the impression that I want to tell you how fragile I am while still holding out hope that more than 5 people in this current world make me smile.....but also remind you that it doesn't matter....even if I'm sad if I don't get to see them. That it doesn't matter if I'm cast out...or turned away, or forgotten about, or left behind, or scoffed at, or avoided, or shunned, or replaced, or ignored..... I accept that....and I'll be at peace knowing where I'll be standing at the end...and it won't be with them.
Must go write on deviant art right now....must go.
Monday, October 22, 2012
wow...super short, haha
Monday night. The last 4 days have been something more than turbulent. Tomorrow is sure to hold more of the same, but perhaps (at least hoping) not so strenuous. Laundry...yeah, I can handle that. Schoolwork, sure. Sewing work.....let's just really try to get those 2 sets finished. Everything else besides dinner will have to be placed on hold.
Well, unless something really awesome shows up that steals my focus. Yeah, that would be ok I guess.
I'm sure there is more that needs to be added to tomorrow's to-do list. But for some reason I find that actually making the to-do list only keeps you from forgetting what needs done, but doesn't actually help in the accomplishment of such matters. Too bad.
I thought I was going to write about something cool tonight, but I just realized it is later than I thought and I would much rather go to sleep. So I'll try this again tomorrow, lol.....if I can find the time anyway.
See ya! :P
Well, unless something really awesome shows up that steals my focus. Yeah, that would be ok I guess.
I'm sure there is more that needs to be added to tomorrow's to-do list. But for some reason I find that actually making the to-do list only keeps you from forgetting what needs done, but doesn't actually help in the accomplishment of such matters. Too bad.
I thought I was going to write about something cool tonight, but I just realized it is later than I thought and I would much rather go to sleep. So I'll try this again tomorrow, lol.....if I can find the time anyway.
See ya! :P
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
I fee like laughing like Gru from the despicables....
The water is pouring pouring raging pouring out. Waterfall gushing and thundering.
Are we ready? It is time.
I'm not sure why I'm here, but here is where I find myself. Though quickly, as work has to begin on this day.
Do you feel it? Can you see it? The flashing lightning that darts across the skies and the power that ripples through and within the lands. Do you feel it!? Something is happening and it is not like anything that has happened before. Stand ready, the work must begin!
Today....I must do schoolwork with the kiddos. Today I must sew and finish this outfit before my head sets down on the pillow. Today....there is no other time that has been given. Tomorrow is for tomorrow's work.
Thursday is Lowe's day. Friday is 'fix the roof at old house' day. Saturday is yardsale day. Sunday is 'you better have that roof done day'. Monday is..... 'holy crap you should have finished this Thursday' day.
But I'm not complaining...I'm rather feeling a whole heck of a lot blessed. And I hope you are too.
If not, may I suggest letting the awesomest person I know that you are struggling and would humbly accept His help to fix it. cause He fixes it rather well.
Anyways....I think maybe I can squeeze in a photoshoot Sunday since I'll probably be up there anyway....hmmm....but that means I need to sew something....argh. Oh well...we'll see how much 'paid for already work' I get done first. :P
I'm outta here!! And I can't wait to see how awesome November and especially December is gonna be!!! :)
Talk to you later jiggly little shake shake moccasins of leather wrapped cherries!
Are we ready? It is time.
I'm not sure why I'm here, but here is where I find myself. Though quickly, as work has to begin on this day.
Do you feel it? Can you see it? The flashing lightning that darts across the skies and the power that ripples through and within the lands. Do you feel it!? Something is happening and it is not like anything that has happened before. Stand ready, the work must begin!
Today....I must do schoolwork with the kiddos. Today I must sew and finish this outfit before my head sets down on the pillow. Today....there is no other time that has been given. Tomorrow is for tomorrow's work.
Thursday is Lowe's day. Friday is 'fix the roof at old house' day. Saturday is yardsale day. Sunday is 'you better have that roof done day'. Monday is..... 'holy crap you should have finished this Thursday' day.
But I'm not complaining...I'm rather feeling a whole heck of a lot blessed. And I hope you are too.
If not, may I suggest letting the awesomest person I know that you are struggling and would humbly accept His help to fix it. cause He fixes it rather well.
Anyways....I think maybe I can squeeze in a photoshoot Sunday since I'll probably be up there anyway....hmmm....but that means I need to sew something....argh. Oh well...we'll see how much 'paid for already work' I get done first. :P
I'm outta here!! And I can't wait to see how awesome November and especially December is gonna be!!! :)
Talk to you later jiggly little shake shake moccasins of leather wrapped cherries!
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Clocks are ticking.....with only one way out
A bit of a mix today. Bummed, excited, discouraged, joyful....
Makes me wonder why I even bother with the less tasteful thoughts. We never have to, but we always find ways of carrying them with us for a short time, as if we needed them.
