Monday night. The last 4 days have been something more than turbulent. Tomorrow is sure to hold more of the same, but perhaps (at least hoping) not so strenuous. Laundry...yeah, I can handle that. Schoolwork, sure. Sewing work.....let's just really try to get those 2 sets finished. Everything else besides dinner will have to be placed on hold.
Well, unless something really awesome shows up that steals my focus. Yeah, that would be ok I guess.
I'm sure there is more that needs to be added to tomorrow's to-do list. But for some reason I find that actually making the to-do list only keeps you from forgetting what needs done, but doesn't actually help in the accomplishment of such matters. Too bad.
I thought I was going to write about something cool tonight, but I just realized it is later than I thought and I would much rather go to sleep. So I'll try this again tomorrow, lol.....if I can find the time anyway.
See ya! :P
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