Monday, October 29, 2012

How come my 'yay' 's are all underlined in red?

Some people just need slapped.
Mainly those who appear to be legit people, but you find them truthfully to be rather rude and indigent....or whatever that word is...
Those type people slowly cause me to turn into a very unfriendly and very unaccommodating person. I guess this is a sign to sear my way in the direction I need to go and not hesitate to set fire to those whom can't handle the heat.
Let them burn.
Last thing I'm going to do is miss an opportunity because I was being too nice and understanding with someone else's stupidity.

Whew! That feels better.....what else....
It's freaking cold outside!...and actually kinda chilly in here.... :P ...and no, not just my cold heart, haha.
Trick or treating may not be very fun unless I can come up with something extremely warm to wear! Brrr! Dang, the crap I go through to let the kids get candy I can't even eat...perfect.
I guess I can't compare that to that black dress I made in about 2 hours and spent $$ to buy fabric....all for a 15 minute photoshoot... Lol.... see where my priorities lie.... sorry but my wonderful Nikon was needing some time out of it's bag.
My long lost books are still lost, but was kind enough to resend out my order for free, and they will get here Wednesday..which is a problem because piano class was rescheduled to Wednesday and guess who won't be home....argh....and Fed Ex needs you to be home...and I was only waiting 45 days so far for these books and I definitely do not want to miss them!!!! Maybe reschedule the piano.... for the sake of my books?? Since I can't start on Book 3 until I'm sure Book 2 isn't messed up.....hrmmm

Hubby fixed the least temporarily, yay! Painted the boy's dresser...yay! Successfully accomplished school work for over a week without disruption...yay! It actually does go a lot smoother when you no longer keep a track record! Yay!
And I bought lots of seal-able canisters at hobby lobby last week....and in a few days, they will be filled with deliciousness! Like cookie stuff and muffin stuff and all that stuff that makes you excited that it's already pre mixed and it won't take near as long to prep and bake! Yay!
Of course though...this may make me fat....
Did you see the moon.....quite awesome this night I would say.
I would say if I had someone to say it to anyway....I'm so bored and lonely....and I should be working or at least preparing stuff to work tomorrow, which I had better freaking do or I'm going to slap myself. At least the applique work anyway gosh! I'm such a slacker, lol. I don't have time to do that crap right now.....well, maybe I do have time, but not time I'm willing to give. I may need to hire people again....this job sucks, haha.

I probably have more to say...but my hands are freezing, so I will wait until tomorrow when I can turn the heater on super high without getting ugly looks from the hubs.
Be at peace...and know that your redemption draweth nigh.

lol.....did you know that 11-6 upside down makes... 9-11... and it's election day...and Saturn is born out of Virgo.... something to think about...or research if you are having fun with the end of the world stuff and rapture and antichrist stuff.... No bad dreams lately though...unless you count the fact that last night I dreamt I had 2 of the same kid and one I found in a trash compacter??!!....whatever!

Later peeps!

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