I'm pretty sure though...that the thoughts are not what we need, nor the reason we hold onto them. I'm pretty sure that we carry them so that maybe, just maybe, someone will see us with them and they will come save us. Rescue us. Comfort us. Just show some sort of consideration to our hearts. Make us feel something of acceptance or something of being even alive. To remind us that we are valued. We are someway.
Holding onto pain in order to lure out the only one who would save you from it.
But maybe that person will never come.....
So there's this thing that would be really crazy to attempt...again, not fully my idea...but it looks to me that it will falter and it will least right now anyway. One side says that it'll be fine and will work out because it has to, don't worry. The other side says it's stupid and no one but you will help anyway, because no one else cares, and even if they did, they wouldn't do anything but say they care, and yet do nothing.....just like always.
You'd think I would have the energy to put those harsh accusations to rest, even if they are true, and feed energy into making it all possible......but I have no energy to give. It also is not my therefore the boss man would need to give His energy into it, because mine is again always.
So I can either chill out and let stupid uncaring people stay that way, which I will, and let the boss man handle it. Or I can just say forget it...oh wait....I can't do that....because I accepted it....and has to work out now...hmmm
Nevermind on that topic.
Dang....I'm kinda bummed I don't have any youtube videos to watch. Even if it's crazy people that talk about crazy subjects, lol. No one here in real life to chat with about end of the world scenarios, or rapture shenanigans, lol. Gets kinda boring with nothing interesting to discuss, lol.
Sewed today. Sewed a whole outfit actually, but still need to decorate it with the :P
But you see where I'm at now, don't you, lol. Working.
I should go sew up a dress for this photoshoot that I could so do tomorrow if I got it done in time.....but ugh....I'm still full from dinner and really don't want to just yet.
Or I could print out all the designs I need for that outfit.
But no, I';m writing about nothing no one cares about anyway. And I'm still trying to keep my mind off of the fact that the one person I really want to see isn't here. And I do this everyday. Everyday. Except those days when I get to see the other person I really love to see and I get freaked out enough to not feel all longing and such. I'm such a sap.
Let's talk about something end of the world scenarios and rapture stuff!! Yay! Cause I can't actually talk about in real life as I don't know anyone who finds interest in such matters.....hmmm. Well, I do :P so I'll talk about it here where no one else much cares either, lol. But I find it rather fun to talk to myself sometimes, I get to solve my own issues eventually, haha!
Did you know that this Tuesday (October 16th) the sign in Revelation 12 actually happens. It does, and if you had Stellarium, you could go see for yourself. Just thought that was interesting to share. And The other morning....the sun was shining through the blinds on the wall and made pictures of what looked like the Clock tower in London. Big Ben I think it's called.....I though it was cool, because the light looked red/orange and it reminded me of my dream with the buildings on fire in Great Britain....and these clock towers looked glowing in was weird. Anyway the actual clock on these towers had the hands pointing to the 10 and somewhere between the 3 and 4ish area. Not sure which was the hour/minute hands, but it looked like either 10:16/17/18 or for the other way, maybe 3:50 .... No coincidence that 10/16 is the sign in the heavens....and the clock could have meant 10:16, nor the fact that it was Big Ben which is also in Great Britain...which just so happened to burn in my last messed up dream....the one with Keanu Reeves in it, lol. The had the paper that read something about 'A Groom man...10........100 yrs.'
Hopeful thinking that it could mean a wedding, which would be awesome and all....or war which would not be awesome.
And I think this stupid election needs to hurry up, I'm getting bored with it as well. All these clowns need to go on already, we all know it is fixed and they do all this hoopla for your entertainment and make you sheeple believe you are watching something unfold, when they already have had it planned out for quite a long while. Wake up's all rehearsed. All of it.
The crazy youtube people say our current prez is the antichrist, but of course so was the last one too, wasn't he, lol. And I bet the next one will be as well, of course....though I doubt we will have a next one. It'll be the same one most likely, my opinion. And the end of the world will come, so there won't be another. We hope.
Lol, I got to go....someone is whispering in my ear. :) Later lovelies! Be at peace....and although the tower may fall, the dust cannot shake the earth beneath your feet, nor the steadfast beating within your heart......
Makes me wonder why I even bother with the less tasteful thoughts. We never have to, but we always find ways of carrying them with us for a short time, as if we needed them.
I'm pretty sure though...that the thoughts are not what we need, nor the reason we hold onto them. I'm pretty sure that we carry them so that maybe, just maybe, someone will see us with them and they will come save us. Rescue us. Comfort us. Just show some sort of consideration to our hearts. Make us feel something of acceptance or something of being even alive. To remind us that we are valued. We are someway.
Holding onto pain in order to lure out the only one who would save you from it.
But maybe that person will never come.....
