Sunday, September 30, 2018

Philosophy of writing

As above, so below.
As within, so without.
As the universe, so your soul.

Ever get overdosed with something?
Absorbing so much that it makes you want to puke.
Like eating too much of something and then you regret it later on.
Then you realize you don't actually like what you ate in the first place.
And you wonder why you gorged yourself.
Or why you had to have just one more serving...
Just why...
there's the good and the bad and you still find your attention drawn in.
but you don't get the reward.
other than the knowledge and acknowledgement that you wasted your time.
that you abused your time, actually.
you abused your mind.
you abused your body, in the case that you ate too much.

so we sit here and reassess those actions
and take your attention and set it to intention
and make better choices for our time
for our mind
for our body, in the case of food.
and you don't waste time absorbing that which you can no longer absorb.
and you don't waste your mind rereading and relearning that which you already know.
and you don't abuse your body by eating more than enough, I'm mean really, the dog will eat the extra taco, yo. It's not going to waste.

and so everything 8 and below...
will have to go...
that includes facebook
.... I have all these cool groups...
but alas... the time has come for me to walk forward again
and I can't stay with them.
Time to venture into the dark.... I'll see you on the other side...
whenever you make it there.

that also includes farm heros saga...
dude, level 756 someodd...still hasn't gotten me anywhere...
but I do like the bulls that crash into the poppy things that look like little people.
and cooking.
I hate cooking. Why is this even a thing? Can't we all be plants or some shit.
I'm on the fence about stuff.
like objects.
I don't care for them, but I don't like empty shelves.
or empty walls.
... I do like empty countertops.... but do I ever have that...ugh NO!
probably other stuff I haven't yet realized needs to be listed here...

Chapter 29... just got there... but I haven't written anything for it yet, lol.
I'm struggling, because there's a lot of dialogue...and screenplays don't needs that much dialogue...and I keep telling myself this is a novel and they can talk all they want to.... but my brain is like, ok, that's enough talking, more action!
so now I'm like what can I add to make more Fuck. I have a threesome going on, but it's not that kind of book with all the personal and private details...and you want more action, LOL!!!  Use your fucking imagination, yo!
So yeah... I need to probably add in some fighting scenes... but I currently do not have an antagonist...
(that's a bad guy)
I have some set up for the the next book... but not currently...
and I don't want to make anyone out to be the bad guy with everyone who's available...
and I can't weaken any particular relationship between who I do have...
I in fact need to strengthen them... and that's hard to do without a bad guy...

no wonder we have bad people in the world.... it makes things work better...
I would be a villain, if I could choose my role. That sounds fun. shower... store... meeting at the math place... other store...
maybe something else...
....until I find a solution, cook
work orders tomorrow.
and sometime this week I need to go to that horrible place I call Joann's.
cause it's October, yo! Halloween is here!....and I need to tweak my costume.
and Hobby Lobby has failed me with a matching grey fabric color.

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