This is a story...a true story. And a witness. And a memory that still leaves me with a hidden grin. And a testimony.
It all started with a involving an 'idea' (yes, those tricky ideas will sneak up on you!) And it was a thought that hubby and I decided to consider 'oneday' being 1 day later (or maybe 2?) THIS showed up in the mail...which in fact was exactly involving that conversation, that crazy 'idea'.
A postcard, from a realtor, how nice. What a coincidence! Ah yes, something perhaps you would say....but me, oh no, me and my smart ass self decided it was awesome! So if you can remember I blogged about it on here...back at the end of July.
So there I was typing and saying how freaky cool it was for it to show up just after we had that conversation 'idea' and I thought it was a 'sign', because following Mr. OMG, INCREDIBLE's 'signs' is a good way to linger on the edge of insanity. But while I was typing being a smart ass and all, I was joking around about how if it was to actually 'mean' anything at all or for me to entertain this silly 'idea' than the boss man would have signed the card.
So in jest, I scanned over the card making sure there were no signatures relating to the boss man or Mr. OMG, INCREDIBLE. ... and of course there was not....HA! I almost started to laugh and get away with it all, that was until I flipped the card over.....
So I had another mini freak out...I think in my blog post you could probably tell as all that was happening at the same time I was writing about it.
So the boss man is kinda cool, and surely pushed me closer to the edge of hysterical laughter. It was a good freak out and kinda funny weird.
So no big deal right? Wrong.
That whole card led to another leg of the journey as we shall call it. Which involved house hunting and discovering (as if I didn't already know anyway, that houses are expensive and all the nice safe ones that aren't in need of dire repair are crazy expensive. HA! We'll never be able to buy anything! So I said.
But we looked for looking sakes...and found bunches of nothing except one, which I loved because it had pictures of the pretty trees in the front yard (taken in fall!) But way too expensive...of course. :( and calling it 'my house' wasn't going to just make the price drop....
Or would it? Because that is just what happened.
The price dropped...and we looked at it....
So there we were...looking at this house with the realtor guy...nice house, fancy, probably too fancy for us, oh look a room for my sewing junk, crafts, school, oh look, a spot for a garden....hmmm the garage door was locked when I attempted to open it, so I went about my way looking biggie.
then just before we were about to leave hubby came through the garage door...and I was thinking what in the world, how'd you get that open?! He said it was unlocked....yeah whatever.
So in this was a puke yellow color, with large poorly made cabinets in the back....
Mind you this house was like detailed cleaned garbage or trash lying around like in all those foreclosure houses..nope clean..
So these huge white cabinets are there all staring and such with this one little you see it...
There...that little circular sticker....the one standing out screaming HERE I AM!!....look closer....
He signed it....
I didn't quite do a freak out right there, as the realtor guy was there and that would totally be um...weird, haha (I do have to be careful I don't get burned at the stake too soon! geesh!)
So we went home....and we even attempted to look at some more houses....but 'my house' with my maple trees and pretty brick siding, and the awesome sticker in the garage that was placed there just for me was still lodged to our minds. (yay!)
And now....even though closing papers were NO freakin' fun at all! and I constantly had to remind hubby that it will all work out because this is where the boss man is bringing us....because this is His doing...because if I were to believe on anything it would be Him and His insane freaky 'omg, I'm going to pee on myself', and believe me, it is all HIS fault greatness. God rules. That includes Jesus Christ...kinda the same person, duh.
Anyway....let me add more to this....
So we were moving..and letting others know. In a subtle way, no need to tell them how awesome God was being...they should already know that....
And then the doomsdayers come out and have a mini stroke because ah!!! you will get quarantined in the city! there's big bad robbers and germs! Oh no! There will be people! Ah!
God help me....I really really really will do whatever I can to contain the contradictory blazing sword that wants to lash out from my tongue....and I succeeded....until now.
Of course, the awesome people who really know what it means to fully entirely 'trust on the Lord' didn't have anything but 'oh my goodness, how awesome!'s to share! which was great, because I wouldn't be too sure if some of the last few people would be spared from my fire.
So here's the thing that bothers me the most....not anymore, but at the time....
1:The boss man will put me where He pleases...and wherever it is, it will be in His arms. He's got this, don't worry about the big bad robbers or germs. Not your job, it's His.....I don't do life changing events unless the boss man handles it all....and leads the way. I'm not a chicken, but He does it better than I ever could. Our lives are in His hands...surely He can care for us, better than ourselves.
2:I have this overwhelming feeling that there is serious work that needs done soon. Huge, serious work....I don't know what it is yet, or when...but this is where we need to be.
3:Every night...before I fall asleep (yeah, I get tired! Lol) my head rests on His lap. He's here....and no matter whether the end of the world comes or trials, or fears, or death, or pain. Being there is why I'm still willing to say yes and accept anything He will give. No fear. Not even if the city gets quarantined, lol. Ok, especially then ;)...cause I have a job to do. He needs me here for something. I'll be here and I'll be ready.
Want to know what disturbs me?...... the fact that some of the people who claim to love Him the most hide theirselves away. for a time is great....but I find that some are not willing to shine that light for fear they will lose it. Silly stars...all hiding behind that veil of clouds...silly stars. Does not the ocean cause you to dance for Him? Dive in.....
He plunged me to victory, beneath the rising flood.....'s get off that subject.
How about work...sewing work...I finished 2 long dreaded dresses in like 5 days (go me!)
You'd think I would just go tackle them to get them done...but nope..I'm one that will find anything to do that does not mean sewing, lol.
Of course, now I'm kinda broke, so that idea doesn't count right now....ugh.
Still have orders to complete. I'll get to them tomorrow. For reals.
I watched this youtube video today that was kinda eerie, yet totally reminded me of how the boss man works....makes me wonder if all this feeling of having to 'get to work' soon has something to do with it. Does anyone else have this feeling? Like some serious stuff is going down and it's about to get beyond exciting....not necessarily in a good way, but not in a bad way either...idk....I wouldn't doubt if the feeling gets stronger throughout this week...with it being this type of week and all....something is up. Just be assured, don't hesitate or delay thinking you have you don't, none of us do.....precious precious time.
Light bright the arrows...and carry us upwards, unto your throne.
Did I mention it is now fall....I have leaves in my yard everyday...and on the driveway.....and before too long...those shades of color will dance upon my doorstep...My beautiful trees...
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