So there's this thing that would be really crazy to attempt...again, not fully my idea...but it looks to me that it will falter and it will least right now anyway. One side says that it'll be fine and will work out because it has to, don't worry. The other side says it's stupid and no one but you will help anyway, because no one else cares, and even if they did, they wouldn't do anything but say they care, and yet do nothing.....just like always.
You'd think I would have the energy to put those harsh accusations to rest, even if they are true, and feed energy into making it all possible......but I have no energy to give. It also is not my therefore the boss man would need to give His energy into it, because mine is again always.
So I can either chill out and let stupid uncaring people stay that way, which I will, and let the boss man handle it. Or I can just say forget it...oh wait....I can't do that....because I accepted it....and has to work out now...hmmm
Nevermind on that topic.
Dang....I'm kinda bummed I don't have any youtube videos to watch. Even if it's crazy people that talk about crazy subjects, lol. No one here in real life to chat with about end of the world scenarios, or rapture shenanigans, lol. Gets kinda boring with nothing interesting to discuss, lol.
Sewed today. Sewed a whole outfit actually, but still need to decorate it with the :P
But you see where I'm at now, don't you, lol. Working.
I should go sew up a dress for this photoshoot that I could so do tomorrow if I got it done in time.....but ugh....I'm still full from dinner and really don't want to just yet.
Or I could print out all the designs I need for that outfit.
But no, I';m writing about nothing no one cares about anyway. And I'm still trying to keep my mind off of the fact that the one person I really want to see isn't here. And I do this everyday. Everyday. Except those days when I get to see the other person I really love to see and I get freaked out enough to not feel all longing and such. I'm such a sap.
Let's talk about something end of the world scenarios and rapture stuff!! Yay! Cause I can't actually talk about in real life as I don't know anyone who finds interest in such matters.....hmmm. Well, I do :P so I'll talk about it here where no one else much cares either, lol. But I find it rather fun to talk to myself sometimes, I get to solve my own issues eventually, haha!
Did you know that this Tuesday (October 16th) the sign in Revelation 12 actually happens. It does, and if you had Stellarium, you could go see for yourself. Just thought that was interesting to share. And The other morning....the sun was shining through the blinds on the wall and made pictures of what looked like the Clock tower in London. Big Ben I think it's called.....I though it was cool, because the light looked red/orange and it reminded me of my dream with the buildings on fire in Great Britain....and these clock towers looked glowing in was weird. Anyway the actual clock on these towers had the hands pointing to the 10 and somewhere between the 3 and 4ish area. Not sure which was the hour/minute hands, but it looked like either 10:16/17/18 or for the other way, maybe 3:50 .... No coincidence that 10/16 is the sign in the heavens....and the clock could have meant 10:16, nor the fact that it was Big Ben which is also in Great Britain...which just so happened to burn in my last messed up dream....the one with Keanu Reeves in it, lol. The had the paper that read something about 'A Groom man...10........100 yrs.'
Hopeful thinking that it could mean a wedding, which would be awesome and all....or war which would not be awesome.
And I think this stupid election needs to hurry up, I'm getting bored with it as well. All these clowns need to go on already, we all know it is fixed and they do all this hoopla for your entertainment and make you sheeple believe you are watching something unfold, when they already have had it planned out for quite a long while. Wake up's all rehearsed. All of it.
The crazy youtube people say our current prez is the antichrist, but of course so was the last one too, wasn't he, lol. And I bet the next one will be as well, of course....though I doubt we will have a next one. It'll be the same one most likely, my opinion. And the end of the world will come, so there won't be another. We hope.
Lol, I got to go....someone is whispering in my ear. :) Later lovelies! Be at peace....and although the tower may fall, the dust cannot shake the earth beneath your feet, nor the steadfast beating within your heart......
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
The fuse is lit.....
This couldn't wait.....
There's a war brewing. Cannons are lit and powder is packed, projectiles aimed deadly straight.
How can people be so inconsiderate and how can I feel sorry for them. How can they be fashionable late while they are wearing blood stained garments.
Am I supposed to feel compassion? Do I really have to pretend I understand? Do I have to lie to myself and pretend I believe that they gave it their all and even though a small lie may or may not be in the picture, that they are still good people?
Good people??? It's trivial really...the little things, not seriously important, but the same little things that define the greater outcome. The same little things that determine the rise and fall of hope, trust, faith, and consideration. Do people not even consider anything beyond themselves?
Thank God we do not have to rely on our own goodness. We all would burn. And certainly whether premeditated or not, our failures will bleed through any garments we wear if we can't even all out strive for being the best of His.
Being His.....where are we? Lost among the sleeping goats or the blind and broken sheep that are tied up in the slaughterhouse. Where are we???!!! And do any of us need to commune with goats or blood bathing sheep in order to do our work? I'd rather push them off the cliff while they're sleeping or shut the door to the slaughterhouse, because I find it difficult to 'want to' rescue them when they are wallowing in filth for fun, or snicker at goodness, or yes even sometimes make jest of Him.
Who is it we are supposed to be fighting against?
Is it the demons inside ourselves, or the demons inside others?
I used to feel sorry for them. Sorry that they couldn't know something that very few of us do. Used to want to help. Used to care and hope that oneday they might open their eyes. Used to try to set a good example so maybe, just maybe they would see something you can't see anywhere else.....
But today....after another episode of inconsideration that I was witness of....
.....Today, they are our enemies. As it will be until the battle has been won.
I will not feel sorry for them. They had their chance to walk through the gate. A gate that is still open...but closing quickly. Closing quickly....
I will not lie to myself believing these people have their whole lives to see, to change, to repair, to mend, to work it out and find their way. They are already dead. Dead. Do not cry for the dead.
And this thing called love....steadfast, enduring, is Him that I love and His people.....not those who harm them. Not those who step over them. Not those who scoff and pretend it's all a fable.
If they could have been there.....among the garden, if they could remember...if they could have been lifted up into His arms, if they could have seen Him, heard Him, spoke with Him...if they could just listen, look, even give it a thought....they wouldn't have ever missed the treasure....and they wouldn't be lost in their own dark fairy tale, they'd be awake with us in the real world where even though the beasts roam wild....He walks beside us.
There's a war brewing. Cannons are lit and powder is packed, projectiles aimed deadly straight.
How can people be so inconsiderate and how can I feel sorry for them. How can they be fashionable late while they are wearing blood stained garments.
Am I supposed to feel compassion? Do I really have to pretend I understand? Do I have to lie to myself and pretend I believe that they gave it their all and even though a small lie may or may not be in the picture, that they are still good people?
Good people??? It's trivial really...the little things, not seriously important, but the same little things that define the greater outcome. The same little things that determine the rise and fall of hope, trust, faith, and consideration. Do people not even consider anything beyond themselves?
Thank God we do not have to rely on our own goodness. We all would burn. And certainly whether premeditated or not, our failures will bleed through any garments we wear if we can't even all out strive for being the best of His.
Being His.....where are we? Lost among the sleeping goats or the blind and broken sheep that are tied up in the slaughterhouse. Where are we???!!! And do any of us need to commune with goats or blood bathing sheep in order to do our work? I'd rather push them off the cliff while they're sleeping or shut the door to the slaughterhouse, because I find it difficult to 'want to' rescue them when they are wallowing in filth for fun, or snicker at goodness, or yes even sometimes make jest of Him.
Who is it we are supposed to be fighting against?
Is it the demons inside ourselves, or the demons inside others?
I used to feel sorry for them. Sorry that they couldn't know something that very few of us do. Used to want to help. Used to care and hope that oneday they might open their eyes. Used to try to set a good example so maybe, just maybe they would see something you can't see anywhere else.....
But today....after another episode of inconsideration that I was witness of....
.....Today, they are our enemies. As it will be until the battle has been won.
I will not feel sorry for them. They had their chance to walk through the gate. A gate that is still open...but closing quickly. Closing quickly....
I will not lie to myself believing these people have their whole lives to see, to change, to repair, to mend, to work it out and find their way. They are already dead. Dead. Do not cry for the dead.
And this thing called love....steadfast, enduring, is Him that I love and His people.....not those who harm them. Not those who step over them. Not those who scoff and pretend it's all a fable.
If they could have been there.....among the garden, if they could remember...if they could have been lifted up into His arms, if they could have seen Him, heard Him, spoke with Him...if they could just listen, look, even give it a thought....they wouldn't have ever missed the treasure....and they wouldn't be lost in their own dark fairy tale, they'd be awake with us in the real world where even though the beasts roam wild....He walks beside us.
Dream 10-10-12 ....
I had a dream this morning...this morning after I woke up and decided I was still tired so went back to sleep....
This followed another dream that involved roller derby and a photographer guy, lol. But had nothing to do with that one.
Anyway, it starts out with me, some guy that looked exactly like Keanu Reeves, and some boy who was maybe about 10 years old. It was night and we were walking down a street that had a grass with trees divider going down the center of the wide road and had large buildings on each side.
We started hearing this noise, and we saw a circular ufo flying overhead. then another one in the shape of a triangle, then a rectangle one. We were ducking under the trees so they wouldn't see us.
Then this huge truck (thing) pulled up beside where we were and bunches of army men...some in uniform, like the generals, and many in desert camo with large rifles and gear. They were scattering all over the place!
The ufo things transformed into video cameras like they were 'hiding' from being seen by the public.??
We started freaking out since we were in the middle of it all and had to escape. We disguised ourselves in the camo like they had and started running out of the area.....but ended up getting tangled in a long fuse line that was lit and it was burning very very fast!!
I got my ankle untangled and we started running across the street to get away from the fuse that was fixing to blow up whatever it was lit to. We had to stop in the middle grassy/tree area to duck as the bomb went off.
As the explosion was happening I was telling the guy who looked like Keanu that we should run inside the building across the street to hide.
We looked over there and it appeared to be an old school/college dormitory or something. (I think all girls??) One was yelling at the others outside to get inside quickly! (I think she had an accent of some sort). They were running inside the building and the ones inside were covering their windows with what appeared to be flags or banners. they were red, white, and blue colors, but they appeared to be more closely matched to Great Britain's colors with the big X.
We took off toward the building as well, but just before we got there the whole thing lit up in flames! Like fire that was entirely on the inside like it was melting all on the inside. Then the next building beside it (They were all connected, but it was separate place) then the rest on that side and then the whole street was nothing but burning buildings!
The army guys started surrounding us and I found 2 boxes. I covered the boy who was with us with the smaller one to hide him from the soldiers and I tried to cover myself with the other in hopes the army men would be too busy to see us. Keanu guy was out of luck I guess. I knelt down under the box.
Then just after that is became super quiet.
I lifted up and looked around. It was now morning outside (cloudy, no sun, but lit) all the buildings were black ash and partially burnt debris/papers/etc. were blowing in the wind. Army guys were all gone. I saw the Keanu guy lying in front of me wearing a solid white button up shirt (clean!) and black slacks (something you wear to a wedding??). He was passed out, but on top of him was this half brunt magazine (or newspaper) that read in big letters..... "A Groom man..10..........100 (yrs?)" I couldn't read what was in the middle part of that and am not sure what exactly was at the end, whether it was yrs, or years, but it was impressed on me that it represented 100 years.
I lifted up the small box where I hid the boy, but inside it was empty, he was gone. then I lifted up my box??? and I wasn't there either??? I saw an empty milk carton under it?? Then the Keanu guy woke up and grabbed the paper on him and turned it his way to read it before I could reread it.....
I asked him "What does it say?", but he didn't acknowledge me, he just looked in shock at the paper in his hand.
I asked him again louder. "What does it say?" but he still didn't hear me or look at me. Then I woke up.
This is what I woke up with and I was no longer tired at all! The buildings did look like something in Europe or Great Britain with the old fashioned stone/brick and trims, and they were all connected on each side.
At the time I couldn't remember what the actor's name was, but I referred to him as Neo until I could think up Keanu Reeves, no clue what the deal with that was. then I realized the paper had mentioned a Groom man, Groom had a capitalized G, which was weird, like it was a title/name. The Keanu guy was wearing a clean new tux suit without the jacket, but he couldn't see/hear me ( I don't think I was there, as I lifted my own box up to find myself??? Me and the boy were gone, but the Keanu guy was there lying on the burnt street.
So how was your morning?
This followed another dream that involved roller derby and a photographer guy, lol. But had nothing to do with that one.
Anyway, it starts out with me, some guy that looked exactly like Keanu Reeves, and some boy who was maybe about 10 years old. It was night and we were walking down a street that had a grass with trees divider going down the center of the wide road and had large buildings on each side.
We started hearing this noise, and we saw a circular ufo flying overhead. then another one in the shape of a triangle, then a rectangle one. We were ducking under the trees so they wouldn't see us.
Then this huge truck (thing) pulled up beside where we were and bunches of army men...some in uniform, like the generals, and many in desert camo with large rifles and gear. They were scattering all over the place!
The ufo things transformed into video cameras like they were 'hiding' from being seen by the public.??
We started freaking out since we were in the middle of it all and had to escape. We disguised ourselves in the camo like they had and started running out of the area.....but ended up getting tangled in a long fuse line that was lit and it was burning very very fast!!
I got my ankle untangled and we started running across the street to get away from the fuse that was fixing to blow up whatever it was lit to. We had to stop in the middle grassy/tree area to duck as the bomb went off.
As the explosion was happening I was telling the guy who looked like Keanu that we should run inside the building across the street to hide.
We looked over there and it appeared to be an old school/college dormitory or something. (I think all girls??) One was yelling at the others outside to get inside quickly! (I think she had an accent of some sort). They were running inside the building and the ones inside were covering their windows with what appeared to be flags or banners. they were red, white, and blue colors, but they appeared to be more closely matched to Great Britain's colors with the big X.
We took off toward the building as well, but just before we got there the whole thing lit up in flames! Like fire that was entirely on the inside like it was melting all on the inside. Then the next building beside it (They were all connected, but it was separate place) then the rest on that side and then the whole street was nothing but burning buildings!
The army guys started surrounding us and I found 2 boxes. I covered the boy who was with us with the smaller one to hide him from the soldiers and I tried to cover myself with the other in hopes the army men would be too busy to see us. Keanu guy was out of luck I guess. I knelt down under the box.
Then just after that is became super quiet.
I lifted up and looked around. It was now morning outside (cloudy, no sun, but lit) all the buildings were black ash and partially burnt debris/papers/etc. were blowing in the wind. Army guys were all gone. I saw the Keanu guy lying in front of me wearing a solid white button up shirt (clean!) and black slacks (something you wear to a wedding??). He was passed out, but on top of him was this half brunt magazine (or newspaper) that read in big letters..... "A Groom man..10..........100 (yrs?)" I couldn't read what was in the middle part of that and am not sure what exactly was at the end, whether it was yrs, or years, but it was impressed on me that it represented 100 years.
I lifted up the small box where I hid the boy, but inside it was empty, he was gone. then I lifted up my box??? and I wasn't there either??? I saw an empty milk carton under it?? Then the Keanu guy woke up and grabbed the paper on him and turned it his way to read it before I could reread it.....
I asked him "What does it say?", but he didn't acknowledge me, he just looked in shock at the paper in his hand.
I asked him again louder. "What does it say?" but he still didn't hear me or look at me. Then I woke up.
This is what I woke up with and I was no longer tired at all! The buildings did look like something in Europe or Great Britain with the old fashioned stone/brick and trims, and they were all connected on each side.
At the time I couldn't remember what the actor's name was, but I referred to him as Neo until I could think up Keanu Reeves, no clue what the deal with that was. then I realized the paper had mentioned a Groom man, Groom had a capitalized G, which was weird, like it was a title/name. The Keanu guy was wearing a clean new tux suit without the jacket, but he couldn't see/hear me ( I don't think I was there, as I lifted my own box up to find myself??? Me and the boy were gone, but the Keanu guy was there lying on the burnt street.
So how was your morning?
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
A shade of fall and of Him.
So it's been awhile. But even though I don't feel up to writing tonight, I'm going to anyway...mostly because I may not get the time to later this week....and this week is all we have.
This is a story...a true story. And a witness. And a memory that still leaves me with a hidden grin. And a testimony.
It all started with a involving an 'idea' (yes, those tricky ideas will sneak up on you!) And it was a thought that hubby and I decided to consider 'oneday' being 1 day later (or maybe 2?) THIS showed up in the mail...which in fact was exactly involving that conversation, that crazy 'idea'.

A postcard, from a realtor, how nice. What a coincidence! Ah yes, something perhaps you would say....but me, oh no, me and my smart ass self decided it was awesome! So if you can remember I blogged about it on here...back at the end of July.
So there I was typing and saying how freaky cool it was for it to show up just after we had that conversation 'idea' and I thought it was a 'sign', because following Mr. OMG, INCREDIBLE's 'signs' is a good way to linger on the edge of insanity. But while I was typing being a smart ass and all, I was joking around about how if it was to actually 'mean' anything at all or for me to entertain this silly 'idea' than the boss man would have signed the card.
So in jest, I scanned over the card making sure there were no signatures relating to the boss man or Mr. OMG, INCREDIBLE. ... and of course there was not....HA! I almost started to laugh and get away with it all, that was until I flipped the card over.....

So I had another mini freak out...I think in my blog post you could probably tell as all that was happening at the same time I was writing about it.
So the boss man is kinda cool, and surely pushed me closer to the edge of hysterical laughter. It was a good freak out and kinda funny weird.
So no big deal right? Wrong.
That whole card led to another leg of the journey as we shall call it. Which involved house hunting and discovering (as if I didn't already know anyway, that houses are expensive and all the nice safe ones that aren't in need of dire repair are crazy expensive. HA! We'll never be able to buy anything! So I said.
But we looked for looking sakes...and found bunches of nothing except one, which I loved because it had pictures of the pretty trees in the front yard (taken in fall!) But way too expensive...of course. :( and calling it 'my house' wasn't going to just make the price drop....
Or would it? Because that is just what happened.
The price dropped...and we looked at it....
So there we were...looking at this house with the realtor guy...nice house, fancy, probably too fancy for us, oh look a room for my sewing junk, crafts, school, oh look, a spot for a garden....hmmm the garage door was locked when I attempted to open it, so I went about my way looking biggie.
then just before we were about to leave hubby came through the garage door...and I was thinking what in the world, how'd you get that open?! He said it was unlocked....yeah whatever.
So in this was a puke yellow color, with large poorly made cabinets in the back....
Mind you this house was like detailed cleaned garbage or trash lying around like in all those foreclosure houses..nope clean..
So these huge white cabinets are there all staring and such with this one little you see it...

There...that little circular sticker....the one standing out screaming HERE I AM!!....look closer....

He signed it....
I didn't quite do a freak out right there, as the realtor guy was there and that would totally be um...weird, haha (I do have to be careful I don't get burned at the stake too soon! geesh!)
So we went home....and we even attempted to look at some more houses....but 'my house' with my maple trees and pretty brick siding, and the awesome sticker in the garage that was placed there just for me was still lodged to our minds. (yay!)
And now....even though closing papers were NO freakin' fun at all! and I constantly had to remind hubby that it will all work out because this is where the boss man is bringing us....because this is His doing...because if I were to believe on anything it would be Him and His insane freaky 'omg, I'm going to pee on myself', and believe me, it is all HIS fault greatness. God rules. That includes Jesus Christ...kinda the same person, duh.
Anyway....let me add more to this....
So we were moving..and letting others know. In a subtle way, no need to tell them how awesome God was being...they should already know that....
And then the doomsdayers come out and have a mini stroke because ah!!! you will get quarantined in the city! there's big bad robbers and germs! Oh no! There will be people! Ah!
God help me....I really really really will do whatever I can to contain the contradictory blazing sword that wants to lash out from my tongue....and I succeeded....until now.
Of course, the awesome people who really know what it means to fully entirely 'trust on the Lord' didn't have anything but 'oh my goodness, how awesome!'s to share! which was great, because I wouldn't be too sure if some of the last few people would be spared from my fire.
So here's the thing that bothers me the most....not anymore, but at the time....
1:The boss man will put me where He pleases...and wherever it is, it will be in His arms. He's got this, don't worry about the big bad robbers or germs. Not your job, it's His.....I don't do life changing events unless the boss man handles it all....and leads the way. I'm not a chicken, but He does it better than I ever could. Our lives are in His hands...surely He can care for us, better than ourselves.
2:I have this overwhelming feeling that there is serious work that needs done soon. Huge, serious work....I don't know what it is yet, or when...but this is where we need to be.
3:Every night...before I fall asleep (yeah, I get tired! Lol) my head rests on His lap. He's here....and no matter whether the end of the world comes or trials, or fears, or death, or pain. Being there is why I'm still willing to say yes and accept anything He will give. No fear. Not even if the city gets quarantined, lol. Ok, especially then ;)...cause I have a job to do. He needs me here for something. I'll be here and I'll be ready.
Want to know what disturbs me?...... the fact that some of the people who claim to love Him the most hide theirselves away. for a time is great....but I find that some are not willing to shine that light for fear they will lose it. Silly stars...all hiding behind that veil of clouds...silly stars. Does not the ocean cause you to dance for Him? Dive in.....
He plunged me to victory, beneath the rising flood.....'s get off that subject.
How about work...sewing work...I finished 2 long dreaded dresses in like 5 days (go me!)
You'd think I would just go tackle them to get them done...but nope..I'm one that will find anything to do that does not mean sewing, lol.
Of course, now I'm kinda broke, so that idea doesn't count right now....ugh.
Still have orders to complete. I'll get to them tomorrow. For reals.
I watched this youtube video today that was kinda eerie, yet totally reminded me of how the boss man works....makes me wonder if all this feeling of having to 'get to work' soon has something to do with it. Does anyone else have this feeling? Like some serious stuff is going down and it's about to get beyond exciting....not necessarily in a good way, but not in a bad way either...idk....I wouldn't doubt if the feeling gets stronger throughout this week...with it being this type of week and all....something is up. Just be assured, don't hesitate or delay thinking you have you don't, none of us do.....precious precious time.
Light bright the arrows...and carry us upwards, unto your throne.
Did I mention it is now fall....I have leaves in my yard everyday...and on the driveway.....and before too long...those shades of color will dance upon my doorstep...My beautiful trees...
This is a story...a true story. And a witness. And a memory that still leaves me with a hidden grin. And a testimony.
It all started with a involving an 'idea' (yes, those tricky ideas will sneak up on you!) And it was a thought that hubby and I decided to consider 'oneday' being 1 day later (or maybe 2?) THIS showed up in the mail...which in fact was exactly involving that conversation, that crazy 'idea'.
A postcard, from a realtor, how nice. What a coincidence! Ah yes, something perhaps you would say....but me, oh no, me and my smart ass self decided it was awesome! So if you can remember I blogged about it on here...back at the end of July.
So there I was typing and saying how freaky cool it was for it to show up just after we had that conversation 'idea' and I thought it was a 'sign', because following Mr. OMG, INCREDIBLE's 'signs' is a good way to linger on the edge of insanity. But while I was typing being a smart ass and all, I was joking around about how if it was to actually 'mean' anything at all or for me to entertain this silly 'idea' than the boss man would have signed the card.
So in jest, I scanned over the card making sure there were no signatures relating to the boss man or Mr. OMG, INCREDIBLE. ... and of course there was not....HA! I almost started to laugh and get away with it all, that was until I flipped the card over.....
So I had another mini freak out...I think in my blog post you could probably tell as all that was happening at the same time I was writing about it.
So the boss man is kinda cool, and surely pushed me closer to the edge of hysterical laughter. It was a good freak out and kinda funny weird.
So no big deal right? Wrong.
That whole card led to another leg of the journey as we shall call it. Which involved house hunting and discovering (as if I didn't already know anyway, that houses are expensive and all the nice safe ones that aren't in need of dire repair are crazy expensive. HA! We'll never be able to buy anything! So I said.
But we looked for looking sakes...and found bunches of nothing except one, which I loved because it had pictures of the pretty trees in the front yard (taken in fall!) But way too expensive...of course. :( and calling it 'my house' wasn't going to just make the price drop....
Or would it? Because that is just what happened.
The price dropped...and we looked at it....
So there we were...looking at this house with the realtor guy...nice house, fancy, probably too fancy for us, oh look a room for my sewing junk, crafts, school, oh look, a spot for a garden....hmmm the garage door was locked when I attempted to open it, so I went about my way looking biggie.
then just before we were about to leave hubby came through the garage door...and I was thinking what in the world, how'd you get that open?! He said it was unlocked....yeah whatever.
So in this was a puke yellow color, with large poorly made cabinets in the back....
Mind you this house was like detailed cleaned garbage or trash lying around like in all those foreclosure houses..nope clean..
So these huge white cabinets are there all staring and such with this one little you see it...
There...that little circular sticker....the one standing out screaming HERE I AM!!....look closer....
He signed it....
I didn't quite do a freak out right there, as the realtor guy was there and that would totally be um...weird, haha (I do have to be careful I don't get burned at the stake too soon! geesh!)
So we went home....and we even attempted to look at some more houses....but 'my house' with my maple trees and pretty brick siding, and the awesome sticker in the garage that was placed there just for me was still lodged to our minds. (yay!)
And now....even though closing papers were NO freakin' fun at all! and I constantly had to remind hubby that it will all work out because this is where the boss man is bringing us....because this is His doing...because if I were to believe on anything it would be Him and His insane freaky 'omg, I'm going to pee on myself', and believe me, it is all HIS fault greatness. God rules. That includes Jesus Christ...kinda the same person, duh.
Anyway....let me add more to this....
So we were moving..and letting others know. In a subtle way, no need to tell them how awesome God was being...they should already know that....
And then the doomsdayers come out and have a mini stroke because ah!!! you will get quarantined in the city! there's big bad robbers and germs! Oh no! There will be people! Ah!
God help me....I really really really will do whatever I can to contain the contradictory blazing sword that wants to lash out from my tongue....and I succeeded....until now.
Of course, the awesome people who really know what it means to fully entirely 'trust on the Lord' didn't have anything but 'oh my goodness, how awesome!'s to share! which was great, because I wouldn't be too sure if some of the last few people would be spared from my fire.
So here's the thing that bothers me the most....not anymore, but at the time....
1:The boss man will put me where He pleases...and wherever it is, it will be in His arms. He's got this, don't worry about the big bad robbers or germs. Not your job, it's His.....I don't do life changing events unless the boss man handles it all....and leads the way. I'm not a chicken, but He does it better than I ever could. Our lives are in His hands...surely He can care for us, better than ourselves.
2:I have this overwhelming feeling that there is serious work that needs done soon. Huge, serious work....I don't know what it is yet, or when...but this is where we need to be.
3:Every night...before I fall asleep (yeah, I get tired! Lol) my head rests on His lap. He's here....and no matter whether the end of the world comes or trials, or fears, or death, or pain. Being there is why I'm still willing to say yes and accept anything He will give. No fear. Not even if the city gets quarantined, lol. Ok, especially then ;)...cause I have a job to do. He needs me here for something. I'll be here and I'll be ready.
Want to know what disturbs me?...... the fact that some of the people who claim to love Him the most hide theirselves away. for a time is great....but I find that some are not willing to shine that light for fear they will lose it. Silly stars...all hiding behind that veil of clouds...silly stars. Does not the ocean cause you to dance for Him? Dive in.....
He plunged me to victory, beneath the rising flood.....'s get off that subject.
How about work...sewing work...I finished 2 long dreaded dresses in like 5 days (go me!)
You'd think I would just go tackle them to get them done...but nope..I'm one that will find anything to do that does not mean sewing, lol.
Of course, now I'm kinda broke, so that idea doesn't count right now....ugh.
Still have orders to complete. I'll get to them tomorrow. For reals.
I watched this youtube video today that was kinda eerie, yet totally reminded me of how the boss man works....makes me wonder if all this feeling of having to 'get to work' soon has something to do with it. Does anyone else have this feeling? Like some serious stuff is going down and it's about to get beyond exciting....not necessarily in a good way, but not in a bad way either...idk....I wouldn't doubt if the feeling gets stronger throughout this week...with it being this type of week and all....something is up. Just be assured, don't hesitate or delay thinking you have you don't, none of us do.....precious precious time.
Light bright the arrows...and carry us upwards, unto your throne.
Did I mention it is now fall....I have leaves in my yard everyday...and on the driveway.....and before too long...those shades of color will dance upon my doorstep...My beautiful trees...
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